Hi everyone,
We're back with awesome news: an update for Dungeon of the Endless (yay, we're as excited as you) and a GAMES2GETHER vote.
Here's a what you will find in this update (complete release notes below!):
- Hero active and passive skills
- Added a 4th level in the dungeon
- Capped hero's max level to 6
- Balanced difficulty to match the addition of new skills
- Improved GUI and controls
- Improved performance issues
[DotE] UPDATE 0.1.14
Hero active and passive skills
- Each hero gets up to 2 active and 2 passive skills (+ repairing and operating skills) when s/he levels up (predefined for each). Later on as new levels unlock, new skills will be available.
- You can trigger an active skill with the icons below the hero portraits or use ‘E’, ‘R’, ‘T’ keys
- The number displayed on the icon is the number of doors you have to open before using it again
- More information about the skills principle and objectives here: http://forums.amplitude-studios.com/content.php?374
- This is a first version of the skill system, the effects need to be tweaked and we started with relatively “simple” skills (stats modifiers) but we are planning on adding more complex ones.
Changes on game variables and difficulty
- Added a global variable that dynamically measures the difficulty of a level and modifies the events to balance it and slightly reduces inequalities between games [Community]
- Capped the hero’s max level to 6 and modified the skills distribution [Community]
- Slightly increased the recruitment cost
- Slightly decreased Opbot’s wit and wit items effect [Community]
- Added a 4th level in the dungeon [Community]
- Increased power of mobs to slightly reduce their number [Community]
- Reduced Dust loot and number of module slots in the 3rd and 4th levels
- Slightly increased mobs speed
- Reduced the delay of the first waves during the Crystal phase [Community]
- Removed module targeting mobs during the Crystal phase waves in the last levels
- Tweaked item loot table
- Slightly improved the level design diversity
Improved GUI and Controls
- Added new shortcuts: inventory = I, hero panel = U, close last opened panel = ESC [Community]
- Improved Heroes HUD (still WIP)
- Added right click on the hero portrait to open hero panel [Community]
- Added the display of the DPS value in the hero stats panel [Community]
- Prevented manual heal during auto heal phase [Community]
- Added a “select all” shortcut on the key placed before the numbers in the top left corner, first step for multi-selection [Community]
- Added a simple loading progress screen
- Added some tooltips [Community]
- Added a targeting priority to the Crystal focusing mob [Community]
Remark: until we develop a dedicated interface, you can modify, at your own risk, the shortcuts in Registry.xml (Documents > Dungeon of the Endless > Users > Username). Use this list: http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/KeyCode.html to add / remove keys (you can write several keycodes with spaces between them). If you want to retrieve the default values, remove the file and launch the game.
Improved performance and fixed bugs
- Fixed operating module bonus depending on equipped items [Community]
- Fixed some UI bugs (refreshed module cost, animations during pause, etc.)
- Improved dungeon generator on low end computers
- Improved performance in the last levels
Before I tell you more about the new vote, we need to share the results of the previous one we had on the Advanced Events. You guys actually submitted these to us, through the forums so thank you for your participation! We received fun and interesting proposals but decided to start with rather simple and generic ones that should come up often during the course of a game. Based on your ideas, we were able to make three votes with a specific theme:
- "Endless Bonus" Events
- "Special Room" Events
- "Dungeon-Catastrophe" Events
And the winners are... [drumroll]
The new GAMES2GETHER vote is also up: choose your new hero!