Hey everyone,

Hot on the tail of the previous episode, we've got a second edition of Quality time with Jeff Spock!

This time, our favorite Narrative Director welcomes our Game Designer Kynrael, who was apparently just hanging around the back of Château Spock, and both of them discuss our favorite star-crossed space vikings, the Vaulters! Today, our roaring fireside discussion will cover their specific gameplay features and how their narration ties into that. What have they been up to since the Argosy took off from Auriga? How does having a unique colony ship play out? Are pirates really untractable or maybe the next tool to use in your strategy?

As a reminder, Quality time with Jeff Spock is a brand new experiment on our side, so we're very interested in hearing what you think! Your feedback is welcome, and don't hesitate to ask more questions on the subject in the comments, we want to hear them too!