Hey everybody!

It's time to wrap up another year. (Already? Where's the time gone?) And it's been another eventful one for Amplitude Studios and our community!

Earlier this year, we kicked off our OpenDev program for Humankind, giving many of you the chance to try out Humankind for the first time. The response from the community was great, both in how eager all of you were to play the game, but also in the feedback we received. Since then we have had not one, not two, but three different OpenDev Events! And the last of those is still going until the 28th! So you can still join in by either pre-ordering on Steam, or watching participating streamers. Check out the video below for more details:

All this time, many of our fans kept expressing their love for the Endless games and their shared universe. Time and again, people asked for more content or sequels for our previous games, and we tried our best to assure you all that the Endless universe is alive and well. Then the community exploded with excitement when we announced the next Endless game earlier this month: Endless Dungeon. So many of you are now eagerly asking for more information (or even a chance to test it), but we'll have to ask all of you to be patient. :)

For the end of the year, we also got a little Amplitude-themed diversion to share with all of you. Please don't spoil the solution for the other community members, though.

That's all from us for now, as we'll be on holidays until next year, but we look forward to coming back and hearing what you all thought of the Lucy OpenDev.

So to all our great fans out there,

Best wishes for 2021

- The Amplitude Team