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Endless Space Forum RP [Roleplay]

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7 years ago
Aug 5, 2017, 5:01:21 AM

"Aye Captain, it is my suspicion that this darkness is some form of security feature or trap for the unprepared. You may be able to open the door, but good luck getting past THAT. However, I think that we may be able to do something about it if I am correct. From observation the ruins seem to be reacting to you, likely due to your mantle, or more specifically the fact that your physiology is therefore similar enough to produce a response."

At this point Frame casually approached the inert screen, poking at it futilely.

"Hmmm... Captain, could you perhaps approach the screen? I don't think I can interact with this, lacking the same signature as you I doubt I'll be able to access it on my own. However, once it powers on and I have basic access, I should be able to spoof some credentials and possibly deactivate the barrier. Although I have no way of guaranteeing success, I believe this is the safest way to proceed."

+And who knows what other data may be available to us once we have access.+

"And who knows what other data may be available to us once we have access."

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7 years ago
Aug 6, 2017, 1:33:44 AM

The sower was highly confused by the data it was getting from its sonar or, better said, what it wasn´t getting from it.
"0% of send in radiation has been bounced back"
<Thats impossible. 0% should be impossible, what is that?>
Then a bit after the sower was even more puzzled that it got data, extremely delayed and not making much sense to it, but data.
"5% of send radiation has been bounced back, extreme time distortion, processing data." The robot went silent again, preoccupied to figure out what it actually perceived.

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7 years ago
Aug 6, 2017, 10:55:23 PM

Valorum looks at the console but does not approach it. Instead, he steps around it and his comrade, approaching the wall of this tower 5-feet away and examining it closely. The Vodyani appeared to be visually scouring the surface of the wall, looking for something. He need only do this for a few moments before finding it; a sigil of some kind, or the trace of one that had survived the roaring winds of the surface. It was a pair of triangles, one pointing down at the other, their tips intersecting and creating a sort of hourglass shape with a diamond in the middle; the Eternal letter known as 'Iril'.

Having seen this, Valorum returns alongside his subordinate, approaching the console with confidence. With a look at Zeroes, the Vodyani lays his hand on the console as he was instructed.

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7 years ago
Aug 9, 2017, 8:24:56 AM


Momentary confusion passed as Valorum moved from the wall to the console. 


"Alright Captain, let's crack this sucker open."

As the black-clad entities hand approached the console Frame noted tiny Dust motes reaching out from the black screen, enveloping Valorums hand and forming a three-dimensional lattice of symbols which curled up Valorums arm and encircled his head. The brightest three formed a phrase akin to "Physiological Factors Identified" before shifting into a blank box with the sigils "Awaiting basic instruction." above it.

"Stupendous!Zeros exclaimed thrusting both arms into the air, startling some of the others.  Blue and orange striations flashed across 0000's eye.

<Prepping Dust interface.>

+Compiling fake identity parameters. False device login: Diagnostic Toolkit.+

Frame made a gesture similar to cracking its knuckles by stretching its arms forward. "Here we go.Zeroes exclaimed, placing its hand on the tablet beside Valorums. Eye growing dim silver as a rush of multicoloured Dust ran down its arm and integrated into the computers swirling symbols. A myriad of voices spoke in union inside Valorums head, one rising slightly above the rest.

["I'm in. Starting the search now. Anything you specifically want me to look for while I'm in here?}

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7 years ago
Aug 9, 2017, 9:46:24 AM

7-4-1-N-7-3-D was looking at them confused. <Why do they go the way of higher resistance?>

The Sower was unsure if it should comment this, it was not expected to give tactical comments, or was it? Probably not, most sowers no nothing outside their work field.It then decided to state it anyway.

"This Unit would suggest trying the way of least resistance. It is likely that in the following room are more active security measurements"

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7 years ago
Aug 9, 2017, 12:54:06 PM

After letting the ground team out, Ylona steered the ship upwards, trying to find a layer of air with less pervasive winds. It was difficult to say how quickly she was rising, and how much the storm steered her off course, since all she could see out the window was the thick dancing of snowflakes. Without the radio signals of the team from below to provide some frame of reference, she would have doubted that she had moved at all.

"Shuttle to ground team", the Vaulter radioed once she had found a zone where she was comfortable taking her hands off the controls for long enough, "How does the main entrance look? Because I'll need to rise higher to escape this storm, so if you want a pick-up and drop at the probe, now would be the time."

