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Endless Space Forum RP [Roleplay]

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8 years ago
Mar 1, 2017, 12:54:16 PM

"Astronomy", Ylona corrected automatically, with a slightly annoyed voice. It was a subconscious reaction that didn't involve any higher brain functions.

After listening to his other arguments, she conceded: "Could be. I guess the real reason is moot for us. Around cold stars we can find stuff, so to cold stars we fly. And somewhat more to the point, I'm not going to ask a Sower because I'm sitting on a ship that I get paid for flying into a lifeless star cluster and we don't have one on board. Would be bad form to change course just because I'm curious."

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8 years ago
Mar 1, 2017, 5:46:43 PM

Cringing at the scientific inaccuracy of this claim, Dhanyl readied himself to reply, without being too impolite. (That'll be hard)

"I am sorry but this absolutely makes no sense. It seems that you have forgotten that stars grow weaker as they age, and at some point die or explode. The Stars that are weak today were hot and powerful at the time of the Endless, likewise where the planets around them, now icy and baron, back then they sprouted with life."

 "So if they build most of their planets on warm planets, those are now cold. And those they build on cold planets are now either without a star and drifting Barron through space, or died alongside their stars."

"So yes, your conclusion is right, we should gravitate to older systems, but your reasons were complete..."

And at that point, he luckily was interrupted by Ylona.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 1, 2017, 6:08:42 PM

"Right, it is important to  let us focus on the essentials for now." The ancient robot suddenly declared, hoping to clear up the argument. 

"Now, since we are on a expedition, I suppose the ship contains all the basic tools and equipment for exploration. If the ship were to land I suggest that everybody wear protective clothing to combat the cold and against potential predators. This includes all crew-member that are considered as biological.  However, I am glad to say that we have proper security." Laudmas nodded towards Decius.

"Make sure that you can contact the ship and other crew-members. Do not go anywhere alone, make sure you have at-least one person along with you. If you really must go alone,  please notify the captain or the ship's doctor." 

The ancient robot smiled when he made that last statement.

"But as you all know, I have no real power on what your future actions shall be." The smile suddenly cracked a little.

"We can always have more and perhaps better opportunities but we only have a single life to spend. I hope that you can take that into consideration." Laudmas decompressed a bit while noting down everybody's reaction.

The ancient robot suddenly clapped his hands, hoping to alert anyone who could had been bored by his lecture.

"Right! I am sure that all of you has heard a speech like this hundreds, thousands, if not millions of times. But I will put a emphasis on safety from time to time. After all, I am the ship's doctor."  

And with that, Laudmas fully squashed himself onto a chair. Amazingly, the chair handled his metallic body quite impressively. 

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8 years ago
Mar 1, 2017, 6:33:20 PM

"Well, I fell like I would have given this speech hundreds of times... At some point, you should think everyone got it, but there is always some biologist touching plants he shouldn't have touched.§"

Dhanyl said, with a slightly grim tone towards the end. Then, with a lighter tone and a little shrug he added:

"But in the end, that's how we make progress isn't it?"

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8 years ago
Mar 2, 2017, 2:35:10 AM

Though he didn't show it, Valorum was slightly exasperated. The study of celestial bodies was called 'divination' in the Church, and he was told on Gemini III that the closest literal translation was 'astrology' in the Galactic Common language. Still, Ylona was correcting him and saying it was 'Astronomy' instead?

Goodness, for something so 'common', it should be easier to understand.

Still, Valorum nodded in concurrence with his fist mate, adding to Laudmas:

"I leave those regulations up to you to determine, Brother Laudmas, so long as you run the final drafts by me. I want to know just how safe my crew should be."

Moving on, Valorum manipulates the holoscreen to display the 'Tanye' system, seeing the model show the old, weak sun with three planets orbiting it. Pondering Dhanyl's retort, Valorum counters:

"Ah, but don't forget, Dhanyl, that the Endless were nothing if not technologically advanced, timeless, and resourceful. If they wanted a cold world and could not find one, they could always make one. There is no doubt in my mind that the worlds bearing temples are cold now not because of the passage of time, but deliberate terraforming efforts intended to remake those worlds in the image of Tor. Remember; everyone takes comfort in that which is familiar. It is both a strength and a weakness of all forms of life."

