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Questions on how to be productive and liked, and not useless and hated

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12 years ago
Aug 3, 2012, 2:23:33 AM
I'm curious on what the best way to be a liked and useful member of the forums is. I don't want to be that guy that whenever I post, you groan and say "Ugh. What did that bastard post this time?". I really like this game, and I want to help contribute to it's success, and I really can't do that if I'm hated and ignored because all I do is piss everyone off.
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12 years ago
Aug 3, 2012, 12:32:47 PM
Try to write positive things about the game smiley: sarcastic

Help people

Use smilies

Be on the forum a lot

Write a good AAR

Do a blog

Fill in your profile

Writing lots of good threads will get you lots of good votes on them (always vote on your own threads) which will increase your rank quickly, and make people think you know what you are talking about smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Aug 3, 2012, 12:46:04 PM
The same way that you would try to be productive and liked in real life, really. Be helpful, polite, and all that.

Unless you decide to go around acting like a general jerk, with no regard to sociability, you should be fine really. I've only seen one person on the forums that I've had that groan you mention for, and he's not around anymore. I think he got banned...*shrug* Anyway, you should be fine, don't worry about it. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Aug 3, 2012, 1:04:58 PM
Also it's fine to criticise people or anything else, but then you should follow this internal checklist:

  • Do I know precisely what is meant by the person I want to criticise? / Am I sure I understand the mechanics I want to criticise? If not, ask or read the offending post again. If yes, proceed with the checklist.
  • Am I angry about the topic? If yes, abstain from posting until you cease being angry. If not, begin your post by stating precisely what the problem is, in your opinion, then proceed with the checklist.
  • Do I know any way it could be done better, in my opinion? If not, either think on the topic, again, or politely state that this mechanics/post annoys you, but also admit that you don't know a solution to the problem. If yes, elaborate on your proposed solution and convince people that it solves the problem you perceive.

  • [/LIST]

    I think you may call that Nos argument advisor in three simple steps.
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    12 years ago
    Aug 3, 2012, 1:42:51 PM
    Just do what I do, everytime you post something read it over and see if it would piss you off. If it would amend it or leave it out.

    Of course sometimes things have to be said, but this is when you stop feeding the trolls.
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    12 years ago
    Aug 3, 2012, 1:55:03 PM
    Several times I have written something, then thought twice about it and deleted it or amended it later on. I am the worst person at writing on forums and I have already been banned in the 1C forum for comments made about Cliffs of Dover (who hasn't been banned from that forum though?). It isn't great to be banned though - makes getting information on patches etc really difficult, I have found (not that there have been any patches for Cliffs of Dover) smiley: biggrin

    But no, seriously, don't get banned smiley: cry
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    12 years ago
    Aug 3, 2012, 4:30:46 PM
    Just be nice, that's all I can suggest.

    As I am almost positive that I have 'annoyed' many of the other residents.
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