[DotE] Spaceship Contest Vote
Whoa! You can’t imagine how impressed we were to see that many proposals, with some quality as well!

No more suspense, here are the 3 selected spaceships for the G2G vote:
Congratulations to Allan_Enraged, Brazilian_Joe and sarin555!
We slightly adapted the proposals and focused the descriptions on the core gameplay of each ship. There are still some details to set about them which will be addressed with the winner and the team.
We also want to congratulate the following proposals that were in the last turn of the internal selection process:
- The Excavator Pod by daman
- State Room by Virkon
- The Bank by MrFlyingKiwi
- Rush by PANCZASU
- Second Wave by Frogomat
- Assault ship by Lynx_gnt
- O2 UH OH by Zigeye
- The Assembler by FullMetalRiku
- The Scrapper by UniverseBear
- The Quarantine by Allan_Enraged
- The Meltdown by Barabus
- The ECO by Csipagyar
Thanks again for your participation, time to vote!
[EL] Feature Priority Vote
As for the previous Endless Legend G2G result: the FIDS' sum up won!