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Favorite Amplitude Game

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4 years ago
Jan 20, 2021, 9:30:57 PM

Its really hard to beat endless space 2. What an incredible game. but it was all because the devs didn't stop on release, that game was broken at the drop. but i knew they'd keep at it, and they did, releasing even more dlc and added content than the first one. Absolutely incredible game.

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3 years ago
Sep 24, 2021, 7:46:21 AM

Endless Space, followed closely by Love Thyself. ..mostly because those are the only ones that I own right now.. :p

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3 years ago
Sep 24, 2021, 8:59:10 AM

EL is pristine, gorgeous and delightful audio-visual experience. It's really annoying to micro around and play though. Hate the combat system and the overwhelming set of choices of which only one is "meta" anyway, cause balancing is no big deal given the MP is permanently unstable.

ES series on the other hand take a more practical playability approach. Same balancing issues, but the gameplay is considerably more fluid. ES1 had these things well under control the expansion tech tree clearing up clutter and making it a very reasonably paced game.
ES2 added some gameplay enchancements and visuals but with every DLC the issues piled on till unplayability.
So of all I guess I like ES2 the best, cause it feels a lot like ES1 and is pretty, I would just like to turn back time to the golden era of mostly vanilla ES2 experience, when everything was so clear and clean with less space for bugs, but I am idolizing it.

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3 years ago
Sep 24, 2021, 9:11:38 AM
koxsos wrote:
So of all I guess I like ES2 the best, cause it feels a lot like ES1 and is pretty, I would just like to turn back time to the golden era of mostly vanilla ES2 experience, when everything was so clear and clean with less space for bugs, but I am idolizing it.

That makes two of us. While I feel nostalgic for "zen" experience EL and ES1 gave me, ES2 in first several years proved to be one hell of a drug.

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3 years ago
Nov 14, 2021, 4:45:42 PM

Until humankind came out, Endless Legend ruled. But now... :D  Although there is one serious bug that cries out for venging. Random suspension of the game at the end of the turn. Fix it and it will be great !

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3 years ago
Nov 17, 2021, 2:13:47 AM

I feel that tying the games together is amazing.  I love all of the types of games they produce so it's hard to choose.  Endless space 2 is what my friends and I have played the most.

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3 years ago
Nov 21, 2021, 7:07:20 PM

1) Endless Space 2 -- depth, UI, tone is a refreshing approach coming from 4x worlds of GC and Stellaris

2) Endless Legend -- my first foray into Amplitude games and I immediately enjoyed the replay-ability options and relative challenge  

I really need to finish all the content in both games one of these days, although:

based on reading posts in this community, I pulled the trigger on both Humankind and Dungeon of the Endless, and plan to update that list after a couple of months.

I support the franchise entirely and love to see the success its had so far.

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3 years ago
Nov 22, 2021, 12:16:30 PM

As of this post, Dungeon of the Endless. Hands down.
My favorite video game.

Unique gameplay, elements of multiple genres all blended together perfectly, good balance, fluid "meta", polished graphics, cryptic but intriguing lore, engaging, easy to learn and play but hard to master.

EL is a close-ish 2nd.

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2 years ago
Sep 15, 2022, 1:06:18 AM

The Endless Space series.

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2 years ago
Jan 25, 2023, 6:23:04 AM


It is at the top of my favourite strategy games list, along with Heroes of Might And Magic series, History Line 1914-1918, Old World, Songs Of Conquest and Civilization series. It is way above for example Civ VI. I'd say right at the top of the list with Heroes Of Might And Magic III and IV, Civ (the first one), IV and V.

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2 years ago
Feb 2, 2023, 5:10:00 PM
Lord_Funk wrote:


Isn't that like the only their game that you've played? Then it makes your answer obvious, and that defeats the purpose of the question.

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2 years ago
Feb 2, 2023, 6:59:24 PM
Sublustris wrote:
Lord_Funk wrote:


Isn't that like the only their game that you've played? Then it makes your answer obvious, and that defeats the purpose of the question.

Seriously? Even if it is the only game he played he can still answer the question with what his favorite is. The question isn't "of the many Amplitude games you have played...", it's what is your favorite. Lay off. 

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2 years ago
Feb 2, 2023, 7:18:48 PM

Humankind > Endless Legend > Dungeon of the Endless / Endless Space > Endless Space 2 > Love Thyself

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2 years ago
Feb 2, 2023, 9:14:20 PM
Suis3i wrote:
Lay off. 

Who bit you? Title literally asks FAVORITE AMPLITUDE GAME. Sample of one, while admissible, isn't entertaining.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Feb 3, 2023, 2:32:51 AM
Sublustris wrote:
Lord_Funk wrote:


Isn't that like the only their game that you've played? Then it makes your answer obvious, and that defeats the purpose of the question.

First of all I don't really need to explain myself to you, but I will do so out of my own free will, since you seem to have a need to question and jump on quite a few of my posts with your own flare of personality (not just my posts actually). There is little doubt in my mind as to your opinions about me. That has been made very obvious in the past. I barely return after some time away (due to things happening in my real life, as of to what I also do not need to explain to you) and here we are again. But yes, this time I'll bite the bait.

Incorrect. I have all the Amplitude games in my library, well not the latest Endless Dungeon which is to be released soon. I have bought most of them with my own money as well (I don't just have them as they were gifted or something). Just like I pre-ordered and bought Humankind steel-box physical version. I don't have every single DLC for each game, but quite a lot of them as well.

