Hi everyone,
We apologise if we have been quiet these days.

[DotE] Progress Report
We wanted to share with you the latest progress report with the development of Dungeon of the Endless. Indeed, we have been super proud to reach the Beta recently and would like to reassure some of you, longing for the next update!
We have been rather quiet for mainly two simple reasons: some of us have been away or will be soon going on holiday, but also to show and talk about our games at Gamescom (Germany) and Unite (USA). This requires a lot of organisation on our side and we're just working really hard to get a game build ready (it's always nice to show a new version of the game at an event!). Secondly, as you all know, we've recently reached the Beta and have started the implementation of some heavy features:
- Co-op multiplayer mode: after several gameplay iterations, we're starting to have something that is quite enjoyable! We're currently fixing several bugs before we can release it in a public update. We still have several improvements we'd like to implement as well but yeah, we're getting there
- Tactical map: AT LAST. And it's working too, but we're still working on the visuals
- Improved Crystal phase: we're testing several changes with the VIPs
- A score journal: work in progress
- Several improvements: we've implemented several small improvements requested by the community (but we'll let you know in due time!)
- The remaining promised game content: we're not going to shed a tear, but we've added the last heroes and environment for the release
- Balancing: singleplayer and multiplayer, but also spaceship wise (we should be working on that in the long run, until the release)
Tl;dr: there's still a lot to come but you'll have to wait a little before you can try out the new additions/changes.

Stay tuned however: we might have cool surprises for you.

[G2G] Endless Legend Minor Faction & DotE Spaceship
Endless Legend
This past week, we have asked you to vote for the Eyeless Ones (minor faction) gameplay that will be added to Endless Legend: Gameplay 2 won with 856170 POINTS!

Dungeon of the Endless
This week, we're going back to the spaceship creation contest. Choose the winner of the 2nd Part of the Dungeon of the Endless Spaceship Creation Contest! The Name and Lore:

Second part: choose the winner of the 2nd Part of the Dungeon of the Endless Spaceship Creation Contest! The Art!

Congratulations to all the participants. There were some very original (and funny) submissions that it was difficult to make a choice!