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Sad future for Brazil

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8 years ago
Apr 18, 2016, 10:15:39 PM
My country is going through an attempt at coup d´etat to depose the democratically ellected government. An unconstitutional impeachment has been passed in the lower house and is headed to the senate. It is based on an unexisting fact. They claim there has been a crime of fiscal responsibility that did not happen; to be more precise, they claim that actions that did, indeed, happen are a crime, when they aren´t.

This is a transnational event. Our mainstream media is part of it and it is allied to international media, especially under the Globo networks.

For those who don´t know, we have a very young and weak democracy. We have been under an oligarchic republic in the past, then watched the military impose an elitist dictatorship for some 30 years, then watched a playboy be ellected president only to be impeached 2 years later because he plain and simple stole every savings account in the country. Only from 1992 through 2016 we had something that resembled a mature democracy.

Now it´s all over again. It seems we´re back to the oligarchic republic which turned us into a huge farm in the first place. Sad times are ahead for us.

Just wanted to let people know. I don´t care what happens to the thread.
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8 years ago
Apr 19, 2016, 6:05:30 AM
I am sorry to hear that. I know the feeling of watching your country slip down the drain. It's quite unpleasant.

I must admit, my understanding of what is happening in Brazil is very limited and, of course, I don't trust mainstream western media to appreciate the nuances. Is there any legitimate source of info you recommend (in English)?
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8 years ago
Apr 19, 2016, 6:21:51 AM

I liked BBC´s article about yesterday, but at least to me it seems every major one is not really worried about the "innocent" part. The say things like "the defenders of the president claim there was no fiscal crime" as if that was still up for debate. It´s not. Then they all just go on to parrot how Brazil´s economy is not what it was under Lula (newsflash: commodities can´t be expensive forever. actually, everyone knows that, which makes it all the more outraging when so called economists try to blame the president for an entire backwards production structure.) and then project the future under Brazil´s new right wing leadership.

So deep down, they´re not lying about anything, most of the media anyway. They´re just making loose connections to justify the political pursuit and heavy negative press.
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8 years ago
Apr 19, 2016, 7:57:56 AM
That's the article I read, actually. I tend to go to BBC first.

Not to go too deep into politics, but I find the global shift to right-wing politics and rhetoric (and often, even further to the right) to be quite alarming.
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8 years ago
Apr 19, 2016, 9:46:50 AM
Threads dealing with real-world politics are usually not welcome on gaming forums, for the simple reason that it might be construed as the studio endorsing the politics discussed within said thread.

With this in mind, I'll let this thread up, but any attempt at derailing, trolling, baiting or any such shenanigans will be met with overwhelming force.
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