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8 years ago
Nov 23, 2016, 5:45:16 AM

Really? Well, what say we get a game going later? I'm in the process of playing my first as the Broken Lords and I'm up against the most passive-aggressive Vaulter and Mezari AI ever; they won't declare war, but they won't accept a peace treaty. We're just staring at each other from across a continent while I slowly creep west and get as much Titanium as I can. An actual PvP would be nice in comparison.

Oh, and Valorum's going to continue talking now. Sorry Zennock, but I don't want to hold up the thread any longer.

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8 years ago
Nov 23, 2016, 8:57:42 AM

@Nibot: For the record, Decius appearing right there and right then stretches the believability somewhat. Given how many people are on the bridge, pulling a "I just heard that" entry with a three metre hulking alien is just unrealistic. I know you're eager to get more action, but you could have done it more subtly.

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8 years ago
Nov 23, 2016, 1:04:33 PM

Maybe it was too quick. I would like to point out that he did heard everything in the conversation. I should explain how he gets there though. I'll try and edit it tonight.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 23, 2016, 2:10:45 PM

It's alright. I'll try my best to contribute, I managed to complete a paragraph that further expands what I was going to say.

My hand is doing much better now, I can now "properly" type with two hands. Plus, my exams are over and results are not bad at all. I'll continue being active, hope you can all forgive me for the delays.

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8 years ago
Nov 25, 2016, 5:37:13 PM

Good to hear, Zen.

Say, how are we all feeling about update number one for ES2? A lot of stuff changed the day before yesterday.

UPDATE: There were massive discounts on Steam yesterday. I have the Endless Legend DLC's I wanted.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 27, 2016, 5:54:36 AM

Say, where's our IT specialist? Is he waiting for a opportunity to come in? 

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8 years ago
Nov 27, 2016, 7:13:03 AM

Say, Darkon. Can I have your steam profile link?

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8 years ago
Nov 27, 2016, 8:14:15 AM

He actually got lost searching the bridge, but I have an Idea how can he finally meet the rest of a crew :)

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 27, 2016, 9:27:22 AM
AngelicStorm wrote:

Say, how are we all feeling about update number one for ES2? A lot of stuff changed the day before yesterday.

Haven't had a chance to play yet, but lore-wise it's good to finally know the connection between all human races.

@Mithrill: Don't control other people's characters. Especially not in such a way. Who is supposed to make that announcement? It's first of, factually wrong (Valorum was Second Mate, not First), and secondly was the decision of the senior staff not to make an announcement until launch, which hasn't happened yet.

While I usually am against editing roleplay posts to ensure the flow, in this case I'll have to ask you to remove that part. Nobody outside the bridge knows about the change.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 27, 2016, 12:08:25 PM

Now, a rule is listed that we cannot power trip. Because of that, is it alright for me to receive have access to a exo-suit designed for a robot? (Even though Laudmas is the Chief Scientist) 

If not, I'm perfectly alright. 

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8 years ago
Nov 27, 2016, 1:00:19 PM

Robots don't need EVA suits. Comes with the ability of not having to breathe.

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8 years ago
Nov 27, 2016, 3:12:29 PM

When I mean exo-suit, I mean something much more stronger and sturdier. Like this for example.

Robots not needing to breathe in air sounds like a fact even I would know. Note that in the RP thread I talked about how Laudmas is able to sustain himself. 

Thing is, given the nature of Laudmas, he seems like the type of person who would go on dangerous (Even for a machine) and risky adventures. To minimize the risk of something bad happening and to assure people around him (For example, in the bio it is stated that he studied in a Academy) that there will be no problems on the journey it doesn't sound too unreasonable for him to create a vehicle or gear that will give him more protection and utility.

