How To: Lego Instructions.rar
Hey there,
I wanted to let you know about a very fun project we have been working on, completely gaming unrelated, for the Game Developers Conference: the almost impossible unofficial Lego model, because it's taken days of work and we finally made it (only a few days before flying to the US for GDC)!
Basically, we absolutely wanted to have a fun goodies pack for the press that would include:
- The usual USB stick: this would contain trailers, screenshots and artwork for both Endless Legend & Dungeon of the Endless
- A T-shirt: Dungeon or Legend. Or both if we can.
- And, something original and fun! (hint hint, the Lego model)
Ever since we moved to a bigger office, we've been wanting to decorate it with our games' artwork, lots of colours, a jacuzzi on our roof and Lego models of our spaceships. We've been delaying it for quite some time because we were pretty busy with work, besides other excuses. We did try some softwares that would allow us to reproduce the design of either an Endless Space spaceship or the ones you can see in the Dungeon of the Endless trailers (and the Emergency Pod "LB Stephanie" in particular) because they seemed more simple but failed miserably!
We decided to set a deadline for our project once and for all: GDC.
We found online the name of a French guy, through his Flickr page. His name is Pierre and he builds awesome Lego models as a hobby. We contacted him and managed to get him interested (yay). A few days after we first wrote to him and set him the 3D models of the ship, we received an email from him: he had made the Lego model of our Emergency Pod and it looked GREAT. We invited him to the office and talked to him about Endless Space, Dungeon of the Endless and a bit about Endless Legend as well. We clearly noticed that he really was into Sci-Fi so he was as excited as us to work on the project.
The GDC deadline was getting closer and closer however. Pierre was very busy with his job and so were we. We worked together to order the pieces from several resellers, reduce the total amount of pieces so our budget wouldn't explode etc. We received the pieces at the very last minute, before our departure to San Francisco for the event.
We organised a little workshop where we would put the pieces together in little bags, cut out the stickers so they would fit in the bag and then print a nice paper to explain the whole thing with a link to the instructions. Okay, so it looks okayish, but we're proud to have our own Lego spaceship.
Download the complete instructions here: Lego Instructions.rar