I have played Endless Legend both in the past (nowhere near as much as humankind though), but a bit more after I started testing Humankind, since I was curious about it's roots and to see what the similarities was, as well as tried Dungeon of The Endless (very little, but still a few hours). Enough to realize that it was not at all my type of game. Just like say Fortnite and FIFA are not my type of games, or RTS mostly is not my type of thing, even if I have tried quite a few and played some of them for some extended time (but never as much as turnbased strategy games). Not all games can suit everyones taste.

Endless Space 1 and 2 I have also started to play, they are my type of games in that they are 4X, kind of like Master of Orion is my type of game, but I found them way too complex and exhausting for me to get into at this time in my life (especially es2). Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate that it is a really good game series, but it just grows and grows and consume more and more of my concentration and time. I haven't had the time, or rather the inclination to get all that involved in it. A day and night only have 24 hrs and I have to prioritize what to spend my time on. I try to prioritize what I enjoy, what makes me have fun and feel good, when possible (of course, some things one just have to to do even when not fun or enjoyable).

Too complex grand strategy is less my type of thing. I prefer middle of the road strategy like Civilization series, Heroes Of Might And Magic series, Songs Of Conquest and Humankind style games. Advanced enough to not feel like pure easy mode, yet not so advanced that each turn takes hours and you almost need spreed sheets to play it. Like a good example of too simple would be civ revolution which felt way too simplistic for me, but a good stepping stone for younger players and it got my son into strategy games back then. In the opposite direction Old World is borderline for me. I haven't played Old World as much as Humankind either (I have it on epic, since it was only available there back then, along with its' first expansion) I bought it just before it's release and the expansion was given free to me. I find it rather exhausting after a while and make me suffer from fatigue of constant pop-up events and such. It is still a very good game though, it has very unique mechanics and solutions to many of the 4X genré systems and definetly one of the best tool tips for every little detail I have ever seen in a 4X game, just a bit heavy and leaning towards grand strategy. It is something I have on my mental list to play more though. 

My son has tried to get me into CK 3, but again I find it a bit too much of Grand Strategy and I also prefer more visual games, where I see and control the battles like in Humankind. Another game that has poked my interested is "Knights of Honor 2: Sovereign". It is RTS, but still it seems as if you can control the battles and issue orders without the usual RTS stress factor. Still I'm not sure I'll get it. Also "Manor Lords" has poked my interest. It is more of a city builder, but there is something about it's gameplay that just feels and looks nice. Something that makes it stick out from all the other city builders. I might get that once released. Not 100% sure yet, but even more likely than "Knights of Honor 2". I also recently bought "Wartales". It is more of an open world RPG, but all turnbased, isometric view. Not had time to play it yet, but after watching a few Let's Play of it I could tell that it was just up my alley. I bought it for my son as well, since he had it on his wishlist and he's played it quite a bit.

I also watch a lot of playthroughs and Let's Play of various games (I do that in the evenings, cast youtube to my TV as I'm about to try and wind down, get some rest and hopefully fall asleep, which I wont if I sit by the PC). Many times to see if a game can be something I want to buy or not, but also sometimes to try and learn more. Things I might have missed, or not thought of. I have watched quite a few videos of people playing Endless Space 2, but even then I have found it a bit exhausting. Watching is definetly not the same as playing, but it is nice to be able to before deciding to buy a game or not, as well as get tips and tricks from others. Although I often tend to find some tricks myself, as well as my own strategies that suits my playstyle. 

Not sure if it's just me, or part of getting older, but when I was younger (gaming was also a much newer thing back then) I could spend a lot more time just playing, playing and playing. Nowdays, I need breaks from it. I can't sit 8, 10 or 12 hours every day, sacrifice sleep just to play games anymore. Partly due to having real time obligations, but also that I don't find sitting such long period as enjoyable as I used to. I have seen quite a few videos popping up lately with titles like "gaming isn't fun anymore", so I'm obviously not alone in that, but for me it's hard to say that it's the game industries fault, since in games like Civ and Humankind one can not blame it on lootboxes and in-game stores and such which is what many do blame their loss of fun in games on. That is only part of it for me in those games (mostly mmo rpg's) which has made me play less now than in my youth, but it can not explain it all. It could just be a phase/period in life I'm going through and I might sit here soon again for 8 hours many days in a row playing, but just not right now. Now I play more moderately and find that more enjoyable for the time being.

At the end of the day, gaming is a hobby and leisure time entertainment for me. Sure, maybe I have spent more time gaming in my life than most light gamers. In periods even way too much time (more like an obsession in periods), but not lately. I found that it lead to burnout. Also part of the reason I don't play MMO RPG's anymore (along with the lootbox and in-game store thing which has ruined the fun in most of them anyway). I simply don't want to live inside any game and spend all my time in them. I prefer to split my time between various things I enjoy. Gaming is still my main hobby as far as how I split that time though.

I hope that answers your questions on this topic. Also that it saves me having to answer any future questions from you about my gaming. That is why I included all the other stuff (not related to this particular thread). You will have to find someone else to single out in the future (hopefully no one). I will try to refrain from biting the bait from now on. I remember that being the case in the past as well. Maybe I should have just stuck to that and not even replied to this one.

Updated 2 years ago.
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