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Endless Space Forum RP [Roleplay]

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8 years ago
Jan 8, 2017, 10:31:40 AM

Martin looked at the Zeros, then at the datapad, and again at the Zeros.

-It's so easy... Well, the darkest place is always next to the lamp-he thought to himself.

A moment later quiet *beep* announced that uploading is finished.

-Let's check...-Martin muttered to himself-Ah! Corridor C, third left doors! If you have no objections, I'll head to my station. Goodbye-he said aloud

Soon he entered into the mainframe room. It was quite big, but also a bit messy. The access consoles were not mounted in walls. Instead, they consisted a lot of holoscreens and keyboards, floating around the user. It looked a bit chaotic, especially comparing to strict and mostly identical consoles in UE Navy.

-Well, there's always something to learn-Martin thought-Now, where's the main console...-

Then, he saw a Horatio, sitting in front of the small screen at the side.

-Another alien... This travel seems to be interesting-he thought-Hello. Can I ask you about your name and post?-he said aloud

Horatio turned around

-Mantovani-HB7-Laboran, I am responsible for electronics around the ship-he replied with irritating sense of superiority.

-I am Martin Ladderman-Corvus and I am the IT Specialist. It looks like we will cooperate-

-As long as you will respect my person-

-I will. If you want a proof, I would like you to keep the ship's computers working. I'm sure that everything will be on tip-top-Martin knew that Horatian will never do something he will find ''not worth his talents''

-That's MY duty, and I will do it. You can't mess around in another's jobs-

-I won't interrupt you-Martin said-Old goat-he added in mind

Then, he sat in front of what he guessed was main console and secretly opened his Dust ampoule. He wanted to create connections between his console and the rest of the system, so that he could check everything on one console. 

-Everything looks fine, firewall is working, automatic systems, doors steering, stability, piloting-Martin muttered to himself, quickly checking the system. Finally, he opened communication.

-IT to bridge. No problems detected, data transmission works with maximal efficiency, sensors-fine, all the system-fine, navigation computer-ready to work. As for me, we can start the journey-

Updated 6 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 21, 2017, 10:26:51 PM

Valorum ends up staring at the schedule Ylona put together for a for a long while, working out the minute details.


How clever. A staggered watch with at least one officer present at all times. Someone of authority can begin to act in case of an emergency while everyone else gets to their posts...if Sister Kyra saw this, she might actually compliment Ylona.


Eventually, Valorum swipes the screen away and sighs, mentally preparing himself. Part of him had been wondering just what he was going to say to the crew and trying to figure out how best to assure them, but he still knew that he wouldn’t completely dispel their fears. That would be an ongoing process. The one fault that he found among the other races of the galaxy was that, compared to the Vodyani, people didn’t seem to trust one-another. The Laws of the Church were to curtail sinful behaviour among the otherwise equally faithful, but to other races, laws were mechanisms to ensure equality among otherwise unequal people. There was going to be some tension no matter how he parsed the language, but the crew still needed to be united. Otherwise, the mission was doomed from the start.


The truth, then. Nothing less.


It only made sense. They didn't trust him, so he would have to give them a reason to do so. Valorum accessed the ship-wide intercom and waited as a brief tone was played through the speakers throughout the Saviour. Steeling himself, Valorum grabs Stormbreaker from where it was propped up beside him and finds some comfort in the old weapon's presence. Searching deep within his soul, the old Admiral found his voice, one strong and clear, and began to speak:


Attention, all those aboard. This is your captain speaking. Former Captain Yerem Ashami, sadly, is no longer aboard the ship. He was recalled by the Pilgrim Admiralty just prior to launch. The mission was allowed to continue in his absence, so the officers aboard the ship met a short while ago to resolve who would take the then empty captain’s seat. In that meeting, I, Valorum, the former second mate and acting ship chaplain, was deemed the best-suited to take the mantle he left behind.


Valorum gave a deliberate pause, imagining the crew beginning to talk among each other in disbelief, and allowing it for a few moments before he continued:


I have probably met with most of you already, and even if you haven’t seen me, I doubt a friend of yours hasn’t told you by now. I cannot fault anyone aboard for being concerned. I am aware of the rather obvious concerns of a Vodyani being captain of a Pilgrim vessel. One of the other officers outright asked during our meeting that, if I were to be captain, that I should first swear to restrain myself in matters involving others who didn’t share my faith...a fair request, given the circumstances.