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7 years ago
Aug 12, 2017, 6:20:51 AM

Valorum hunches over suddenly with a grunt of pain as his mind interacts with the interface. While integrating with the panel, Zeroes see's some kind of broken video footage flash before its mind's eye.


You're in a pristine meadow, rocky and moss-covered, staring at a distant battalion of armoured Vodyani, orange light burning valiantly in their chests and faces. Suddenly, a lance of light pierces the grey, cloudy sky, and fire rips through the Vodyani army's ranks, kicking ash up into the wind as you stare, horrified. In an instant, you're stumbling through the cloud of ash, desperately searching for survivors, and then you're on your knees, holding a single, mangled sister of yours in your arms, shaking her as if to wake her from a sleep that would never end. You look out over the field, strewn with the bodies of your brothers and sisters, burning with the blackened moss on the rocky ground, and stare helplessly as a column of multi-limbed brutes marches inexorably towards you from the distance. You don't care. All that matters is the graveyard surrounding you. Your family is dead, robbed of their life, their honour, and all you could do was watch them as they died. No tears come with your weeping, and when your sorrow ignites into burning anger, you throw your head back and roar in futile, agonizing rage at the uncaring, grey sky.


With an exhaling noise, the world of 100 years ago disappears from Valorum's thoughts. His hand is still firmly on the door panel, and Zeroes was still standing next to him. He didn't know why he suddenly recalled that painful memory...but he did. Remembering Zeroes' question, he replies tersely:

"A map. Schematics. A floor plan of some kind. Anything that we can use to get a lay of the land. Otherwise, simply opening the door will suffice for now."

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 13, 2017, 1:44:06 PM

Whilst the others were busy trying to hack into the security systems of the ruins, Dhanyl examined and tested the properties of the black field. 

At first glance, it seemed like an actual black hole, but that was, of course, impossible. A black hole would sink towards the centre of the planet, due to its tremendous mass, and would swallow everything on its way there. thus it would grow and grow and eventually destroy the planet rather rapidly. this obviously wasn't the case, so it had to be something else...

None the less, again like a black hole, the thing swallowed every signal Dhanyl send in, making it impossible to discern what was inside. He needed something stronger...

What a lucky coincidence that they had a sentient signal beacon in their small team of explorers.

"Tainted." he said, whilst walking over to the Sower, "Can you get any data from inside the building?"

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7 years ago
Aug 13, 2017, 4:19:20 PM

"Positive. Amount: Low. 95% of send radiation was lost, 5% bounced back taking more time than expected. Room size probably small or tight and long.
 This Unit waits for a second's EM Burst to bounce back, it has focused and higher amounts of EM with the Wavelength of EM which bounced back before.
 Receiving second scan, processing ..."
The sower had some hiccups in its otherwise constant flowing as it was processing the data.
"Correction, the room appears to be large but with blocked areas, probably debris, some kind of shaft appears to lead down, data could be incorrect about that . 
 Data about the anomaly:" The Sower started to spit out different values and Numbers which don't make any sense to unschooled individuals, but Dhanyl got enough to start some theories and ideas. "Possibility of Unknown kind of Barrier: 67%. If Barrier true: Chance of it being powered by external grid: 90%"
The sower jumped up a bit after it finished it report.

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7 years ago
Aug 14, 2017, 7:35:19 AM

Zeroes recoiled from the flashing images mentally withdrawing from the traumatic scene, making a note to reach out to the captain privately once this away mission was over. Instead, it turned its attention inwards. As its focus shifted the digital illusion warped. Changing from swirling Dust and sigils to a more visceral experience, columns and vaulted ceilings sculpting themselves into Zeroes mind, the entire mental landscape resembling an M.C. Escher drawing. Looking "up" towards another floor Guide noticed various other shapes moving amongst the pillars. [We should assume a false form.] 

The digital rendition of Frame rippled inwards, compressing into a less out-of-place entity. Now resembling a short collection of pure white rounded spheres connected by seamless cylinders. After taking a moment to adjust, 0000 began searching the area, until suddenly +Access point identified.+ 0000's view warped, and a doorway guarded by one of the distant forms seemed to slid out from behind a post.

