Hello everyone,
We just wanted to clarify a bit the situation on the development of Dungeon of the Endless. We are working on an update at the moment that was initially planned for this week (hence the announcement on game saves, that still stands by the way). However, it will be slightly delayed.
We have indeed been working on this update for a little while now and the holidays happened, so it took a little longer than expected but we're almost there. The next update will introduce the awaited heroes' system of skills, besides a 4th level, amongst other additions. It's still very work in progress, but it should add a little something interesting to the game. Unless we aren't fully satisfied with our work and decide to do more testing, we will try our best to keep these updates coming regularly.
Example of active and passive skills.
The principle
- Each hero gets up to 3 (currently 2) active and 3 (currently 2) passive skills when s/he levels up (predefined for each)
- The passive skills automatically give specific bonuses under certain conditions
- The active skills need to be cast by the player
- The effect lasts during X seconds
- Then the skill is deactivated during X turns
The objectives
- Add more interest and control in battles and hero management
- Add more interest in the level up of the heroes
- Improve the differences and enhance the personalities of the heroes
- Add choices for the player about the right moment to use each skill
- We tried to avoid micromanagement, so there is no need to target
- The objective is not to come close to an action game (such as a MOBA): you cannot frenetically use them; it’s more about choosing the right moment
- We started with relatively “simple” skills (stats modifiers) but we are planning on adding more complex ones
This will be a first version of the system, so we will listen to your feedback very carefully.
We’re beginning to implement some of yours requests, mostly about the controls and the balance of the game. We will also add a 4th level to the dungeon!
And of course, we happen to be working on other exciting additions for the game but it'll all be available when the time is right so stay tuned.