Without even consciously thinking of it, Valorum stood from his seat. With no face to show his emotion, his body served such a purpose, and he began to gesture as if he were orating to a crowd. His mind loosened his grip and the words he spoke began to come from his heart.

But I will not compromise my faith. The Laws that you all whisper about and dread me to follow were not written to be cruel methods to punish the wicked, but a means to protect the faithful who remained true to the cause. Among my Brothers and Sisters of the Cloth, anyone who would betray us for their own means would not be dealt with kindly, for in betrayal, they forfeited our sympathy. I still hold myself to that belief to this very day, but not because I value my faith more than any person or any law!

It’s because we stand at the edge of the greatest journey in the history of our time! The bravest and strongest of souls from every corner of the galaxy have congregated here, where it falls to us to seek the origins of the greatest race we know; the Endless homeworld of Tor. We all know what we’ve signed up for; it will take every shard of determination, courage, and strength of character within us to reach our destination, and it is more than likely going to be a perilous journey. Some of us...might not even come back.


Valorum's voice became solemn and sincere as his soul suddenly began to flow into his words. No matter what details he would hide about his past, everything he said now was undeniably what he held to be true.

Think of one aboard the ship most alien to you. Someone you would never have thought to meet before today. Sometime in the future, their life may very well be in your hands. When that time comes, I would hope that nobody questions if they would save them, but how. Division is our greatest enemy now, and unity, is our shield against the troubling times to come. As your captain, it is now as much my duty to be right and just in my command as it is yours to follow it. No matter how you differ from me, be it in race, religion, gender or otherwise, I will not turn my back on any of you over such trivial details. I only ask that you, for the sake of all aboard this ship, return that courtesy.


All my life within the church, I have taken to heart this solemn truth; that a fleet is a city, a ship is a home, and its crew is family. To forsake my faith would be to forsake all of you as my brothers and sisters, to turn my back on you as a captain, and if nothing else, believe this; I would sooner die than leave anyone of you behind. I will hold true to my faith, and in doing so, I hope that we may become more than just a captain and a crew, but a true family, inseparable no matter what obstacle stands before us. We hold the future of the galaxy in our hands, and together we will find this lost world and see our names written in the stars for eternity. Be brave, be ready, but most importantly, stay true to yourself and those beside you, for as long as we stand united, we will overcome any obstacle.

And with that, the broadcast ended. Alone, Valorum took a step back and collapsed into his chair, physically weary just from speaking. Leaning his head into his free hand, Valorum's templed fingers kept his head aloft as he watched the viewscreen, seeing the blue sky of the planet below fade into the cold blackness of space. Though his speech was over, Valorum murmured one final sentence, as much to the crew as to himself.

"There's no turning back now."

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 24, 2017, 10:42:42 AM

+There it is again.+

After checking the functionality of the systems in the room. Frame spread out across the small featureless white box, a room Zeros had nicknamed "The Crowsnest" due to its proximity to the sensor array on top of the ship, Automaton eyed the Lumeris ship warily. This was the third time Guide had noted it's presence on the scanners, and that was two times too many for comfort. Even if the fleet were convinced it was "Just a merchant vessel, it shouldn't intersect your flight path." 0000 was well aware of how Lumeris "Merchant Vessels" often were something else entirely. 

Automaton completed a final data burst exchange with the planet, few last minute messages to and from the surface before acceleration prevented efficient communication, as the data file being relayed to the speakers passed through Zeros

{A rousing speech.}

[Vodyani though... Our memories of them are not kind...]

The last time 0000 had been in close proximity to Voydani Zeros had been serving as the aide to a United Empire diplomat. The diplomat used Zeros unique skillset to obtain information that would otherwise have been inaccessible to him. A scheme that, while effective for a time, ended with the diplomat being executed for witchcraft. A fate 0000 narrowly avoided sharing by hiding on a shuttlecraft and entering a state of hibernation disguised as an odd globe. It was that or be devoured.

Shaking the fragments of memory from its head, Frame reconstituted itself inside the room, leaving several preconstucted devices integratd with the room. And the Automaton began planning its next move.

