Hi everyone,
Are you ready for a new creation competition? In the latest update, we implemented a new game option: spaceships that you can actually unlock! They bring new game modes with special gameplay effects, new starting configuration and visuals for even more diversity and more fun of course.
Today, we want to call on your creativity to create an extraordinary new spaceship for Dungeon of the Endless!
The creation contest will be divided in 2 parts:
- The gameplay (rules, stats, etc.)
- The packaging (visual, name, description, etc.)

Part 1 - Gameplay
The Brief
In order to propose an interesting variety of challenge for the player, here is a quick reminder of the spaceship in game and a glimpse of the others which are planned for the release [spoileralert!]. The aim is to find ideas not too similar to the already existing ones:
- The Infirmary: no end turn auto heal, more HP, drugs
- The Armoury: 4 heroes at start, no free hero, no offence module
- The Drill: no production module at start, endless floors
- The Library: focus on research / modules, heroes "lethal as canaries"
- The Refreezerator: 1 hero in the entire game, but undying… or nearly!
The Entries
There are different properties to define in the gameplay aspect of your spaceship:
- Code name: the final name will be given in Part 2
- Special gameplay rules: see below
- Number of heroes at start (1 to 4)
If its relevant:
- Global statistics modifiers (attack power, health, defence, etc. of heroes / mobs / modules)
- Starting modules (and unavailable modules)
- Starting items (and unavailable modules)
- Starting FIDS and FIS incomes
The special gameplay rules are obviously the most important part of the entry. The idea is to find a way to use the current features and elements already available in the game and rearranged them to create a new way to play it. Try to keep it simple! A good concept can be summarised in one sentence.
We will select 3 of your proposals then organise a GAMES2GETHER vote! You may submit several entries but are limited to three! Also make sure you keep all your entries in one post! Post them here: [Spaceship Creation Competition]

We will be closing the thread on July 15th, at midday (Paris time!).
Winners of Part 1 et Part 2 will:
- Get their names in the game credits
- Win a cool Dungeon of the Endless T-shirt and buttons
- Three Steam copies of the Dungeon of the Endless - Founder Pack: so you can play with your friends once the multiplayer is released!
Best of luck to all of you!