Hey everyone,

I hope you are all doing fine (and not ill like some of us..!) and are ready for this Dungeon of the Endless update. As mentioned yesterday in a very interesting blog post by Mysterarts, we have made tons of changes on the actual architecture revamp the game is going through at the moment, so we can implement many features easily or that were not possible at all with our previous system.

Anyway, in this new Reloaded Update, we have prepared some nice things for you (and you might hate us for that but keep in mind that we ♥ you!): more floors, a new Ice environment, new heroes, new mobs, new modules, some improvements and balancing.



  • Added 2 new levels (9-10) with a new environment: the ice biome
  • Added 1 new hero: Elise, the “Freelance Demolitionist” and her heavy arsenal
  • Changed hero max level from 8 to 15
  • Added 2 new minor modules:
    • Pepper Spray - It confuses monsters and forces them to attack each other
    • Seblaster (offence) - It targets monsters with an area of effect, hitting without distinction heroes and monsters

Added 2 new mobs:

  • Hurna Hunter
  • Door opener: he can open a door if you don’t kill him on time!

Added 5 new elite mobs:

  • Kamikaze Necrophage
  • The Keeper
  • Silics Supporter
  • Chimera Debuffer
  • Chimera Kamikaze

Added the Stele Event. If you find a stele, it will add one or several effects to the entire floor for a limited amount of time. These effects can be positive, negative, or both.


  • Added a reset skill system: you can use Science and reset the skills cooldown
  • Changed the healing system which is now based on the hero’s percentage of HP, and the cost is proportional to number of healed HP
  • Changed the operating system: the hero needs to stay in the room at least one turn to obtain a (bigger) bonus
  • Added an animation for the Merchant when he teleports to the Merchant module
  • Added a comparison system for hero equipment
  • Added a preview for the next skill available when you level up
  • Added a scrollview for passive skills when you have more than six
  • You can now select several heroes with the “shift” key
  • Added a default cursor
  • Updated hero selection menu


smiley: amplitude See the latest dev blog post for more details and rationales about the multiple changes which impact the balancing of the game

  • Refactored configuration system which allows us to control the flow and the events more precisely:
    • Some events (exit, merchants, heroes and artefacts) are placed at the generation to control the:
    • Quantity of Dust loot in rooms at each floor is now controlled
    • Spawn of mobs is now random at each floor

The targeting of some mobs have changed:

  • Necrophage Flying attacks major modules and target in priority long range heroes
  • Silics Bulldozer no longer attacks heroes
  • Silics Trash attacks only the Crystal (but is weaker)
  • Most part of elites mobs attacks NPC

The offence modules have now a priority target:

  • Prisoner pods are anti-heroes mobs
  • Tesla are anti-modules mobs
  • Claymoars are basic mobs
  • Smoking guns are special mobs

The move speed of entities are reduced when in the same room than enemies, except:

  • Flying Necrophage
  • "Crysophile" Necrophage
  • Hydra Chimera
  • Some heroes with "dodge" passive skills

The previous version level 8 is approximately the new level 11-12 in terms of food cost and stats

The heroes stats and skills have changed with new levels and to create a distinctions between the different teams of heroes

Huge thanks to fepriest and Lynx_gnt for their module ideas and the VIPs for their feedback that helped us improve the update!

smiley: amplitude