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8 years ago Jul 20,2016, 14:12:00 PM

New Games2Gether, new features!

1 490 Views

Hi everybody!

Now that the new Games2Gether platform is live, it's time to explain what we've changed, what we've kept and what we've left behind.

What has changed?


As you have noticed, we've separated games into different Universes, there are five Universes at the moment: Endless Space, Dungeon of the Endless, Endless Legend, Endless Space 2 and Games2Gether itself.

Each Universe has its own own Devblogs, Forums, Votes...

You can choose to "Follow" a specific Universe, by clicking the star in the corresponding item menu, or from the Universe header star (which can also be used to stop following this Universe).

Following a Universe is used to:

- Have it in the top navigation menu, in the dedicated "Followed" area.

- Have a notification each time a new Blogpost is published.

- Have a notification each time a Vote is published or terminated.

We expect in the future more features linked to the Followed Universe, it could be a custom newsletter depending on your followed Universes, a custom home page highlighting your followed Universes...

Dev Blogs

We've kept all dev blogs, but we lost existing comments, mainly for technical reasons and because they are not as relevant as forums post & threads.


Not much to say here, every post has been migrated to the new forums, some forums may have been renamed, others that did not exist before are now available, but no big changes here.

During the migration process, some posts may have loose their formatting (especially if using tables...), you can of course edit yours to reformat them properly if needed.


We've kept all votes, but only with their final scores. The old system was too different from the new one, so we were not able to keep each user choice.

User blogs

This feature has disappeared in this new platform. It was not heavily used before, and we preferred to concentrate our focus on more used features.

They could be brought back if the community really wants them, we would have to see how it fits within our own roadmap.

Users Friend list

This feature also disappeared, but is still in our backlog. If many of you ask for it, we may work on the new system earlier than expected.

But as we want to improve the original feature, this could take some time before it will be released, be patient.

Awards, Achievements & G2G points

We've entirely reworked the G2G points system. There are no more awards, achievements or experiences, there are only Badges now.

Badges are the only way to gain G2G points, we will publish a specific devblog to detail this new system.

For now, everything has been reset, but we will give back the Badges like Beer2Gether, Events2Gether, Playtester, etc. soon. We just need some more time to translate the old (and very complicated...) system to the new one.

What is new!

Steam Integration

It is now possible to link your steam account to your G2G account. Doing this we can check if you own any of our games and have unlocked any achievements on them, allowing us to unlock corresponding badges!

We only save your steam ID, nothing else. We regularly check against the Steam API if you've unlocked new games or achievements. We do not have access to your whole Steam library, we can of course only check for Amplitude games.

Badges & G2G points

You can unlock badges by doing a variety of actions, like completing your profile, winning a contest, meeting the team during an event or a Beer2Gether, ...

The more badges you unlock and level up (for the ones that have levels), the more G2G points you gain.

G2G points are a kind of reputation meter, we use them for Votes, Leaderboards, etc. 

Badges also reward you with Titles & Avatars that you can use to customize your profile. Click on a Badge from your profile's reward section to have the details of each Badge level, and the corresponding Titles / Avatars you can unlock !

Followed Content

You can choose to follow specific Universes, Forums & Threads, by clicking the corresponding star icon (in the navigation or header for Universes, in the toolbar for Forums & Threads).

Doing so you will enable quick links in the main navigation panel, and you will be notified each time new content is available on the following subject.

You'll also be able to access all your followed contents from your profile dedicated section.

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8 years ago
Jul 25, 2016, 12:41:51 PM

Yup, I just linked my Steam account, and of the whole collection it only shows I own base versions of ES and DotE. Should I send you my other Steam keys as well?

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8 years ago
Aug 24, 2016, 7:52:25 PM

The new layout is not usefull for forums. Everything is too separated, too "open", and doesnt feel like a forum at all. I lost all my signatures and my avatar. Please, add a function to see the forum in "clasic mode".

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8 years ago
Aug 7, 2016, 8:44:38 AM

Amplitude, you're doing great. Really hope new games2gether will strengthen and expand the community.