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 2, 2017, 7:21:36 PM

"And I now believe, deep within my cold little heart, that everything I have heard about the Rational and Scientific thought process of the Vodiany people is true." Dhanyl sighed "Most of the Endless temples were build on a cold planet, therefore their Homeworld Thor is today and always was cold, therefore Most Endless temples were built on a cold planet."

Now trying to look valorum in the Eyes, or better, in the general area where a humanoid should have his eyes, he proceeded with slight disappointment.

"That is called circular reasoning, unfounded assertion to conclusion to the first assertion again, it is one of the most common fallacies one can do and often used in the worst of all religious apologetics.

I think we should try to avoid such logical failures on this exploration mission, after all, we want to return with evidence-based, scientific papers and not with another Evangelion."

He stopped for a second, looking out of the Window and then continuing.

"On a different note, not all of us seek comfort in the known. I, and a lot of my folk, seek comfort in the unknown. Probably the reason why you are a priest and I am a scientist..."

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8 years ago
Mar 3, 2017, 6:36:15 AM

Ylona jumped up and slammed her hand against the console, surprising everyone with the sudden loud noise. "You're out of line, Dhanyl", she announced angrily, "Shut up."

Cutting short his rebuttal, she continued: "Doesn't matter that you're right, you just insulted your Captain because of his race and religion. Next time, think before talking. Better yet, you're the scientist. Go and find proof, then you can call us stupid."

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8 years ago
Mar 3, 2017, 4:48:52 PM

After recovering from his scare, he quickly thought about what he said and then replied. 

"I am sorry, I did not intend to insult anyone and especially didn't want to call anyone stupid. It seems that I'll have to acclimate to the more delicate structure of Human interaction. I'll go back to my Laboratory and analyse this interaction in order to learn from my mistakes."

With that he turned around and headed for the Door, thinking 'No wonder that that Sophon science is so advanced when everyone else is paying all their attention to some arbitrary social structures'.

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8 years ago
Mar 4, 2017, 5:58:00 AM

Valorum had heard that comment more times than he could count. Enough so that he had several rebuttals locked and loaded for Dhanyl, but even the stalwart Vodyani was silenced by Ylona's outburst. Letting the conversation end there, he watched as Dhanyl left the bridge, waiting until he was behind closed doors before worrying aloud:

"As much as I enjoy such debates with him, I fear our shared resilience will distract us both from the greater task ahead."

In a self-spun gesture of humility, Valorum collapsed Stormbreaker into blade-form and sheathed it at his hip. Folding both free hands behind his back, he was happy to get back to work, but he first gently explains to his first mate:

"Though I am thankful for your interjection, you need not defend me so zealously, Sister Ylona. Being a person of faith in this wing of the galaxy has made me a target for ridicule in the past. I take no insult from any of Dhanyl's criticism."

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 4, 2017, 7:23:19 AM

"Zealously?", Ylona quoted, falling back into her chair, "Nah, I just finally had a reason to snap at him. He's so full of himself, somebody had to remind him he's not brass. Since it's me, he can't get the idea it's just between you and him. Sure, it's fine that you both want to discuss, but that doesn't mean he gets to be rude. He could have said his stuff without the insults."

More or less talking to herself, she added quietly: "Arguments ad hominen. Way to paint you profession positive there, Dhanyl."

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8 years ago
Mar 4, 2017, 6:32:29 PM

Valorum sighs, as if to concede the point. Dhanyl had done little damage with the insult, but it was an insult nonetheless. If the Vaulter response to insulting a superior officer was a reprimand, then he'd rather that than the Vodyani alternative. Valorum was no sadist by any stretch, but despite all his noble intentions, the mental image of Dhanyl being muted for a few days did slightly entertain him. With a short, dark chuckle, Valorum went about silently scrolling through the star map, examining the visible systems closest to Tanye and Oyera to determine a suitable next destination in case the planets orbiting Tanye turn up nothing of value.

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8 years ago
Mar 6, 2017, 6:49:11 AM

Following the launch were a few days of boredom as everyone settled into their routines. Ylona was currently in mess hall, having a drink, when her communicator beeped.

