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8 years ago Feb 09,2017, 16:06:00 PM

Make War Not Love

2 853 Views

Hey everyone!

A week from now is Valentine's day. Yay (Maybe? Who cares)! Or maybe, you know, nay! Why spend time with your loved ones, when you can spend time doing what you love instead? 

Make War, Not Love, is a SEGA event pitting all strategy studios (Relic, Creative Assembly, and now Amplitude, whee!) against one another, in a battle to the death! Well, not really. But in a battle for the ultimate bragging rights, and of course, to win cool stuff along the way, with a grand finale in London where Wilbefast will be defending our colors!

Here's how it's gonna go down: 

Starting NOW, registrations are open, allowing players to pick a side between Endless Legend, Dawn of War 2, Total War: Warhammer & Company of Heroes 2. Your support will be critical as we want to make sure to put up a fight!

The event, starting on the 14th, will consist in a bunch of light-hearted challenges where our studios will play one another and try to woo each other's communities. Every challenge will see one studio win, and the players who chose to support it will win a little something.

For two of these challenges, we'll be needing YOU!

The first of these two will require players to like a creation we've made for the occasion (which we'll unveil then), and to share it so that it gets the biggest possible clout: having possibly the smallest community of all pillars, we're hoping we stand a chance!

The second challenge will basically be a popularity contest for the various studios: each will have an hour-long stream segment on the Make War Not Love stream at the PC Gamer Weekender event in London. Points will be awarded for the most engaging and popular stream, and basically this is where you come in! We'll be live from 5:45 until 6:45PM CET on Feb 18th, so make sure to tune in if you can!

This is our first time taking part in the event, and we're excited, if a little wide-eyed at all the stuff going on, but still, excited!  

We'll update you as the event progresses and challenges unfold, so you can cheer on our champions and support us in the struggle ahead. For now, all we ask of you is that you register to show your allegiance to the Endless Legend community!

The final cool bit? All the above titles will be on sale for the duration of the event, starting on the evening of the 16th!

Cancel all your plans, sharpen your guns, we're staying in and we're having fun!

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8 years ago
Feb 13, 2017, 3:54:23 PM

Good suggestion, we'll look into that!

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8 years ago
Feb 16, 2017, 3:55:43 PM

What the reward if we win? Total War already show its reward when it win.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 16, 2017, 2:23:36 AM

This will be the 2nd year I've entered #MWNL and must say i'm looking forward to it again. Some great games in there again and must say i'm pleased that Endless Legend is on the playlist. Best of luck to all and i hope that Endless Legend gets the support it deserves.


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8 years ago
Feb 15, 2017, 4:12:57 PM
Ccoommer wrote:

Anyone having trouble voting? I'm stuck on an endless loop of confirming my age and my email.

Try either another browser, or disabling add-ons/ adblock for the duration.

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8 years ago
Feb 15, 2017, 3:47:51 PM

Nice, and good luck. I'll be rooting for Wil.

By the way, I already own all of the titles :D

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8 years ago
Feb 9, 2017, 5:43:11 PM

Already did! Really helps highlight Sega's catalogue, there is some good competition on there.

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8 years ago
Feb 13, 2017, 11:43:40 AM
Ccoommer wrote:

Cool, will there be a badge for participating?

Uuuu, that would be nice :)

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8 years ago
Feb 9, 2017, 6:15:53 PM

So I'm in. It was hard to decide. But I played Endless Legend more than CoH2.

Let's see how it turns out. 

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