Hey guys,

We got back a few days ago from the Penny Arcade Expo (aka PAX East), that took place in Boston from April 11th-13th. We had a blast (as always, I would say!). The fun thing about public events is that we get to meet tons of players, who knew about the company and our games, but also others who were just passing by and saw the trailer and thought it was cool.

Kaboomer and myself were attending the event to show Dungeon of the Endless mainly, and one laptop: Endless Legend. Exciting stuff because this was basically the first time we were showing EL to the public (we did show the game at the Game Developers Conference but the event is mostly for people in the game industry). Both games got tons of interest which of course is always very very touching for us: after months and months of on-going development, revealing the game and seeing the players' reactions, compliments or criticism feels like an achievement.

We are getting close to the release of Endless Legend... And you can imagine how busy we are but let me just tell you the wait won't be long now. smiley: smile

Anyway, to get back on topic, I'll be sharing below some pictures taken at the event. It was extremely tiring but hey, meeting our players definitely helps us forgetting about the jetlag and stress.

Setting up the booth

Our first Endless Legend fan! This player stayed at the booth at the end of the first day (before they start kick people out of the convention center!) but I think he managed to play two games! smiley: biggrin

Kaboomer showing the game to people: they all seemed so into it!

Waiting for our appearance on the Twitch.tv stream. Here's a link: we appear at 02:20:45 or so, but we only talk about DotE. I wasn't actually speaking because I had completely lost my voice after the first two days at PAX. :x Only starting to recover now!

All the PCs on the booth were taken most of the time. smiley: smile

Kaboomer on an interview.

Me and Kaboomer, chit chatting with people, before the opening of the showfloor to the public.

And yeah, you could guess that we had an amazing time. smiley: smile Hopefully, we'll be able to attend more events and cool games to show!

smiley: amplitude