"Hold that thought", she quickly said and checked the display. An alarm she'd set days ago had just gone off, and for a moment she struggled to remember what it was for. Then, she remembered. Dhanyl had found some kind of cloud and they were approaching.

She quickly called him on his communicator. "Ylona here. If I got the trajectory correct, then the gas debris you wanted to study should be coming up on sensor range in about an hour, so better set up your gadgets."

Then, she turned back to the conversation.

((I'll leave it open for you guys who she is talking to))

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 6, 2017, 7:12:36 PM

Zeros had spent the previous few days familiarizing itself with the intricacies of the ship and ingratiating itself with the various shipboard computers.

On it's off time though, it mostly occupied itself conversing with the science crew. More comfortable around robotic and cyborg life, Automaton had less cause to act up. Guide however took several opportunities to speak up and, after a short explanation to Dhanyl and Laudmas explaining "Compartmentalization of personality matrices to increase processing efficiency." and a "Humble request to keep my secret.", often went hours without input from Zeros.

It was during one of these visits that Dhanyls communicator crackled and the navigators voice came through, interrupting an ongoing discussion.

"Gas debris?" Guide emitted, curious as always. "Is this one of those "Anomalies" you've mentioned before?"

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8 years ago
Mar 7, 2017, 4:26:03 PM

"Yes, and, as she said, the sensors will need to be reconfigured before we are in scanning range, I already calculated everything but would need your help with the actual reconfiguring, please."

Even though this last word was practically not contained within his active vocabulary a few days before, he quickly learned that It often increased the chances of someone following his request. Such discoveries were not uncommon since the beginning of the trip, he made many small advances in the field of sociology while interacting with the crew. Nothing groundbreaking of course, but for him, who had never interacted much with other intelligent lifeforms than Sophons there was a lot of new stuff.

Nonetheless, all in all, the last days were pretty uninteresting and he only managed to prevent a lethal amount of boredom because he had the chance to make some music, the one thing next to science that was able to entertain him.

But now, over his first real chance to make a discovery since, as it felt, millennia, his first chance to advance his understanding of the Universe since the ending of... since the incident... he felt excited.

"I would be very thankful if you could help me with this as soon as possible."

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 7, 2017, 11:03:58 PM

"Seeing as the ship is flying at full operational efficiency."

"And the rest of the engineering crew has been quiet."

"We would be pleased to lend assistance."

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8 years ago
Mar 8, 2017, 7:54:03 PM

"Greate, then let's go!"

He said, going out of the Door and heading to the Communications office... wait...the wrong ship... he stopped and waited for zeros to catch up, trying to look like he would know where to go.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 10, 2017, 5:00:27 PM

Valorum is sitting in front of Ylona, his forehead resting on his clasped hands. Hearing that she was done with her call, Valorum continued to explain his unfortunate findings:

"I can feel it in the air; every time I speak with most of the crew, there's no missing it; everyone is on edge when I'm in the room. Their formality veils a current of apprehension toward me, and worse still, it hasn't faded in the slightest."

Valorum sounds disappointed. He had wanted to meet with Ylona to voice some concerns to her in the empty mess hall. According to him, he had spent his last three days roaming the corridors in his off-time, visiting the various departments and trying to learn more about the lower-ranking elements in the Saviour's crew. What he found was a band of compliant and polite subordinates, including the security detail, Dhanyl's research staff, the assistant engineers, and the other miscellaneous crew members. However, Valorum could tell that, with the exception of a rare few people onboard, virtually nobody was comfortable around him. Now, he looks up at his first mate and continues:

"I can understand their apprehension; I have to bear the reputation the Vodyani have earned, but I can do nothing to rid the crew of their fears. Simple words aren't working, and we're still at least 3 days out from the Tanye system, so my ability to exercise a fair and honest command and gain their trust is limited...tell me, what would you do if you were in my position?"

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8 years ago
Mar 10, 2017, 6:47:16 PM

"You're asking me?", Ylona asked back in an incredulous tone, "That's doubly strange. For starters, I pushed somebody else in the Captain's chair because I didn't want to face stuff like this. Also, you're like the first contact I have with Vodyani. I didn't even know about the whole life sucking thing until Laudmas told me two days ago. That fear, it's pretty theoretical for me."

