
I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the Vaulters in Endless Space, equipping Gork with the pink tutu in Dungeon of the Endless, or going through the game design documents of Endless Legend. We have several things on our minds to share with you that are related to our games and the GAMES2GETHER.


The Steam coupons for ES and the new Disharmony faction were offered to the early supporters of Dungeon of the Endless, amongst other community perks included in the Founder Pack. It was a good way for us to welcome new players who were about to dive into the Endless universe.

Some of our community members seem to be confused about the Vaulters and their availability. We would like to inform you, as mentioned previously in the DotE FAQ, that the Vaulters will be available as a free DLC when DotE is released (no exact date yet unfortunately!) so everybody can enjoy them!



It's coming...soon. smiley: biggrin I hate to tease you like that (no really, I do) but it is still work in progress and we'd rather not reveal anything to disappoint you but since we're all back from our holidays, we should focus on the development of the game and provide updates regularly.

As for this next update, please make sure that you finish your current game:

Game saves will unfortunately not be compatible with the new version. smiley: warning

So tell your friends, family and pugs in case they miss the message. Keep in mind that we are in Alpha and many changes are likely to be made so don't get too attached to your current crew members, you'll find more of them if you explore the dungeon. smiley: smile


We have the results of the G2G votes for our mid and long term priorities for DotE: Advanced Events and the Multiplayer won! Before you worry about the other choices, please understand that we will eventually add all the items listed on this G2G vote, as they are on our list of improvements but the G2G votes allow us to set priorities.

We have also asked you for event ideas for the game and have been loving your submissions. In the G2G vote of this week, we will ask you to choose between the ones we thought were more likely to be added soon. More details on our decision here but congrats already to all of those who contributed to the thread.

You can vote on the GAMES2GETHER page but don't forget to redeem your CD keys before doing so. smiley: smile

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