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Forgive me for i have sinned in ES:(

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12 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 10:03:08 AM

I would like to take this opportunity to simply say: Hello.

And then ask for forgiveness.

You see. A while ago i downloaded this game from Piratebay.

I know i know:/

Its useally what i do when trying a new game, if its good i buy it, if its bad i stop playing it and remove it from the computer to conserve space.

Now, when i first tried this game (after having downloaded it) i was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information. Yet i didnt stop playing it. Sure the tutorial was a bit lacking in relevant information, the combat system was new to me although interesting. And every ten minutes while playing i had to google something on my phone to find out how the food ratio worked, combat tips, even simple things as how to colonize a planet i had to google. Yet i keept playing the game nonstop for over two weeks now.

In my coffee breaks at the office i found myself reading every bit of information i could find on the ES wiki, the numerous strategy guides, the reviews, and every single post ever made on this forum.

And while i was reading over the newest posts here, something struck me: What the hell am i doing? Never before have i put so much effort into learning a new game!

I was baffled. Stunstruck, yes i was methaphorically knocked out!

This is where i had yet another realization: I love this game. I cant stop playing it, and i spend every single available hour scouring for more information about the gameplay, i constantly strive to learn more and to improve my tactics. I simply love this game. and never before have i experienced such a passion for a game.

I even, for the first time in my love, have bothered to register on the Game forum to participate with other fellow gamers. I have never done that before.

So i am proud to say that i have bought it on Steam, full price, with all exclussive packages like emperors edition and admiral bonuses.

All i ask for, is forgiveness for first downloading the game when i was going to try it:/

If not, i will understand.

My kind regards,

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12 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 10:47:44 AM
As long as in the end you pay for it, no need to feel bad, as it is the same as paying before you try.

I have done it to games before.......yo! ho! A pirates life for me.....smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 1:27:07 PM
Nice of you to admit your crime, be sure to redeem your G2G points for buying the game !
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 1:11:37 PM
This thread is in violation of the "Inappropriate Content" forum rule and as such will be closed. Please acquaint yourselves with the Forum Rules and refrain from commenting piracy on the forums.
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