Hi guys,
I’m Sébastien, aka GFX47. I’m the Lead programmer on Dungeon of the Endless (the only full time programmer on the project actually) and I would like to let you know where exactly we stand on the development of the game.
Besides many other additions, we have started working on the multiplayer of DotE. It’s a cool announcement to make and we’re excited to see the feature fully implemented at some point. Nonetheless, it also implies something important: this is a long task that will require a lot of testing, feedback and iterations; meaning that unfortunately, the frequency of public updates will be reduced for a while.
On a side note, that will also affect the production rhythm of DotE, I would like to inform you that I will be unable to fulfil my job at Amplitude for a few weeks, for personal reasons (nope, unfortunately not holidays).
Anyway, the show must go on: a DotE update should be available soon. We’ll post the complete release notes when the version is ready so make sure you finish your current save as it will not be compatible with the new version. Then, I remind you that we will do our best to make it up to you sometime and somehow. We’ll keep you posted...
Thanks for your support!