Hey everyone,

We're about to close shop for about 10 days, as we head early into our annual summer break. Don't worry though, as we'll soon be back with some news. The project we have in closed beta is coming along nicely. The other closed beta is coming along nicely. Wait, what? We didn't mention there was another beta going on? I'm sure we would have. Anyway, gotta run now, prepare for our national holiday with the right amount of cheese, baguette and fireworks (and possibly a World Cup finals, but frankly, the office sweepstakes are between our HR Manager Minak for Croatia and AI programmer Zbobiwan for France so we're not very invested anymore). 

We come back on Monday, July 23rd. Here's a little something to top you over in the meantime...

Things are about to get hot! Until then, have fun...

Jérémy est un gros lourd

The Amplitude Team