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Feel free to steal my idea!

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8 years ago
Jul 7, 2016, 7:05:06 PM

Please excuse my English.

Meet my new game: Endless Clicker

You are [you :p] and you have now the biggest city of Auriga (You killed everyone anyway), you are the true Endless Legend now and you just want Dust, more Dust, MOAR DUUUUST!!

So basically you just have to click your city to make 1 Dust, Dust that you can invest in your city to have more Dust per click and also invest in Luxury Resources.
But you will need to invest in food, industry and science, you will need it to build buildings which are going to gain Dust alone for you!

In case you want more Dust (at this point I assume you understand you just still want more dust right ?), just use some of your ressource to dig in the ground in that Endless Dungeon and help heroes by giving them weapons and shield.

Once they finally exit the Dungeon you can ask them to help your expention ... In Endless Space.

Yes, you guess right, build an enormous space ship (with enormous ressources), put your heroes in it and let it go (♫) conquest a new planet.

But it's okay, your heroe will handle this planet alone and will send you all the Dust. And you can upgrade planets to have moar dust :3

Of course, dust to dust ... You know ...
You can also destroy everything like a god and start over, you will gain Influences with this action and gain more Dust than your last run! (I assume you know how an idle clicker game work :p)

Well that's it, I was trying to make this thing real, just for the joke and fully freeof cours, copyright and all.
But I really missing time with my job, so I just drop my idea here, if anyone (or Amplitude themself, because, why not ? Oo) want to make real, enjoy :p

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8 years ago
Jul 8, 2016, 1:01:51 PM
BECOMM wrote:

Could be a fun idea for a 404 minigame :p

And if you can get badges for the forum, it's even better !

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