[G2G] Dungeon of the Endless Feature Priority Vote

Hello everyone!

It's the end of the Dungeon of the Endless Feature Priority vote. We received 120 propositions of monsters, what an army! smiley: smile

With 1212210 points, the element that will be implemented in a future update for the multiplayer is the "Tactical Markers"!

[G2G] Monster Contest Part 1 Vote 

Here begins the new vote, you can choose which monster will be implemented in the game! The vote will end Monday.


The winner of the part 1 will receive:

  • A unique Amplitude Forum Badge
  • His name in the credits of the game
  • A unique Dungeon of the Endless t-shirt featuring the Monster
  • 3 copies of the Founder Pack to play co-op with friends

The second part of the contest will start once we get our G2G winners, the design of the monsters. We will communicate about it soon.



We gathered and discussed your ideas. It was tough! We'd like to give a special mention to the players and their monster who almost made it:

  • Dustlurker made by Frogomat
  • EMPeror made by kartuo
  • Bad Company made by melkathi
  • Swamp raider made by Lynx_gnt
  • Sunami made by Think_Blindly

We got a lot of really amazing ideas! smiley: approval We decided to pick the monsters that affect the strategic choices. We also took care about the technical possibilities.

We'll keep all your suggestions, it might be useful in the future!

Good luck!

smiley: amplitude