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Renegade's Reign of Romance

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12 years ago
Nov 5, 2012, 6:57:59 PM
Renegade's Reign of Romance - by Soban


Shepard, so focused on humanity that he

ignored everyone else. Shepard, the hero of the geth incursion onto

the citidel. Shepard, who killed others with little mercy or regret.

Tali's heart beat with fear every time she was near him. However,

there was also aspect to it, why she stayed. She loved Shepard. She

was an alien, meaning nothing to him. However, the night that he took

Ashley to his room beside where Tali slept, she cried as she heard

them together. He would never be hers.

After he died, there was a void in her

life. A void that she filled with going on missions for the fleet.

Then one day it happened, he was back. Her guards pointed guns at

him, she was afraid that he was going to kill them all. Once again

her heart beat with fear. Fear that made her feel alive.

If she was a true friend of the galaxy

she would have ordered her guards to shoot. Perhaps they would kill

Shepard, save the galaxy from his human dominant philosophy. However,

she did not, and somewhere she knew it condemned her to be tortured

by him again, be his good little quarian slave. Part of her wondered

if Shepard was right. If humanity did deserve to be ruling force in

the galaxy.

He reinforced the idea that humans were

better when he managed to kill the mech that had taken down two whole

squads of Quarian marines with just his two companions. Then there

was Vetor, she knew that veetor was better off with the fleet.

Shepard told her to come with him. However, she could not, the next

mission was too important. Shepard allowed her to take veetor.

Telling her in no uncertain terms that when next they met, she would

come with him. It was not a kindness that he gave her veetor, it was

him taking care of Tali. Not as a friend, but like a rider takes care

of his horse. He owned her mind and soul. They both knew that, even

though they had not spoken it.

On halestrom, Shepard came for her. A

part of her knew that he would come. He had always came when she

needed it. When she had needed the geth data, he had given it to her,

it was the price he paid to keep her as his slave. Now, like a

shepard goes and looks for lost sheep, not because he loves them but

because he would lose something valuable if they are killed, he came

for her. She had no choice, she had to go with him instead of back to

the fleet with Kal'Reegar. Shepard had not needed him to sacrifice

his life to kill the geth outside. It had not been for Kal's benefit.

It had been a show of force for her. That if she disobeyed him, the

havoc he would unleash on her and the fleet.

Despite all this, in her heart, she

knew she loved him. Despite the way that every single mission he came

back from there was the blood of almost everyone that opposed him. In

spite of the way that she knew he looked at her, she knew that he

would never love her, only use her. It hurt her deep down inside.

One day, while she was working on the

core she heard him approaching from behind. “Shepard, what I can I

do for you?” She asked, knowing that no matter what it was she

would do it.

“Do you have time to talk.” It was

a statement, not a question.

“Sure, let me just...” She said,

trying to complete what she was working on quickly so not to waste

Shepard's time. He hated it when that happened. It was taking too

long. “Come on you little bosh'tet.” She said at the little

thing. It completed it's task. Then she realized that shepard was

standing there. He hated it when she said anything in quarian. His

hand was held in the way he did when he was about to punish her.

“Oh, Sorry.” She apologized,

fearing his wrath. “I've got a small fever and I'm taking it out on

the poor drive core. Don't worry, it's nothing serious. I got sloppy

while doing some suit repair.” She explained quickly, hoping that

it would be enough to mollify his wrath.

“I don't know if I could live in a

suit my whole life.” He said to her. It was part of his little

game, showing her just how much better he was then then her. He

wanted her to tell him more so that he could mock her more

effectively. It was humiliating, but he was her superior and she had

to do as he asked.

She did as she was told like a good

little slave. “We're in our suits even among family. The most

intimate thing we can do with another quarian is link our suit

environments. We get sick at first, but then we adapt. It's our most

important gesture of trust, of acceptance. I have not trusted anyone

enough for that though.” She looked at him, hoping he was pleased

with her. “Except... well no quarians. Um. You know what I mean.”

“I appreciate the thought Tali, and I

feel the same way. But you don't have to prove anything to me.” he

said, with an unspoken but clearly there “yet.” At the end. Tali

did not know why, but she loved him and would do anything he asked,

even if it meant her death.

“I know” She said, then she caught

the glint in his eye when he came up with a new torment for his

followers. It was usually subtle, something that struck at their very

core and despite the pain, made them even more loyal to him. The

thought of what he would do scared her, made her heart race. She did

not want this, want the torture he would inflict on her. She tried to

back out of it.

“Well not that I know, but I did not

mean it like that. It's um... Wow, it's really hot in here.” He

gave her a look that told her there would be no escape. Trying made

him displeased with her. She caved, like the slave she was, to her

master's unspoken orders. “It's just that the tradition signifies

a willingness for, um, intimacy.”

Shepard smiled, something he rarely

did. She wanted him, but not like this. Not with him using it as a

tool to shape her into the image he wanted. She hoped that her being

good when they took out that rouge AI would give her some measure of

protection against this. “I wasn't trying to.. It's not always like

that.. It's more... How did we end up talking about this?”

