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If you could create a FPS or Strategy Game...

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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 1:22:52 PM
Alright, like the title suggest. I would love to hear what you guys have to offer if you could create a game, without resource and time restrictions, what type of FPS or Strategy Game you guys would make?

For myself I would absolutely love to see an Aliens, Predator, or more preferably Aliens Vs. Predator game, FPS btw, that allows you TOTAL customization. Now lets pause there for a sec. Now, total customization is a farce compared to what it really should be. when I think of TOTAL CUSTOMIZATION, I think of creating the characters along these lines.

Body- Height, weight, size.

Armor- Type of material, design, improvements, layers, style, and overall effects it has plus where you want the armor placed, shoulder, face, hands, legs, etc.

Weapon- What weapon does it have Natural? stealth, claws/teeth/tail/spit.

Advanced-Primitive weapons? Chainsaw swords, nanotechnology implemented into an otherwise modern weapon allowing it to pierce through whatever material.

Primitive weapons? Shotguns, pistols, rifles, assualt rifles, Sub-machine guns, rocket launchers, any form of weapon that uses a type of metallic round, in some cases arrows.

Energy Weapons? Lasers, Masers, Energy blades.

Combine this almost with SPORE type engine, allowing to customize what you will (not so toony looking though) and i'd believe this would be awesome.

For Strategy I would love to see almost the same thing, ground, air, water, or space. I'd like to see the ability to change the hull design, create the types of ships constructed from parts that you could acquire throughout the game or able to unlock, like struts, hull, armor plating, colors, engine placement, size of parts with a scaling ability. I'll let you all do the rest of the imagining.

So tell me, what type of characters/ships/designs and style of FPS or Strategy game would you make?

Oh for FPS, a must have for any FPS. IT MUST BE SCARY AS S****!!
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 3:10:40 PM
Personally id create modern versions of Hostile Waters (A bad ass game), Warzone 2100 (Kinda like the game you suggested, Also freeware now) and Impossible Creatures (The engine for this game was later used in Dawn of war, that's how bad ass it was).

As for FPS, i have never replaced Timesplitters in my heart.
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 3:32:29 PM
I'd make a survival-horror FPS with RPG elements. Dead Island (with more RPG elements, more guns, more serious, no sun). Mixed with early Resident Evil games (setting, puzzle elements, finding keys to progress to an extent). Mixed with Fallout (open world to an extent, RPG elements, dark setting).

On a side note, most classic survival-horror series (RE 4,5) and more recent (Dead Island, Left4Dead) have lost the fundamentals of the genre, incorporating more mainstream things such as more action (suspenseful "what was that sound?!" --> kill 50 charging zombies in a day-lit marketplace), day settings (kills the mood), and humor. I think a true survival-horror game like I mentioned would have a lot of demand from players like that me that enjoy the genre but feel most recent games are missing the mark. Making zombies the enemy in a Call of Duty style game does not make it survival-horror.
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 3:54:38 PM
I agree with you there that the games have missed their marks with having zombies and the whole survival-horror games being during the day. Monsters are always so much better when they pop out of nowhere, trying to rip your freaking head off IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. I also agree with you on the Black ops Zombie Survival mode. Here lately, I haven't seen very good zombie or monster games. Even Res 5 missed the mark. I hear and I hope that Res 6 will go back to its roots in Raccoon City or at least to the only playing in nighttime ordeal. I remember in the third one where you played through the whole game, somehow the story lasts several days or a week or something like that, and you never once saw daylight.
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 4:43:25 PM
Well first off let me introduce some of the game mechanics and gameplay choices that must be in place for my perfect game, I'm going down the route of the perfect game for me which is a combination of FPS and strategy with some RPG mixed in.

The game must be hard, but not as in continually nerve rackingly annoyingly hard I mean hard as in there are easy bits, hard bits and those insane bits that you just can't seem to get past but eventually do and you feel damn good about doing so. Also, none of this difficulty BS I want one difficulty for all. It must be a challenge and not a challenge in you're opponents have the continuous upper hand but one that requires you to actually think about strategy instead of just rushing in there guns blazing.

It must also have puzzles, collectable's (not impossible to find ones but ones that are hidden in plain sight) and dinosaurs!

The game would be one where you build through the ages of civilisation, you start off in the first settlements of a simple civilisation, and you're the ruler. The objective of the game is whatever you like, you're set on a world that is infinitely large and has no resource limits, as long as you can conquer or barter your way to them. You're the leader, an immortal figure that is set to rule these people forever, as long as you can keep their trust by making the right decisions, rule with an iron fist or a nurturing hand but whichever way you do you must keep your peoples trust that you can protect them. Now as I mentioned before this world is infinite, and that means there are infinite enemies and other civilisations, you can destroy them, befriend them or ignore them. The choice is yours!

Gameplay time! You play in first or third person depending on preference or situation as sometimes either may be advantageous. You roam the streets of your town (that eventually will grow to be the capital of your empire, if you can survive long enough) helping citizens if you wish or just letting them live their lives and you shape your town. Or you could go off and explore some far off lands and let your city shape itself. Basically you can control your city and help it grow and send people off to explore and find resources or you can do it the other way round, or if you're happy with how everything is going you can do neither and go to sleep for a few years and let things happen naturally.

Basically, its the ultimate sandbox RPG strategy game where you have complete control how everything happens and you watch it grow through the ages, you can fight in wars in first person or command troops from the safety of the command centre, but if you die you'll have to load a save.