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8 years ago
Jul 28, 2016, 8:01:55 AM
SabreLight wrote:

I can't create a new thread. I have a good idea to share with community.

You've tried to create to many thread (more than 10 ) in a few minutes, so the spam protection doesn't seem to like you very much

I've manually validated your previous thread, it should be better for you now I hope.

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8 years ago
Jul 26, 2016, 7:39:12 AM
FhireD wrote:
DarkHerumor wrote:
FhireD wrote:

Sorry to bother about that, but I should have some badges currently locked. They were never unlocked, even on the former platform. Is there a way to fix that ? 

It may take up to a full day before all the badges are fully unlocked.

I made a beer2gether (2015) and a play2gether (2016). I know those badges won't pop. Can you tell me who I should speak to ? I did not want to disturb about that, but since it adds points on the new platfrom, I have to.

Thanks for your concern.

They are not available yet, they should be very soon.

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8 years ago
Jul 26, 2016, 7:32:55 AM
DarkHerumor wrote:
FhireD wrote:

Sorry to bother about that, but I should have some badges currently locked. They were never unlocked, even on the former platform. Is there a way to fix that ? 

It may take up to a full day before all the badges are fully unlocked.

I made a beer2gether (2015) and a play2gether (2016). I know those badges won't pop. Can you tell me who I should speak to ? I did not want to disturb about that, but since it adds points on the new platfrom, I have to.

Thanks for your concern.

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8 years ago
Jul 26, 2016, 6:42:03 AM
FhireD wrote:

Sorry to bother about that, but I should have some badges currently locked. They were never unlocked, even on the former platform. Is there a way to fix that ? 

It may take up to a full day before all the badges are fully unlocked.

Gild0r wrote:

DarkHerumor, All badges appeared sometime later. Sophons are not asleep

They are quite slow right now, we'll give them some more coffee :)

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8 years ago
Jul 25, 2016, 9:08:05 PM

Sorry to bother about that, but I should have some badges currently locked. They were never unlocked, even on the former platform. Is there a way to fix that ? 

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8 years ago
Jul 20, 2016, 3:30:51 PM

Shame we lost the old stuff (I miss my little tech android!) but I have to admit, the new features do sound pretty rad.

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8 years ago
Jul 24, 2016, 9:07:56 PM
Romeo wrote:

It still says it is linked for some reason, and I can't figure out how to "de-link" them to try again.

Gild0r wrote:

Badges system is not working properly. All Games and dlc amplitudes I bought in early access, but the badges on your site I do not have. Accounts linked. It's a bit sad.

Can you both send me by MP your Steam keys according to each game so I can manually check what's wrong ?
Thank you !

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8 years ago
Jul 22, 2016, 4:04:14 PM

Badges system is not working properly. All Games and dlc amplitudes I bought in early access, but the badges on your site I do not have. Accounts linked. It's a bit sad.

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8 years ago
Jul 22, 2016, 3:52:44 PM

It still says it is linked for some reason, and I can't figure out how to "de-link" them to try again.

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8 years ago
Jul 21, 2016, 4:03:20 PM
Romeo wrote:

OK, since saying how nice it was, the system has since booted all my games off my profile, yet Steam still says it's linked...

Can you relink your steam account ?

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8 years ago
Jul 21, 2016, 3:34:30 PM

OK, since saying how nice it was, the system has since booted all my games off my profile, yet Steam still says it's linked...

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8 years ago
Jul 21, 2016, 10:20:09 AM


The new features are not much usefull, but ok.

I don't like the new forum because yes, it's more esthetic but the forum and the topic are less clear to read.

I inform that it's not possible to fill the fields of the Profil description, and the profil signature. Each time I filled both, it dissapear immediately. But it's ok because the forum is still in Alpha.

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8 years ago
Jul 20, 2016, 7:01:17 PM

It will take a bit for me to get used to, but I think it is a very nice improvement. Bravo!!

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8 years ago
Jul 20, 2016, 4:27:45 PM

Thanks for the update devs!

Can't wait for all the new features! (And to get back some of my G2G points heh heh heh...)

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