It was a fuzzed figure, formed of darkness, with empty grey/white pits for eyes. Elongated wiry arms ending in large clawed hands, as well as an upper torso that gradually cut off into tattered wisps at the waist. As 0000 drew closer the shadow held out one hand, barring the doorway, flickering slightly with an awkward staticky buzz.

{This one seems damaged, let's exploit this.}

The being spoke with a crackling, buzzing, voice, as parts of its form cut intermittently in and out.

"ZzZztAtE.... YoUr dEzZzIgNaTiOn aNd.... pUuUrPoZzZe."

0000 raised its hand as well, a seemingly literal handshake to represent the metaphorical one,  as it began to respond.

"Personal Administrative Device Unit number 0000, requesting access to the nearby doors security system, as well as map data, and any recent data logs."

The security system froze up momentarily, eyes narrowing with suspicion, but only until 0000's hand made contact. At which point a stream of data laced with Dust flowed from 0000 into the wraith, at which point the wraiths eyes flared wide open, igniting with a slightly green glow, and its body grew limp. 

{Aggressively overwriting security lockouts. It should hold for a minute or so tops, time to smash and grab.}

The vacant-eyed being seemed to be fighting the control, grimacing as it spoke, but clearly, the age of the terminal had corrupted had weakened its defences.

"AcCeZz.... gRaNtEd.... wElCoMe..."

The ghostly figure struggled against the glowing green chains that bound it, jerkily moving aside as 0000 strode past it into the glowing door, and entering a pure white room lined with windows into various security features. Followed closely behind by a thin stream of green that merged wih its primary form on the other side of the gateway, leaving behind a collapsing smokey form. Minor alarms went off inside Guides detection radius, many similar protocols now alert to the intrusion curiously investigating the sudden loss.

[Reinforcing current location.]

{Access controls overwritten.}

<Shutting down door.>

+Beginning data download.+

A sequence of images and sounds began flooding into the room, which represented the storage space contained within 0000, a cascade of related map fragments and data logs. A lot of the files were partial, but the sum of the parts painted a fairly decent picture of the facility. Which included several VERY interesting security features. One of the visual feeds Zeroes paid specific attention to displayed the barred hallway.As the data dump continued the barrier in the hallway flickered several times then powered down with a hum, the glowing circuits powering down as the room on the other side was revealed.

Meanwhile, back in the digital world, the data dump was proceeding with a slight complication. The security system had seemed frail at first, but once riled it had bite. The walls of 0000's self-defined haven were under vicious assault, multiple impacts denting the digital barrier as the howling specters threw themselves against its outside. 

{We can't hold them much longer.}

<Integrety weakening...>

+The transfer is still incomplete though!+

The next words Zeroes said were painfully forced out of its physical vox, each word an exertion to force out while still maintaining the integrity of its mental defences.

"Captain, I've... Opened the gate... And. Have a decent amount of data. But I'm experiencing some... Difficulties with the security in here.... I. Could. Try to. Force a bit more out. But there may be some risk. I'm willing to try it, should I? "

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7 years ago
Aug 14, 2017, 11:54:08 AM

"Of course! It is a containment field! Objects and signals can easily get inside but are then forced to stay there. That also explains why it is black, the light can't escape from the inside."

Dhanyl was so caught up in his conclusions that he didn't notice the flickering of the barrier. His mind was focused on other worries.

"But, why would they specifically want to keep stuff in there? What would be worth this trouble... and why a one-way barrier? Why would they want the ability to get in there when they deem the contained things as so dangerous that they had to be sealed away..."


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7 years ago
Aug 14, 2017, 6:23:11 PM

Seeing the barrier barring their progress flicker and fade, Valorum rapped the butt of his glaive against the ground twice, as if to applaud Zeroes for his work. Taking a moment to prop Stormbreaker against himself so he could activate his communicator with his less important hand, he replied to Ylona over the comms:

"That won't be necessary, Ylona. Zeroes managed to secure our entry. You are free to return to the Saviour."

After he responded to Ylona, Zeroes can practically see Valorum processing its words. In fact, with another grunt of exertion, another flickering series of scattered video footage seeps from the captain's mind into his subordinate's sensors.


"M'lord, the newest report and fleet data should be coming through...now."

