Hi everyone,
I just got back from the Unite in Vancouver where I have had the honour of receiving two Unity awards (pictures here!). I must say I have been going through the submissions for the #BEHINDTHEDOOR contest we organised a few weeks ago and have been quite amused and surprised by the replies. We do have our three winners...
Surprisingly, znork, one our VIPs, was the closest to the answer. Note that at the time, we kept secret the teasers and even our VIPs didn't get a chance to find out what was behind that door.
Grump Grogh (Znork):
znork wrote:
Grump Grogh. His beein hiding in his dungeon for years and hade a nice life. he was just about to eat breakfast when somebody crashed in too his cave and just shot him. Grump Grogh became 154 years old that would be like 96 earth years wiche would be about 25% of his expected life span. Grump Grogh hade wanted to a cave monster all his life. But he was killed a life wasted a dream broken. we will never know what Grump Grogh could have been. Now his frinds are realy pissed off and want revange!
Quite refreshing: we found that the submission made by oasis_zer0 was the most creative one.
oasis_zer0 wrote:
"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche.
The three of them had different reasons for signing in the first place. One signed on out of despair; the veteran found himself aboard a penal transport after years of military service and because he had no other place to go. One signed on out of anger; the sick one found that as long as it was inmates they tortured, society did not care. One signed on out of love, the hopeful one fervently believed their brother was innocent and by accompanying their brother, they could protect him. The mutiny aboard the transport may have drastically changed the lives of hundreds, and in years to come would later effect millions. But for three souls, the mutiny was only the beginning and the least of their worries. As the ship fell from space, a few resourceful inmates had managed to hack the NavSystem of the escape pod and diverted it to an unexplored planet nearby. Entry to the planet was everything but gentle. Landing was no better and with a bone splintering crash they came to a screeching halt. With no time to even assess all of their wounds or get their bearings, the door they had passed through no more than 5 minutes ago, the same door that once was their life line and promised a life away from the mutinous crew, that door now came to life as something on the other side beat and clawed on the outside. To the three souls, behind the other side of the door lay uncertainty and dread. As the bravest of the three opened the door and shot his side arm at the first thing that moved, diplomacy started between the three and the secrets within the alien world. When the escape pod fell to the planet, it fell onto the alien equivalent of a witch doctor. The banging and roaring was the witch doctor's child, a barely sentient animal struggling with the death of it's only parent by a strange metal "animal". And when that "animal" opened up to reveal another "animal" inside, the diplomacy was quick. The diplomacy started out of the barrel of a pistol moving at 560 feet per second. The repercussions would spread across the galaxy as word was passed from person to person, 'three people responsible for the xenophobic massacre on a sentient species struggling to eke out an existence on an unexplored planet.'
I must say that I am personally offended that my co-workers voted for that, but hey, here it is: The Steph Monster by Advans3B:
Congratulations to all of them! We will contact the winners and send them their prizes: the Dungeon of the Endless T-Shirt and a signed poster.
So what was behind that door after all? If you put our two teasers together, you will find out that the two perspectives match. Check it out!