Hi everyone,

We have some very interesting news to share with you. It’s about Endless Legend. smiley: smile

Indeed, we are looking for three exceptional volunteers who will have the painful task of testing our pre-alpha version. Here are more details on this torture:
  • We will invite you to our office, in Paris, France
  • You will meet the Amplitude team and visit the studio
  • You will share a meal with us and a Beer2Gether in the evening at the studio
  • We will cover the cost of the train/flight and accommodation (one night from Friday 28th to March 1st)
  • You will playtest the pre-alpha version of Endless Legend while a member of the dev team asks you some questions

Sounds awful, right? But before you all apply, we need to inform you on our conditions:
  • You need to be 18 or older
  • The competition is open to anyone except Amplitude Studios’ personnel and their family, affiliates or business partners, members of the press or video game affiliates
  • You need to be fluent in either English or French
  • Please make sure you have your travel papers in order (passport ready? look into visas etc.) as we won't be responsible for that
  • You need to be at Amplitude Studios’ office in Paris, on Friday 28th of February 2014, 10 am (your goal is to arrive on that day to playtest with the others!)
  • NDA: yup, what happens at Amplitude Studios stays at Amplitude Studios. We’ll share more details on that if needed

Guidelines: write to us with a valid email address your basic info (name, forums username, date of birth, address and profession), at playtest [at] amplitude-studios.com, a quick sum-up (less than 300 words, please!):
  • Why would you like to playtest Endless Legend?
  • What’s your experience (if we can call it like this!) in strategy games?
  • Have you played Endless Space? If so, how many hours?

There are no wrong answers, so just be honest and we will consider your application.

The deadline for submissions is February 9th, 2014, at 23:59 pm (GTM +1).

We will announce the three winners on February 12th, 2014 and will contact you as soon as possible to sort out some details.

Please do not submit your details if you don’t meet the requirements listed above. Thank you.

smiley: amplitude