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[IDEA] J!NX Merchandise

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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 9:05:59 PM
I don't know about other people, but I think some lovely Endless Space gear on J!NX or some other company would be really awesome. A wallet with faction logo's? keychains? shirts with some of that amazing eye candy you have going? I would die for a wallet for endless space, leather black, with the logo perhaps? I don't know, but i definitely think it's worth getting somebody to sketch up ideas and have a traditional G2G style vote on them :P

Post a reply with your thoughts for merchandise, maybe this can become reality!
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 9:13:35 PM
nefloyd wrote:
bumper sticker? "My other vehicle is a Sophon Dreadnaught"

HAHA, yes :P Either that or a United Empire Colony Ship for the lulz
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