She poured herself more of the drink, then pointed around the room. "Thirdly, see how clean this mess is? If this were a trading trip, with one week on a safe route? You couldn't see the floor. People are cleaning up, keeping order. Like it or not, your rep keeps the peace. That's precious on a trip like this. Nothing like a bunch of sweaty men cooped up on a ship with no one to let off pressure. If the captain doesn't know his chops, things turn ugly."

After quaffing the entire drink in one gulp, she stopped talking for a moment, staring at the glass in her hand. She was feeling a bit different. Maybe the drink had more alcohol than she thought?

"So my answer?", she picked up her monologue again, "You're doing fine. You just don't like what kind of Captain they think you are."

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8 years ago
Mar 11, 2017, 2:21:19 AM

Through the past week, Alice had mostly kept to herself.   It was a long-ingrained instinct of hers from the bad old days.    If she kept her head down, she'd be free to do her work as she pleased.   It was that simple.

That work unfortunately had been rather dull since the launch.   Every morning she'd check to make sure her little experiment kept running smoothly for the sake of the ship, then a quick stop at the mess hall to pick up the protein shake that served as breakfast before beginning her rounds of the rest of the vessel.   After lunch, she'd rest until the early evening then another check on the core....before her watch on the bridge began.

She hated watch.   The spacious domed bridge simply wasn't her element anymore; she'd rather be digging away in the bowels of the ship looking for a way to squeeze another 2% of performance out of the damned Sophon tech without breaking it.   THAT was a challenge she enjoyed.

Not this.   Not the eternal war against BOREDOM that the bridge could only offer.    Alice sighed and lit a cigarette.   She knew it was technically against regulations, but she was in no mood today to care.   For now, it was just her and the blackness.

At least until she noticed that the comm arrays were in active mode.   That was always a risky move out in deep space and, as far as she knew, no one'd been authorised to transmit.   She thumbed the comms button on the captain's chair.

"Bridge to Chief Science Officer.   Mind explaining why you've got us lit up like a damned Christmas tree?"

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 11, 2017, 4:22:34 AM

Valorum makes a growling, aggravated noise with his voicebox to voice his displeasure, gesturing into the air with his hands and letting them slap back down on the table, exasperated.

"Of course I don't like it; peace obtained through fear is akin to tyranny. I came on this mission so I could serve as a shield against fear, not command through it. It's why I was hesitant to leave my position as Chaplain for the Captain's seat in the first place. And now I can feel the whole crew scrutinising my every move in their presence, as I'm one of the many hazards we'll need to overcome."

Heavy footsteps can be heard approaching, and soon a grey-gloved hand puts a phial of Dust the size of a shot glass onto the table. The person standing at the edge of the table is a Haroshem; short, stout, and clad in grey and black bodysuit, overcoat, and backpack, all covered in pockets. A tan wrap masked most of their helmeted head with only a small opening at the bottom for a hose to connect to the small backpack they wore and with several feathers sticking out backwards from the top of the hood. A twangy, relatively feminine voice buzzes out from the helmet's speakers, saying:

"Not the whole crew, shiny. Looks like me and the first mate ain't scared of you. Here. You're looking a few watts dim."

And she slides the phial across the small table. Valorum, who's core was back down to the level of brightness it had been before he had boarded the Saviour, caught the ration and sighed, visibly relaxing and straightening up before replying:

"Thank you, Sister Vid. Still, two out of twenty people is not exactly good odds in any situation."

Vid Kwas, the Saviour's Steward, shrugs with the palms of both hands open and facing up, her rebreather making a KSHHHHK noise. Then she leans on the table and speaks to Ylona:

"Take it from me; livin' on a Vodyani-controlled world ain't all sunshine and flowers, but it also ain't the hell people here in Sophon and UE space make it out to be. The whole 'Essence' thing is bad, yeah, but the people they drain for that stuff are usually criminals or willin' volunteers. Not only that, but as long as you and a Vodyani think along mostly similar tracks, they'll live and let live pretty easy. "

Updated 8 years ago.
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