[That ship, what's the status of it.]

+I'm still getting a reading, at this point I think it's safe to assume that we may not have escaped as flawlessly as we assumed...+

[Who can we turn to at this point then?]

{We should inform the chief of security of the possible threat.}

+Checking personnel records.+

Automaton checked the file photo and cringed. Of course the security officer would be a Lumeris, and with no information on whether or not this "Rolak" was loyal to his employers or secretly in service to the group that 0000 was fleeing from, Zeros would have to tread carefully. If it was lucky the executives of this mission would have informed Rolak of the unique circumstances surrounding the engineer. Automaton had learned never to betray a previous employer without ensuring that its new employers would provide it with a way out.

Frame started pacing as Zeros contacted the Quartermaster. "Rolak? This is Zeros. If you know why I'm on this ship, and what I refer to when I mention the "The Fangs of The Deep", then we need to talk. If you don't... We REALLY need to talk."

Frame began exiting the room, its work here was done. Guide attempted to keep track of the mysterious ship trailing behind them, but only noted its sudden absence. Automaton vented exhaust, [First days have a terrible habit of going wrong.]

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 31, 2017, 4:07:09 AM

At the moment when the ship launched itself forward, the ancient robot was caught up in its momentum and promptly tumbled back all the way back to Dhanyl; making sure to land head-first so that he won't squish the little creature that was attached to him. Still, his pet cephlopod absolutely did not like the journey and squirmed at him.

“Pleasant day isn’t it?” Laudmas said to Dhanyl as he carefully stood up and comforted his alarmed pet. He plucked up the poor creature, plopped it on his shoulder-guards, and continued his pace towards the bridge. This time with at-least one foot is on the ground. His body would have hurt if not for the fact that he could choose whether to receive pain or not. "Minor" pains (Such as him landing head-first) are alerted even if the ancient robot wishes to ignore it while "Major" (Such as him having his legs ripped out) pains can be ignored if chosen to. Regardless, it was a very useful skill.

Just as he was about to reach the last corridor to the bridge, the speaker was on again. This time, a very different voice. It was Valorum, and it was another one of his long speeches filled with commendation and goals of unification. If he was plenty of years younger, Laudmas would have been inspired. But after hundred (If not thousand) of lies, broken promises, and deceit, Laudmas was wary with one’s ability with words. 

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8 years ago
Jan 31, 2017, 3:30:53 PM

As Laudmas fell on his head, Dhanyl was slightly concerned, the hit looked pretty severe. But as Laudmas just shook it off, Dhanyl reminded himself of the higher durability of robotic life. Anyways, his throwback and reduced speed now allowed Dhanyl to keep up with him.

A few minutes later, Valorums announcement interrupted his thoughts on intergalactic-electron-entanglement. Looking at Laudmas, Dhanyl assumed that he was as unimpressed as himself.

"Nice words, or better, nice sound. If you have paid attention you surely have spotted the small threats and indoctrinational phrases. Binding his duty and his work to his religious believe, for that he would be instantaneously discredited in every Sophon organisation.

And his mention of punishment for betrayal, HAH, when religious people say 'betrayal' they most of the time mean 'not thinking and believing the things I am thinking and believing'. At least at one point, he is right, unfortunately, there is no turning back anymore."

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8 years ago
Jan 31, 2017, 5:54:19 PM

"Still, I believe it would be better to not grow hate." The ancient robot responded. "Let us judge his actions starting from now on, rather than his past and what his race is known for."

And with that, Laudmas opened the door, making sure to let Dhanyl in first. 

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8 years ago
Jan 31, 2017, 6:21:31 PM

After only a few seconds of silence, Valorum hears an audio call coming through to his console from the ship's mainframe room. Breaking free of his trance, he answers it and a holographic projection of Martin Corvus appears in front of him. Likewise, Martin sees an image of Valorum reclining in the captain's seat with a hand on his glaive flicker to life on his console. Once the video link is established, Valorum responds:

"Bridge to IT, this is Captain Valorum. Your report is well received, Brother Corvus. All vital instruments are functioning perfectly here on the bridge. I hope you're finding your post comfortable."

And it's then that Valorum hears one of the doors behind him open. Though intrigued as to who it could be, he remains focused on his current conversation.