“It sounds to me like your suggesting

something, Tali.” He said, it was part of the game. If he wanted

it, he would take it.

“What could I possibly be

suggesting?” She asked, trying to feed his ego. “I mean, a young

woman gets rescued by a dashing commander who lets her join his crew

and then goes off to save the galaxy. How could she possibly develop

any interest in him?” She said, knowing that this described not

just her, but the woman he had taken the last time this had happened.

It would make him feel powerful, in control of her. Not that he was

not already, he owned her in everything but name.

“You have nothing to be embarrassed

about Tali. I feel the same way about you.” For a moment Tali let

her heart leap with joy. It was part of the game she knew, but it

still felt good to hear him say that he might possibly love her.

Swept up, by him, she said, “Really?

I didn't.. you never... well good.” She said, the happiest she had

been in months. “Anyway, I should get back to work. But... thanks

for coming by and talking.” She nodded and he turned away with a

smile on his face that meant he had gotten what he came for. Only

after he left, she felt like turning back to her station. That night

was when the realization of how much he owned her hit Tali. No one

should have that much influence on another being. That night she

cried herself to sleep.

It was several weeks and missions later

the next time he would come for her. To move her piece forward. He

took her along more often now. Letting her see how superior he was to

her, and by extension, how better all humans were. Soaking her hands

in the blood of those that got in Shepard's way. In a way, joining

her to him. When they first met, she had hated the sight of blood.

But now she reveled in it like Shepard did.

She was no longer a innocent girl, she

was Shepard's tech master and killing machine. She acted on his will,

his hand to use against all that stood in his path. It was a subtle

brainwashing, the only thing she knew was his might and she was an

object of that might. A tool, like a hammer, or a gun, nothing more.

She heard him behind her, she turned

and asked. “Shepard, what I can I do for you?”
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12 years ago
Nov 5, 2012, 6:59:00 PM
“Have you got time to talk?” He

asked, wanting to continue the conversation they had started earlier.

“Yes, I'd like that.” She said,

submitting to his will. This was going to be embarrassing, just the

way he liked it, enough without others watching. She motioned him to

the main drive core, most of the time no one was looking there.

“I've been thinking about the last

time we talked. I'm sorry, I was unprofessional and I wasn't thinking

rationally. I was being stupid and selfish.” She said hanging her

head. She was trying to stroke his ego, make it harder for him to

break though. Just like he wanted so that the victory when he took

her would be all the better.

“You've never been selfish.” He

said, Tali was thankful for the small bit of praise. However, he

followed it as always with a condemnation. He never let her think

that just because he gave her a tiny tidbit of praise that she was

good enough for it. It was part of his manipulation of her, but then

again she deserved it. She would never be able to live up to his


“If anything you spend too much time

thinking of the fleet and not enough thinking of yourself.” He

said, warning her that if she did not shape up and start being better

that he would take it out on her.

She tried to offer a small defense

against his attack. “That might be true for humans, but quarians

are different. We can't just... we have to think of other people.

Always. If we don't think about the needs of the whole crew then

people could get hurt, maybe even killed.” She could tell by the

look on her face he was not pleased.

She decided to resume being a good

little slave. She hated herself for bowing and scraping herself

before him, but she loved him more then life it's self. If the only

way to be with him was to be his slave that he used and threw away,

so be it. “You deserve to be happy with someone. I can't do that.

No matter how much I wanted to.” She said, abasing herself before

him. Perhaps she could use this to delay the inevitable. “I could

get sick, jepordize the mission.” She said.

“Are you saying that you could die if

we were together?” He asked, not out of kindness but out of a

desire to get the most out of her before he threw her by the wayside.

Tali secretly hoped that when he did so, he would kill her. Because

once he no longer needed her, she could no longer be with him. Life

would not be worth living after that.

“It's always a risk, maybe the

infection would be minor. Maybe it would put me down for a few weeks.

Or maybe it would kill me. But.. That's not what I'm concerned about,

Shepard. I don't want you distracted. I don't want what I want to

hurt the mission. It's too important.” She said, showing her

commitment to the only thing that drove Shepard, completing the


“And if you weren't jeopardizing

anything?” He asked, trying to measure her loyalty. Tali knew that

if she failed this test, her life would be short and likely painful.

“I watched as you took care of the

settlers on feros. I watched your face as lieutenant Alenko died. I

watched you stand strong against everything that the Galaxy threw at

you. I've watched you for so long. I never thought that someone as

powerful and strong as you would stoop to wanting someone like me.”

She said, stating times where she had been useful to him, hoping that

it would show her loyalty.

Shepard smiled, it was exactly the

response he wanted. Now he could continue with his plan for her.

“Tali, if your scared, I don't blame you. But I don't want anyone

else. I want you. And I'll do what ever it takes to make this work.”

He said.

“I wouldn't blame you if.” She

realized that this was not what he wanted to hear and so corrected in

mid course. “but... oh, Thank you. You don't realize what that...

thank you. Give me a little time. I'll do some research, figure out

how to make this work.” She said, he smiled, she was doing what he

wanted her to.

“What can you do, can I help?” He

asked, wanting his plan for her to succeed.

