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The most beautiful system

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12 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 2:20:29 PM
This is an idea. I don't know if there already have a thread for that smiley: redface

There are no treasure, artefact or other unique things in Endless Space. The only exciting thing you can find is a very efficient/beautiful/easy planet system. So I invite you to post your best system here with a screenshot or a description (or both), like you want.

For me, I'm very unlucky and i haven't find a very good system (after 4 single player games) for the moment... I hope ! smiley: rollsweat

So, "let's show" !
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12 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 2:22:45 PM
I think that's better off in offtopic. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 2:24:37 PM
Oh, if only I had seen this yesterday before I finished my game...I had found the best system ever, that I've seen. An Ocean, Terran, and Jungle world, all in one system, along with a Lava and Asteroid. Though, the Terran world was Irradiated, and the Jungle world was toxic...

One I researched the tech to fix those issues, though, that system was incredible. Time to boot up a new game and see if I can get a pic to contribute, but I doubt I'll find that one. And I really need to stop deleting my saves when a game finishes...Cursed me, and my storage space hoarding ways...
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12 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 2:33:05 PM

Why "OffTopic" ? It's an Endless Space thread ^^"


Not bad ! For me that's only 1 Giant Terran with 1 Medium Ice... with no good or bad modification :l
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12 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 3:18:30 PM
I found one once with two jungles and an ocean with no bad features at all. I think it was to balance out the fact that every other system round it was basically barren and irradiated. I have yet to find a system as amazing since.
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12 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 3:47:38 PM
I've had 6 Huge Terrans before. One of them had a bad feature, but I fixed it. Two had good features, 3 had minerals.
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12 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 7:05:36 PM
DarkHawk0 wrote:

Why "OffTopic" ? It's an Endless Space thread ^^"

Because it fits nicely with "how do you name your systems/fleets/ships"-threads and other stuff. ^^
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12 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 7:48:33 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
Because it fits nicely with "how do you name your systems/fleets/ships"-threads and other stuff. ^^

Personally I think anything to do with Endless Space should be considered on topic. Only things unrelated to Endless Space should be off topic. Naming ships, best planets etc for the Endless Space game is most definitely on topic for the Endless Space forum in my mind. I was very surprised when you moved the ship naming thread to the off topic section.
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12 years ago
Jul 27, 2012, 2:15:12 AM
The production manager's dream right there. I love lavas. And with all thoses bonuses the system won't be to upset when fully colonized. Minus the expansion disapproval and a high tax rate.
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12 years ago
Jul 27, 2012, 7:44:33 AM
nats wrote:
Personally I think anything to do with Endless Space should be considered on topic. Only things unrelated to Endless Space should be off topic. Naming ships, best planets etc for the Endless Space game is most definitely on topic for the Endless Space forum in my mind. I was very surprised when you moved the ship naming thread to the off topic section.


Yes, I'm agree. In this case, Nosferatiel, you can moved other thread like "How have you Terraform your system ?" or "Show your personnal clan here" and other and other... There are an Endless Space Forum FOR the Endless Space thread, right ? smiley: kitty


Wow, you got a really powerful-industrial system smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Jul 27, 2012, 1:57:16 PM
Those are almost all medium though, no large planets in there. But considering my custom faction in this game is based on production and trade, this was a welcome find!
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12 years ago
Jul 28, 2012, 1:21:38 PM
the best systems are those which have a planet with garden eden I found in one galaxy already three of it smiley: biggrin

but the most annoying thing is when some Cravers destroy realy good planets.

that sucks. smiley: mad
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