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8 years ago
Jan 31, 2017, 6:54:50 PM

While stepping through the Door Dhanyl was already able to see Space through the big,  transparent, Dust enhanced Aluminum Window. At this moment ha was really happy about the Sophonian Hull design of this Ship.

For a normal Eye, it wouldn't have been visible but through his augmented reality systems was able to track their approaching in real-time, to the millimetre exact.

"I am not prejudging, I am just gathering Data, comparing it to previously gathered Information and drawing conclusions. It's called the scientific method. Thus I am forming Theories about the currently studied Subject."

Right after finishing his last sentence he noticed Valorum sitting in the Captain's chair.

Dhanyl repeated his 'salute' from earlier. Noticing that he currently was in a conversation, he silently proceeded to the glass wall, gazing upon the beauty of space.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 31, 2017, 9:22:53 PM

"Bridge to IT, this is Captain Valorum. Your report is well received, Brother Corvus. All vital instruments are functioning perfectly here on the bridge. I hope you're finding your post comfortable."

Martin heard it with unemotional face expression, which he learned during his navy carrer. ,,Never show your feelings on duty'' was one of the very first lessons in UE barracks. After second thoughts, he replied

-This is what I've been doing since I started my carrer. I feel well here. I'm glad to hear that everything is fine-Then, he saluted-Captain Valorum, I, Martin Ladderman-Corvus report myself ready to mission. I'll do my best for our success-After a short pause, Martin carried on-It's UE traditional salut. I hope it wasn't a problem. IT out-

When the video-link was shut down, Martin finally let himself to blurt out all his feelings. Valorum's speech shocked him, even if he didn't admitted it. He didn't mind working with non-humans, but being ordered by one of them made him a bit uncertain. Moreover, he was going to be ordered by a Vodyani. For him they were mysterious, unpredictable and dangerous species. However, loyalty to the captain was stronger than everything. During the space journey, everybody on the board must obey that rule. 

-Captain is always right, even if he isn't-thought Martin, quoting the old navy joke-I'll be obedient, even though I'm not used to work under the alien-he added, looking through watchstanding schedule.

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8 years ago
Feb 1, 2017, 6:55:20 AM

"If it isn't our science team again", Ylona commented jokingly, "we need something to do for you two so that you don't have to come up to the bridge every five minutes." She didn't tell them to go away, though, as there wasn't anything happening on the bridge at the moment the two could have disrupted. She herself was leaning back in her chair in a halfway relaxing pose and watched the starfield through the main screen. It wasn't changing much, as their speed was still minimal compared to the distances involved, and she'd set it to account for relativistic distortion because nothing was more boring than watching a blue-shifted radiation background.

After a minute of silence, she noticed something and therefore offered: "Laudmas, do you need a towel or something? You have a glob of engine grease on your shoulder."

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8 years ago
Feb 1, 2017, 7:30:24 PM

"It's no problem at all. Keep up the good work, brother. Bridge out."

Ending the call, Valorum pulled up his console and opened the crew manifest, searching for Martin Corvus' file before opening it. Though there wasn't much to do, Valorum was still sitting up straight and looking very alert. Almost too late, he remembered that someone walked in behind him and looked back over his shoulder to see the two friendly faces that just entered the bridge. With a cheerful tone, he exclaims:

"Ah, Laudmas! Dhanyl! To what do we owe the pleasure?"

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 1, 2017, 8:16:17 PM

Not turning around, still focusing on the star their journey was heading to, Dhanyl answered Valorums question.

"Hello again, we are just here for a little stargazing. Isn't it beautiful? This vast blackness and all the secrets that await in it?"

Without really thinking about his words he continued in a polite and slightly dreamy tone.

"Anyways, nice speech, liked the ground motive, keeping together, forming a family, and I'll have to admit, you are a great speaker.

But for my taste, there was a bit too much religious influence in it, in Sophon society, it is normally custom to separate one's duties from one's beliefs, but I understand that this customs won't be applied by most people at this ship, so, I just wanted to state my opinion.  Also, there was a part that I didn't quite understand, could you please define what you meant by 'betrayal'? Because the standard definition of this word in most religions is 'not believing what I believe', and I doubt that you meant that."

