Enjoy these three simultaneous updates on all our games: Endless Space, Dungeon of the Endless and Endless Legend. We might have more surprises for you, but you'll have to be patient.


On this day, Endless technology lights up and strange things appear in the ruins all across Auriga, and even throughout the galaxy as the Archivist, Emlek Tarosh, fulfills its duty.

Release notes [1.1.54]

  • Unlocked the Vaulters faction to all Disharmony owners


On this day, Endless technology lights up and strange things appear in the ruins all across Auriga, and even throughout the galaxy as the Archivist, Esseb Tarosh, fulfills its duty.

Release Notes [1.0.40]

  • Improved the multiplayer mode stability: optimisation of bandwidth usage to reduce impact of bad connections (high packet loss rate) on game sync and avoid disconnections
  • Optimised lighting system and memory usage: the game should perform better and experience less crashes
  • Improved auto-save feature: it is now functional if a crash occurs during the elevator phase
  • Improved our save system: players with save issues should be able to save their games in this version
  • Added a backup system between game versions: if there is an incompatibility between your save and a new version, your save will not be lost and you’ll just have to restart your current level
  • Added resolution mode options: pixel perfect, border (not stretched) and no border (stretched) modes
  • Improved tactical map transition
  • Added sound effects for the Pug hero, Ayairi Whairydd

  • Fixed some multiplayer issues (locking players in the lobby when the host is having connection problems and variable synchronisations amongst other things)
  • Fixed issues with our lighting system and DX11 compatibility
  • Fixed achievements that were wrongly unlocked after a save
  • Fixed keyboard shortcut issues on Mac (Note: there is a known issue in Unity (our game engine) with special characters on the numeric keys, which prevent some foreign users to use them to select heroes for example)
  • Fixed Autodoc Shards tooltip values

We changed some critical assets in this version and old saves will not be compatible with this version. The new backup system will restart from the beginning your current level.


On this day, Endless technology lights up and strange things appear in the ruins all across Auriga, and even throughout the galaxy as the Archivist, Eslek Tarosh, fulfils its duty.

Release Notes [1.0.30]


  • Added a tooltip with the total output when colonising a new region or extending a city [G2GVote]
  • Increased vision height value of ridges from 2 to 4
  • Reduced of 1 vision range bonus of the City Hall default city improvement at city creation
  • Reduced of 1 vision range of extractors region buildings
  • Settlers are now Infantry units
  • Added abilities to Quest weapons and shields
  • Added the Vaccination ability to the Proliferator unit (when targeting an ally, it makes them immune to any disease)
  • Removed warnings and compliments from the computation of the Diplomacy victory
  • Balanced the Chain Lightning ability
  • Slightly improved default level of army units spawning through quests, based on current turn and game speed
  • Balanced the AI targeting rules
  • Balanced the whole AI for the diplomacy: it should be easier to have a consistent relationship with the AI
  • Added more variety to AI empire armies
  • Enabled the force truce/peace/alliance for the AI when playing the Drakken
  • The AI empires can retrofit heroes' weapons, armours and accessories
  • Reduced the AI trade heuristics for Spices and Dust Orchid
  • Improved the ridges and cliffs visuals
  • Optimised the size of some textures
  • Changed the name of the soundtrack folder (in order to be readable by the Steam music player)

  • Fixed an issue where an "Out of Range Exception" can occur with certain saves
  • Fixed an issue where an assert is displayed when loading a save with a commander having lost its army
  • Fixed an issue where an assert is displayed when an AI empire computes the income of an invalid trade route
  • Fixed an issue where an assert is displayed when trying to open the city view after conquering a city
  • Fixed an issue where an assert is displayed when one city along the trade route was razed during the turn (this happens when minor factions or Cultists attack and raze a city)
  • Fixed an issue where an assert can be generated sometimes by the simulation when displaying a tooltip
  • Fixed an issue where Game creation fails after loading a mod or resetting to default
  • Fixed an issue where a skippable assert generated in late game, at the beginning of the turn in a multiplayer session
  • Fixed an issue where a skippable assert is generated when the player exits to menu, while a unit receives damage in combat
  • Fixed an issue where a stuck situation is encountered when loading the session
  • Fixed an issue where a dead lock between encounters can occur

  • Fixed an issue where the battle is stuck when using the reset deployment button
  • Fixed an issue where the battle unit does not move when the target is inaccessible
  • Fixed an issue where Settlers do not attack during manual combat
  • Fixed an issue where the Militia does not get XP per turn
  • Fixed an issue where the Militia is not available at the creation of a city
  • Fixed an issue where Militia units do not participate in battles to defend cities
  • Fixed an issue where the Charge ability gives a bonus when the unit does not move
  • Fixed an issue where the Proliferator unit can create new units for the opponent
  • Fixed an issue where units garrisoned in converted villages do not receive XP per turn although the tooltip states otherwise
  • Fixed an issue where assimilating a new faction costs the same as replacing an assimilated one
  • Fixed an issue where Districts are not prioritised as drop locations whenever armies are teleported to a city
  • Fixed an issue where the building buyout and population buyout do not use real resources
  • Fixed an issue where city improvements can be destroyed instantly during a siege before the city is captured
  • Fixed an issue where the Highway improvement does not override the tile cost
  • Fixed an issue where Tier 3 military plan and Cannon Fodder trait reduce army cost to 0 for Necrophages
  • Fixed an issue where the cost for the first pillars/spells for Ardent Mage faction is wrong (used to be 10 instead of 6)
  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip when recruiting heroes is disabled because of a market ban in the Academy screen
  • Fixed an issue with the spawned armies in the Broken Lords faction quest chapter 6 and 7
  • Fixed an issue where the player cannot complete the Broken Lords chapter 7alt step 1 of the "Death or Glory" quest
  • Fixed an issue where the Broken Lords chapter 3 "Perilous Frontiers" cannot be completed by colonising new regions if the first city is placed in a low Dust income area
  • Fixed an issue where the Scepter of Auir is displayed as a ring in its tooltip
  • Fixed an issue where quest armies are stuck on water tiles, making quests unfinishable
  • Fixed an issue where loading/saving/loading too much could solve quests
  • Fixed an issue where the "Digging In" quest cannot be completed when the game was saved before pacifying any village
  • Fixed an issue where the "Manual Labour" quest can be triggered without at least 1 Delvers village in the neighbouring regions
  • Fixed an issue where unequipping two-handed weapons, shields and armour will automatically unequip items in different slots
  • Fixed an issue where default two-handed items are not reset when removing the left hand part
  • Fixed an issue where removing a torso item by drag and dropping it in the middle of the panel, the head armour is also removed
  • Fixed an issue where the same item can be received multiple times as either a quest reward or when searching ruins
  • Fixed an issue where AI empires are able to search unavailable technologies
  • Fixed an issue where several luxury resources do not modify the AI deal attitude bar during trade
  • Fixed an issue where AI prioritises Borough streets instead of less expensive improvements in newly built cities
  • Fixed an issue where AI major factions besiege the closest city to their empire regardless of the odds of success during war
  • Fixed an issue where Advanced Diarchy trait has same tooltip info twice
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong icon is displayed for the Sweep Strike Back 3 ability
  • Fixed an issue where the Truce icon is too large on the Diplomatic screen
  • Fixed an issue where the player receives a notification informing him/her that he must colonise a region when an AI has to colonise a region or be eliminated