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8 years ago Jul 07,2016, 10:56:00 AM

Welcome to the new Games2Gether platform!

6 905 Views

Hi guys,

Welcome to the new Games2Gether platform! As you’ve noticed, we’ve packed our things, and moved to this brand new website and forum, so you will still find all the content of previous Dev Blog articles, threads, contests, and G2G votes here.

Our goal with this new Games2Gether platform is to give you the tools you need to impact the development of Endless Space 2 and our future games:

  • TRACK: follow the development of our games and get to know the talents behind the scenes.
  • SHARE: make your voice count by giving feedback on early versions, propose ideas, and vote for art and game design elements.
  • DESIGN: participate in contests and design elements that will be created by our team.
  • PLAY: the most active gamers will play unreleased versions, get invited to gaming event and meet the Dev Team.

While we’re still in Alpha, we can’t wait to hear your feedback on the new platform. :)


Amplitude Studios

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8 years ago
Jul 31, 2016, 7:45:15 AM

With this new platform, is there any chance that username can be updated? I badly wanted to change my username if it's possible. Also where are my badges for the games I bought? Can someone help me? Thank you!

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 2:28:30 PM
What a beatifull new forum/site/thing, man that's really awesome, i wish all the good things for the Amplitude Team, gj guys, and always keep the good work o/
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8 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 9:13:54 AM

This could take a bit of getting used to. The new profile page seems like it might be missing some things the old ones had, but maybe I'm just not looking in the right place. In particular, I don't see anyplace to change passwords/email, nor do I see where our friends lists went.

The new badge system is really nice, though, they're large enough that you can actually see what they are now!

edit: The site seems a bit slow to respond atm, but I'm assuming that's just because it just launched. Can't get the steam link to work, and anything I type takes a few seconds to show up. 

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 9:36:11 AM
Crixler wrote:

This could take a bit of getting used to. The new profile page seems like it might be missing some things the old ones had, but maybe I'm just not looking in the right place. In particular, I don't see anyplace to change passwords/email, nor do I see where our friends lists went.

The new badge system is really nice, though, they're large enough that you can actually see what they are now!

edit: The site seems a bit slow to respond atm, but I'm assuming that's just because it just launched. Can't get the steam link to work, and anything I type takes a few seconds to show up. 

We're still on alpha, there is a lot of works still to do, especially on the profile yes :)

Some features are gone for now (friendlist is a good example), but should be back in time, maybe completely redesigned.

Some pages may appears a bit slow, preformance are one of our top priority, as you say, we've just launch the platform so it could take some time to adjust everything.

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8 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 9:43:18 AM

Absolutely amazing !

I definitely think we need some time to get used to the new system, but from what I can see, it's great.

Also, I expect that the migration from the old to the new user profiles is still ongoing ...

GG Amplitude !

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8 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 11:05:09 AM

I don't think I ever posted on the previous platform but this one looks cool :) A bit busy, maybe, with all the menu things all around every page you visit, but I guess I can get used to that.

I also am unable to link a Steam account and consequently the fact that I bought Endless Legend since I last logged in (I think I'm supposed to be able to do that? I remember it counting towards my g2g score that I bought Endless Space and expansions but once again, I might be misremembering things)

Anyway, great to see you back online, good luck ironing out all the things.

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8 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 11:39:48 AM

Well, I like the new design. 

But I posted some comments more then 20min ago and they're nowhere to be found. Is the site simply so slow, or are my comments blasted into Endless Space?

Edit: Ah, apparently they have to be approved before they appear.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 12:17:11 PM

Is that ok that I didn't get PLAY2GETHER badge (I was part of closed betas for both Shifters and Shadows)? Also why all avatars are locked for me? Any info/tooltip would help, because I have no idea.

Thanks in advance.

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8 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 12:32:44 PM

hey there. the design looks GREAT! love the work put into it! must have taken a whole lot of ajax development :)

anyway, i have the same situation as greyzombie. i partisipated in the closed beta of the shifters and dont have that reward. and is it normal that i dont have any avatars? if yes, what to do to unlock those?

kep up the good work guys! proud of all of you.

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8 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 12:35:33 PM
GreyZ0mbie wrote:

Is that ok that I didn't get PLAY2GETHER badge (I was part of closed betas for both Shifters and Shadows)? Also why all avatars are locked for me? Any info/tooltip would help, because I have no idea.

Thanks in advance.

+1 on the locked Avatars thingy ...

Then there are some issues with saving profile information (I spotted some HTTP 500 errors in the browser console ...).

And finally, there are also some badges regarding voting on G2G (did that quite a few times ...), which are locked now.

But I guess that it's all Alpha now, and that it'll get sorted in a few weeks.

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8 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 12:58:15 PM

It's decent on computers, but it's horrible on mobile. Hope that gets fixed...

Also, why does everyone have more points than I do, considering that I've been with Amp's forums since the VERY beginning? 

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8 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 1:22:54 PM

Loving the new look, it's definitely more responsive than the old one for me.

Question though, will any of the old Design Docs for ES2 be ported over? I had actually gone to look at them the day the site first went down apparently and have been eagerly awaiting a chance to review them.

edit: NM I found them! Might be a good idea to update the link on the wiki?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 2:55:15 PM

Getting teething pains in the new platform:

Low performance - seems that you need to beef up the servers or tweak database parameters to increase responsiveness. 

Timeout error connecting to Steam.


Can't save profile changes. Also, the paper airplane icon is not the right call to have here, to an action like e.g. save my bio. 

Seems like the URL encodining/decoding might be having issues, or it can be something else entirely. 

It looks great though!

Edited by DarkHerumor: Be very careful while putting this kind of url, it contains steam information about your account, and can lead to security issues with you steam account.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 3:43:57 PM
Brazilian_Joe wrote:

Can't save profile changes. Also, the paper airplane icon is not the right call to have here, to an action like e.g. save my bio. 

Seems like the URL encodining/decoding might be having issues, or it can be something else entirely. 

The platform is still on Alpha stage, we encourage you to post feedbacks and suggestions on the forums, it's very appreciated !

The Steam issue should be fixed now, there is a strange behaviour with the Steam API while using HTTPS, everything should be alright now.

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8 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 4:23:20 PM

Did the G2G Points get changed? I don't actually recall being at 3000 before the swap...

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