Hello everyone,

Results of the part 1 of the Creation Contest - Monster Edition

Here are the results of the GAMES2GETHER vote,

The winner is “Dust Anomaly” by TheMassive! Congratulations! You will receive:
  • A unique Amplitude Forum Badge
  • Your name in the credits of the game
  • A unique Dungeon of the Endless t-shirt featuring the Monster
  • 3 copies of the Founder Pack to play co-op with your friends

Monster behaviour

Here's a description of the "Dust Anomaly" (codename!) behaviour: Sits in an unpowered room for a short period of time, then disappears (a ping is shown to indicate its location). If killed by the player, gives a Dust bonus.

Gameplay rationale

Forces the player to come out of their defences to loot the bonus before it disappears.

  • HP max: 3
  • Defence: 4
  • Movement Speed: 1
  • DPS: 1
  • Attack Range: 4

Part 2 – Visual and Background

The Brief

Now, we have the gameplay of the monster, imagine the visual but also the name and the lore of the monster created by TheMassive (see above). Which creature or robot or whatever would not try to destroy your defences or your Crystal but give you a good amount of Dust when it dies?

The Entries

Your proposals must include:
  • Name
  • Visual concept (use the style and the technique of your choice)
  • (Optional) Background / Lore description

To keep a visual coherence in the game, our pixel Artist, Simon, will then draw the final sprites, based on the content provided by the winner.

The Rules
  • The proposals need to be in English
  • You may submit several entries but are limited to three (in one post)
  • Amplitude will pick the 3 finalists who will move on to a G2G vote phase


The deadline is set to December 2nd at 5 PM. (CEST)

  • Use the existing elements of the game (creatures, environment, lore) to create a monster coherent with the game background
  • Take into account every element of the monster created by TheMassive (except code name) including the stats

As a reminder, the winner will receive:
  • A unique Amplitude Forum Badge
  • Her/his name in the credits of the game
  • A unique Dungeon of the Endless t-shirt featuring the Monster
  • 3 copies of the Founder Pack to play co-op with friends

Please note that Amplitude reserves the right to modify the 3 proposals and will work with the winners to finalise the design and adapt it to development constraints.

Good luck everyone!