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8 years ago
Nov 27, 2016, 5:42:59 PM

Wow, a lot of stuff happened overnight, huh? Let me try to get to all of this;

I've been playing a game as the UE and the amount of buyout power that faction has is insane. You can use both Influence and Dust for buyouts, plus the senate is automatically Industrialist, so between the Dust Windfall Law and passing the Rare Metals law, you can build up your systems fast and churn out crazy amounts of Dust at the same time. SSince quests were introduced too, I just did the quests for the Haroshem and Amoeba in my constellation and got two more Temperate planets, colonized a 4th one nearby, and since Raians have a bonus to Influence on Temperate planets, that means I'm getting a few hundred Influence a turn and I've saved up all of my starting Influence from 20 turns of exploring anomalies. It's reached the point now, at turn 40, where I'm exploring other constellations and just taking whatever minor races I find because I have that much Influence. And if that wasn't bad enough, a single band of pirates flew into my home system and I literally bought a fleet to defend myself.

In summary, the UE actually feels better than it did in ES1. Between the Industrialist Senate giving me tons of Dust just for making things and the minor factions basically paying for themselves once a decent Raian population gets established, the UE is an industrial juggernaut to match the Cravers. It's actually close to tying with the Vodyani as my favourite race in the game. Still, gotta love the mobile Empire.

Speaking of Vodyani, Valorum is considered a construct as well, right? I know that I've said he's sighed audibly, but I was thinking that Vodyani could 'breathe' as a method of temperature regulation; using moving air to keep their body's hardware running cool since they can't sweat and they have cores made of pure energy.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 27, 2016, 6:24:00 PM
Mithrill wrote:

@Alien OK, I'll change it. Am I allowed to check in cameras where everybody are?

That is an ability your character has. Also, the unwritten rule about editing is: Only when it is absolutely necessary. The PA announcement is the part that is just wrong, so it needs to be removed. The rest stays.

@Zennock: I assume that every character who has considered to do so has brought some kind of armor on board. Whether or not Laudmas' standard chassis is already sturdy enough or if he brought some kind of bolt-on plates (with possibly extra servos to handle the additional weight) is something you decide.

AngelicStorm wrote:

Speaking of Vodyani, Valorum is considered a construct as well, right? I know that I've said he's sighed audibly, but I was thinking that Vodyani could 'breathe' as a method of temperature regulation; using moving air to keep their body's hardware running cool since they can't sweat and they have cores made of pure energy.

The cloth is technically a construct, yes. It is also possible to sigh without breathing, by making the sound of a sigh with whatever you also use to talk.

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8 years ago
Nov 28, 2016, 1:50:02 PM
LordDarkon wrote:

@Zen, My steam profile, Lord Darkon, I'm not very imaginative...

Ah, it's not bad at all though. I sent a invite to you.

Alien@System wrote:
@Zennock: I assume that every character who has considered to do so has brought some kind of armor on board. Whether or not Laudmas' standard chassis is already sturdy enough or if he brought some kind of bolt-on plates (with possibly extra servos to handle the additional weight) is something you decide.

Alright, thanks.  

However, about Laudmas' chassis. I do intend that he'll be very strong and sturdy even without any additional attachments.

Oh and it's likely that when I add in the "MECH" for Laudmas, it will be broken to keep things fair.

Also, I manage to have 3 people from the RP in my friend list (Still waiting on more). Me and Tlaloc had a discussion with Angel's ability and Laudmas' amnesia. They both seem to coincide with each other and it's possible that it would lead to a story arc. However, @Mokinokaro can you avoid making Angel learn of Laudmas lost memories for now? 

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8 years ago
Nov 29, 2016, 12:37:51 AM

That's some good news about Endless Legend! Should we want to get a game started, I could host seeing as how I have all the expansions. But I do work full time and late nights (4:30PM-2:00AM or 3:00AM. Restaurant jobs...) so the only days I'm really free are Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday... I'm not sure how that will effect gameplay, but let's try to get a game going!

@AngelicStorm: That seems a bit OP... Although I haven't really played enough to have a good frame of reference. Turn 40 just seems a bit early to be steamrolling. You mentioned that the UE is on par with the Craver's industry wise though, so how would you say the balance between factions is holding?

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