Hello everyone,

This time, it's for real! The official public update 0.9 is here. Thanks to our courageous players who tested the branch version to help us to finalise it So we added the 2 last heroes, a mob and an event but also the much-awaited tactical map, the backpack and other improvements requested by the community.

Release note [0.9.22]
The change log is almost the same as the Branch Build one, except some little changes (with the "(new)" tag) and the list of fixes since this 0.9.22 version.

  • Added 2 new heroes:
    • Mizi Kurtiz, the G2G hero and her dark companion
    • Kreyang, the EL Founder pack Drakken hero
  • Added 1 new event: the EMP, which temporarily deactivates modules of random rooms [G2G] Thanks Stealth_Hawk
  • Added 1 new mob: the Hurna Debuffer (and its elite form) which reduces the attack power of heroes in the room
  • Added “almost-HD” portraits for the heroes HUD
  • Improved environments by adding props, animations and FXs
  • Added situational dialogues (different for each heroes)
  • Added new tutorial (select in the menu to test it) [WIP]
  • (new) Added 2 special skills for prisoners and crew members

  • Added a tactical map: mouse wheel down to zoom out, then click or mouse wheel up over a room to zoom in. You can move and (un)power rooms in this mode
  • Improved the Crystal phase:
    • The rooms are no longer unpowered
    • The Crystal can’t be put back in the first room
    • All the doors of the floor are opened!
    • You have to decide when you leave the floor: all your crew have to be in the exit, otherwise you lose them!
  • Added a Backpack in the Inventory panel: all items in this bag will be kept between floors
  • Added remote powering: auto-power several rooms at the same time by clicking on a remote room as long as you have enough Dust
  • Improved Merchants: each one now has a currency between Food, Industry, Science and Dust for sell and buy
  • Added a “multi-doors” bonus: get a score bonus when you open doors in an “action phase”
  • Added a pause button on the bottom right widget
  • Improved several animations on monsters & heroes
  • Heroes found in the dungeon can now have a higher level (with cost slightly increased)
  • Added hero refund: if you dismiss a hero, you get a certain amount of food based on his level
  • Added a special portrait when a hero dies
  • Improved Heroes HUD: reorganised the buttons to avoid misclicks, improved wounded feedback
  • Improved GUI (log, hero panel, FIDS, dialogue, transition screens…)
  • Unlocked Deena by default
  • (new) Changed low health feedback to be sooner and more visible
  • (new) Improved Auto-Powered FX and environment FXs
  • (new) Added new FXs for each module upgrade

  • Increased the level up cost of first hero levels, slightly reduced the last ones (global cost is increased)
  • Increased number of new heroes in the floor
  • Reduced heal cost in the Infirmary Pod
  • Reduced Shop cost (build & research)
  • Tweaked item costs (for drugs) and effects (for devices)
  • Increased Lure activation delay
  • Reduced the power and the number of the anti-minor modules mobs
  • Increased power of Kamikazes, but they also hurt other creatures
  • (new) Changed Holohero module behaviour: it no longer attracts mobs of other rooms
  • (new) Increased Holohero module defence

Bug fix (since Branch 0.9.20)
  • Kreyang is available for Endless Legend Founder Pack owners
  • Level up stats preview is displayed
  • Green colour is correct in the tactical map (shows rooms with modules inside)
  • Heroes selection marker is correct in the tactical map
  • Several panels are now hidden in the tactical map (dialogs, crystal button...)
  • Mouse wheel can be used in the Inventory
  • System menu is fixed
  • Lighting glitch in the Sewers environment is fixed
  • Hero sprites glitches during attack have been fixed
  • Kamikazes Elite behaviour is fixed