Hey everyone,

There's been so much going on recently at Amplitude:
  • New offices
  • Beer2Gether in Paris, pretty much a house-warming party, to meet our French players
  • Echoes of the Endless release, which you all seem to have enjoyed: it aimed at bringing more life into the ES universe with exploration rewards, galaxy anomalies, interactive random events, enhanced diplomacy, wonders, etc.
  • Steam free weekend, with an exciting community and rewards. We registered a bit more than 150,000 unique players, which was really impressive and allowed you guys to unlock extra content, which we will deliver in some other special add-on.

Before we all go on holiday, sleep a bit and eat a lot of chocolate, we have prepared a little something for you we would like you to look for: "Polaris", Endless Space's third add-on. It will include:

Steam Features
  • Steam Achievements, including ones created and voted by the community
  • Steam Cloud

Community Feedback & Balancing
  • Faction traits refactored (Link to thread)
  • Option to hide exploration flags in the galaxy view - Enhanced exploration
  • No pirates option - No pirate should spawn in game and this include random events

Holiday Special
  • New Wonder
  • New Hero

Surprise Features

We will be giving out more info on the content in the upcoming days! So stay tuned! smiley: smile