Tali explained what she needed to do,

“There are ways to temporarily improve my immune system. Immune

booster, antibiotic injections, that kind of thing. I'll spare you

the details. But trust me, I've got a lot of motivation to figure

something out.”

“It can't be that uncommon for a

quarian to have a relationship with another race.” He said,

wondering why it would take time for her to figure out how to do it.

Tali sated his need to know, “Sure,

but in most cases, everything is happening outside the suit. Nerve

stimulation programs and such. I don't want that. If I'm going to be

with you, I want it to be real. I need to feel your skin on mine.

I've never shown my face to anyone... but I'm ready to show you. If I

can do it without dieing.” She said, she did not want to stop being

of use to him because she was dead.

“Do your research quickly, Tali.

Captain's orders.” He said, commanding her to find a way.

“All right. Yes. Definitely. Until

then I should do something. Repairs for the mission.” She said.

Another few weeks passed. Tali received

a message from home, she had to return immediately. Shepard could see

that it was bothering her. Even though she never wavered from his

service. Not wanting anything to distract her from full loyalty to

him he went to the Fleet.

It was there that she learned her

father was dead. What horrible things he had been doing. Shepard went

with her to clear the ship and did it pretty much by himself. Tali

was too much of a wreck to help. When she found her father, Shepard

hugged her. The contact felt good his strong arms around her.

However, there was a subtext. Now he owned her bodily, because there

was nothing to hold her back. No family, no ship, the Normandy was

not even part of the fleet. She had nowhere to go except to his arms.

Exactly as he wanted. At the trial, he kept the information for

himself, and then yelled down the board. Forcing them to back down

and acquit Tali. This made her love him even more because he did it

without forcing her to burn any bridges back to the fleet in the

process. This let her talk to the ship's doctor and get some useful

immune boosters.

Back at the ship, Tali spoke to

Shepard. “I can't tell you how much what you said means to me. And

I'll understand if you want to find something... someone else. I'm

not complaining if your still interested. Um. You are still

interested?” She said, giving herself to him completely. She would

no longer try to hold back from him want he wanted. Anytime,


“I don't want to risk your health.

I'm willing to wait.” He said, giving her the choice of when in

exchange for her everything. Tali breathed a sigh of relief. Part of

her was scared that he would want her right then to show him

dominance over her.

“Thank you. I want you to see what is

under this damn helmet. I need to feel your skin against mine. To

share myself with you before we fly off into the final battle.” She

said, thanking him for giving her the choice but telling him that he

would not have long to wait for it.

It was not long before they went though

the relay. They had stopped at the citadel for some much needed

provisions. Tali had stocked up on everything that would make her

immune system better that she could find. Including some rather

dubious things. However, if it made the night she would get to spend

with Shepard better, then she would use it.

Tali took the supplements and then

humbly presented herself before Shepard. As she entered his presence

she was nervous hoping that he would be pleased with her. “So, I've

taken some antibiotics as well as some herbal supplements that should

bolster my immune system. I was going to bring music, but I did not

know what you liked.” She said as she presented herself to him. She

saw the look he gave her. “And I'm babbling like an idiot.” She

said, head bowed before Shepard.

“It's ok, come here” He commanded

her. She stepped forward and the two embraced. However, she was still

worried that he would at her most vulnerable, reject her. “I want

this to work, I've thought it over, minimized the risks. But I'm

still nervous.” She confessed to Shepard. “and that always makes

me talk too much. It's a defense mechanism and it's stupid. And...

pepole who just see the mask can't see my expression so I have to

make it clear... what I'm” Shepard guided her to the bed. Once on

it he reached up to her mask and unsnapped it. “Feeling.” She

said, the first word she had ever spoken to anouther person with her

mask off.

With that Shepard kissed her. Then the

rest of the suit and uniforms began to come off. In bed Shepard was

very different. He focused on her pleasure, putting the virgin though

her paces. Finding every spot that could make her squirm from

pleasure and where she would scream in pain. They also went though

positions. Finding the ones that were most comfortable for shepard.

Shepard took his time, enjoying the controls he had over her body.

When they lay exhausted on the bed together, Tali knew that she would

never regret this night and she did not even when the sickness came

and she felt horrible, the memory of that night kept her.


Gives the "paragon" choices of Mass Effect a different tone. Completely Different.


This not made by me, but I feel this deserves a read.

Original post here.
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12 years ago
Nov 5, 2012, 9:13:17 PM
Tredecim wrote:
Well... how did you find that? Oh wait, I better don't want to know! smiley: stickouttongue
Found this when scouting (lurking in) the Bioware forums.

I find it astonishing how the writer managed to make good choices look so evil and selfish. Big respect to the man (or woman), as this requires a high writing skill.
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12 years ago
Nov 5, 2012, 9:20:45 PM
adder wrote:
Found this when scouting (lurking in) the Bioware forums.

I find it astonishing how the writer managed to make good choices look so evil and selfish. Big respect to the man (or woman), as this requires a high writing skill.

Yeah, the writing is great.. but they it's used would make Cicero happy (Rhetoric nd Stuff) smiley: biggrin
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