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8 years ago
Feb 2, 2017, 3:04:20 AM

Valorum reads through Corvus' biography and history as Dhanyl speaks, stroking his chin and looking deep in thought. When he realises just what Dhanyl is saying, the Vodyani doesn't look offended. In fact, his voice remains friendly and informative as he explains to his Sophon subordinate:


"Indeed, Dhanyl. In any case, when I spoke of betrayal, I meant physical betrayal; endangering the ship or the crew, for one's own sake or without reason, to name an example. To turn on your crew, or in this case, my family, is considered the highest treason both in the Church and beyond, and on a mission like this, we cannot afford to be so divided."


Valorum pauses for a long while, reading Corvus' file before he abruptly, and very calmly, asks:


"Tell me, have any of you left someone behind to come on this journey? Sisters? Brothers?"

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8 years ago
Feb 2, 2017, 6:33:03 AM

"Ah, I have something to show you."

Laudmas took the "little glob of engine grease" off his shoulder and plopped it on the ground. After a bit of nudging or two, it raced towards the Vaulter on its 7 sticky tentacles.

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8 years ago
Feb 2, 2017, 5:00:26 PM

With his thoughts still among the stars, he replied to Valorums clarification

"I'm glad to hear this, sabotage is, of course, a crime not to be taken lightly."

After this, it got silent for a few seconds, until Valorum asked a question. Turning away from the window, with his thoughts returning to the Ship he answered.

"No, I had no one to leave behind. Why do you ask?"

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8 years ago
Feb 4, 2017, 7:41:13 AM

"So we've got mobile engine gunk. Lovely", Ylona joked a bit drily, watching the blob get closer. The way it moved looked unnatural to her, and half subconsciously her hand went towards her knife. "No offense, but if this thing now jumps in my face, I am going to stab it."

After hearing Valorum's question, she looked thoughtful for a moment. But what point was there to not telling it? She answered: "I have a son. Rojlas." She looked around, then sassed: "No need to look surprised. Where did you think little Vaulters came from?" More serious, she added: "But he's with the clan now, and that's the important thing. He's safe."

((I just noticed that Ylona is the only one currently on the bridge who actually has readable facial expressions. Weird))

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 4, 2017, 3:55:51 PM

(I was a little impatient, but I have a better idea of how this could go down. Bear with me. X) )

Valorum begins to explain:

"Well, I'm given to understa-"

Then he cuts himself off, swivelling his head to look inquisitively at Ylona. With surprise visible in his physique, Valorum hesitantly comments:

"Pardon me, but... one of your siblings is a 'sun'? They'd...hardly be little, or even a Vaulter for that matter..."

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8 years ago
Feb 4, 2017, 4:38:33 PM

Puzzled for a few moments Dhanyl tried to figure out how Valorums last statement fit into this conversation. But after a few seconds of confusion, he finally understood. And started laughing.

"It seems that someone has never heard the story of the two curious Sophons !" *more laughter*

Now calming down a bit he said "Well I've never thought about this, but now it occurs quite obvious to me, in a civilisation where you just start as an Adult member of society..." *chuckle* "Horatio probably have the same problem when they fist interact with another species..."

Now further thinking about it, he started laughing again.

Somewhere in between the outbursts, he managed to slip a "Wasn't there something about you living among humans for a period time?" *more laughter* "And you never asked where those little boys and girls came from?" From that on he didn't manage to say anything understandable for some time.

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8 years ago
Feb 6, 2017, 6:08:52 PM

Valorum briefly  glances at the floor and drums his fingers on his chair's armrest, pondering an answer. Apparently beginning to realise his lack of knowledge on this topic, he looks back up at Dhanyl and carefully responds:

"...I guess it never occurred to me to ask about them. They never really bothered me or were not allowed to go near me in the first place. Besides, I was a little too busy with other matters to really take an interest in them...why?"

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8 years ago
Feb 7, 2017, 11:21:22 AM

"Because if you keep using words like 'Sister' and 'Brother' around people who breed normally, you should know what they mean to us", Ylona answered instead of the Sophon. She had smiled when the little alien had burst out laughing, but then become serious again. She explained: "Rojlas is my child. Biological child, I popped him out. I could give you a scientific explanation, and Dhanyl maybe even more so, but you should try to find it out by yourself first. Family is a nice concept to talk about, but I think for you it means something very different than for me."

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