Hey everyone,

We gather every day more and more feedback to improve Dungeon of the Endless and are really thankful for it. In this blog post, we wanted to let you know what we are working on at the moment, for the next patch, but also what we plan for the upcoming weeks as well, in terms of short term priorities.

The Next Update

We've had several reports on the Endless Legend Emperor/Founder bonus missing in Dungeon of the Endless. We once again sincerely apologise for the inconvenience: we already fixed this issue but while other improvements are being tested by our QA team, we thought we'd rather wait before releasing a patch. Something new as well, to make it slightly more obvious, we decided to unlock automatically the Founder heroes: Josh (DotE Founder) and Kreyang (EL Emperor [ex-Founder]).

  • Endless Legend Emperor pack unlocks (Kreyang, Refreezerator)
  • New resolution options
  • Windowed mode
  • Heroes groups shortcut
  • First version of auto-save in case of crashes (solo)
  • Three G2G achievements
  • Chat in game over and victory panels
  • Fixed several issues with items duplicating and merchant
  • Fixed several issues with multiplayer (and regional filters in the lobby)
  • Fixed several issues with environments and lights

We’re still waiting for the approval of our QA team and VIPs before releasing this, but we're sure it will be available soon (next week, hopefully).

Short Term Priorities

Here's a short list of improvements you should expect to see in DotE in the next few weeks:
  • Exchange items in Multiplayer mode
  • Set private games in Multiplayer mode
  • Ability to rebind keys (could fixes problem with special keyboard like mac)
  • G2G spaceship: the Bio-Organic Pod

Have a nice weekend!