Right, that's me done. That's a bit of a mess but who cares, I think it gets my ideas across.
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 7:55:32 PM
grimofnight wrote:
I agree with you there that the games have missed their marks with having zombies and the whole survival-horror games being during the day. Monsters are always so much better when they pop out of nowhere, trying to rip your freaking head off IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. I also agree with you on the Black ops Zombie Survival mode. Here lately, I haven't seen very good zombie or monster games. Even Res 5 missed the mark. I hear and I hope that Res 6 will go back to its roots in Raccoon City or at least to the only playing in nighttime ordeal. I remember in the third one where you played through the whole game, somehow the story lasts several days or a week or something like that, and you never once saw daylight.

Yeah I'll def check out RE6, all the previews I've seen are set at night (a start..), but the series has and (at least in promos) looks to continue to take a more action-packed, in-your-face approach to the survival horror genre.

Dead Space games did a good job. It blended suspense with enough action quite well.

InFlamesWeTrust wrote:
Well first off let me introduce some of the game mechanics and gameplay choices that must be in place for my perfect game, I'm going down the route of the perfect game for me which is a combination of FPS and strategy with some RPG mixed in.

The game must be hard, but not as in continually nerve rackingly annoyingly hard I mean hard as in there are easy bits, hard bits and those insane bits that you just can't seem to get past but eventually do and you feel damn good about doing so. Also, none of this difficulty BS I want one difficulty for all. It must be a challenge and not a challenge in you're opponents have the continuous upper hand but one that requires you to actually think about strategy instead of just rushing in there guns blazing.

It must also have puzzles, collectable's (not impossible to find ones but ones that are hidden in plain sight) and dinosaurs!

The game would be one where you build through the ages of civilisation, you start off in the first settlements of a simple civilisation, and you're the ruler. The objective of the game is whatever you like, you're set on a world that is infinitely large and has no resource limits, as long as you can conquer or barter your way to them. You're the leader, an immortal figure that is set to rule these people forever, as long as you can keep their trust by making the right decisions, rule with an iron fist or a nurturing hand but whichever way you do you must keep your peoples trust that you can protect them. Now as I mentioned before this world is infinite, and that means there are infinite enemies and other civilisations, you can destroy them, befriend them or ignore them. The choice is yours!

Gameplay time! You play in first or third person depending on preference or situation as sometimes either may be advantageous. You roam the streets of your town (that eventually will grow to be the capital of your empire, if you can survive long enough) helping citizens if you wish or just letting them live their lives and you shape your town. Or you could go off and explore some far off lands and let your city shape itself. Basically you can control your city and help it grow and send people off to explore and find resources or you can do it the other way round, or if you're happy with how everything is going you can do neither and go to sleep for a few years and let things happen naturally.

Basically, its the ultimate sandbox RPG strategy game where you have complete control how everything happens and you watch it grow through the ages, you can fight in wars in first person or command troops from the safety of the command centre, but if you die you'll have to load a save.

Right, that's me done. That's a bit of a mess but who cares, I think it gets my ideas across.

Wow the scope of this game would be HUGE.
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 8:28:57 PM
Oh man, i completely forgot about Dead Space. I picked up the first copy, and since it was an action-survival-horror and had seen a friend play it. Well I waited until it was well after dark, would turn off all the lights and get absorbed into the game. Idk how many times I about S**** my pants when one of the things jumped out at me. As soon as i completed the first game I immediatly had to pick up the second. It had a story, the puzzles were harder and so were the fights, but it lacked that scare from the first one. I was a little disappointed to say the least. Too much action, not enough horror. I will admit that the first time one of those things jumped out of an apartment door did scare the crap out of me though. Other than that, nothin' else really stood out, besides there being more BIGGER baddies.
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 9:56:19 PM
If i could create an FPS i would make one around Warhammer 40K universe. If i could create an RPG that would be Warhammer fantasy RPG and btw why noone ever made one in the first place?????? smiley: confused
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 11:21:06 PM
Didnt like Fire Warrior and i dont play consoles smiley: mrgreen

I liked Space Marine but i wanted a real FPS. Havent played FPS games since Call of Duty 2 (the original not modern warfare)

Although if i had to pick that would be a WH Fantasy RPG

Off-topic : out of curiosity where is Maidstone? USA?
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 11:32:41 PM
Maidstone is in Kent, England, United kingdom. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 7:22:27 AM
They made a Warhammer MMORPG. And they made a Third Person Shooter/action Warhammer 40K game. I played the console version of Space marine, didn't like the controls.
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12 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 8:58:20 AM
grimofnight wrote:
They made a Warhammer MMORPG. And they made a Third Person Shooter/action Warhammer 40K game. I played the console version of Space marine, didn't like the controls.

The Warhammer MMORPG was a complete fail. A proof what happens when you rush computer games. I tryed it for 3 months and it was more than enough. Too bad they canceled the project for a Warhammer 40K MMO but if i take in mind the previous one maybe its for the best.

@Igncom : didnt know that smiley: rollblue sounded a bit "U.S."
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12 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 9:45:29 PM
Nomas wrote:

@Igncom : didnt know that smiley: rollblue sounded a bit "U.S."

Our colonists are not very good with the naming schemes, 'New England' after all. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 10:55:49 PM
Actually Maidstone brought in my mind something like Tombstone the old west town... smiley: mrgreen
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