Another screen popped up in front of Valorum, showing all the specifications of the UE occupied Adana system's newest defenders; the 2nd Patriots Armada. With the other viewscreens surrounding him, displaying planetside defensive emplacements, estimated supply stocks, and a list of fleet formations, Valorum was satisfied with the intelligence he had compiled. A vast, triangular bridge stretched out before him, larger than the hanger in the Saviour and wrought of jet-black metal. It was more of an auditorium than a bridge, sloping downwards from the captain's station step-by-step, so the dozens of Vodyani working at consoles were all within his sight from where he stood with Stormbreaker in his grasp. Directly in front of him, however, was the orange hologram of an Imperial woman, a CO from the looks of her dress-uniform, who he addressed praisingly:

"Excellent work, Sister Vasilya. Do you remain undetected?"

The officer Vasilya responded eagerly:

"Yes, but only barely. Security has become tighter around here lately, if you will pardon my excuses."

Valorum waved his free hand airily, dismissing the agent's explanation.

"That is of little consequence now, Sister. Withdraw and be swift. You are to remain in hiding until after the initial invasion, and will recieve further orders once we have secured a foothold."

Confusion took hold of the Imperial agent's expression.

"M'lord? Begging your pardon, but I'm sure there's still something I could-"

Valorum interrupted her:

"Not without a far greater risk, which is why I cannot ask any more of you. Considering your contributions to this invasion, to deny you the opportunity to see its end, as well as a proper, personal blessing, would be dishonourable."

Vasilya didn't seem to know how to take that. She momentarily looked wounded, being ordered to sit still. However, the acknowledging of her work, and the possibility of seeing her world freed and meeting Valorum in person, made her swell with hope and pride. With a bow, she said:

"You are too kind, Admiral Valar. Thank you."

'Admiral Valar' chuckled.

"It is a gift and a curse. Be well, Sister."

And the hologram cuts out, leaving Valar staring past his screen into the vast field of stars beyond, contemplating the coming battles.


Shaking away another unwanted flashback, Valorum answered his strained colleague:

"Withdraw, Zeroes. There will be more opportunities to recover data inside, at less secure terminals."

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 14, 2017, 7:11:33 PM

Decius unfurls his legs from a crouch, long limbs uncurling as he stands beside his work. It was hard procuring the parts, but not impossible. It was what he lived for, a collector of sorts, scattered tendrils of history and the past.

The past.

One long arm reaches out and brushes the cool, smooth metal surface of the suit. Seamless surfaces join together in beautiful curves, lines of energy pulse as if a heart compels it. Four arms unfold from the center torso, bulky and thick as the boughs of a well founded tree. Two legs supporting the weight of the mount stand like immoveable stone mountains dug deep into the core of a planet, strong but taught as heavy wire cables ready to snap.

A mechanical Craver.

Moving around to its front, Decius sighs with exasperation. Exposed frame sections miss plates, weaponry, circuitry. A crimson power supply pulses from the interior, one of the magnificent heists he had pulled off. Museums are the best places to retrieve relics, especially ones thought to be rendered harmless. Although plates could be replicated and salvaged, circuitry was unreasonably well guarded, especially by the Pilgrims. It was nearly impossible to come by by chance, but hopefully that would change when the ship began to move into Craver controlled areas. A grotesque leering faceplate leans down from the mostrous metal torso, empty eyes gleaming with hunger. The central operations system had not been compromised when the original shell was damaged, thankfully. Life support and mobility were finally complete, and the power generator was slotted into its shell. The only components missing were some of the weaponry systems and some frontal armor. Then the suit would be completed.

The Craver secures his tools on his frame, and closes the hidden accessway on the crate, locking it. After making sure that he was in the camera's blind spot and no one was watching, Decius leaves the cramped cargo bay.

It's time for a meal.

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7 years ago
Aug 16, 2017, 5:22:08 PM

0000 had split itself into multiple digital imprints to better divide the processing load when another blast from the captains past flared across Zeroes vision, the turmoil tearing one of 0000's own memories out of Automatons now pain-wracked digital form.


The hold of a Vodyani ship; a smiling United Empire diplomats face, quickly replaced by the same face screaming in pain as he was drained of life-force; the screams of said diplomat echoing through the frightened mind of a hidden spherical entity stowing away in a cargo ship accelerating away from a massive triangular hull, the still traumatized aide forever changed.



The dimmed green light of Automatons avatar brightened slightly as Zeroes called it back to the present, where the stark white room had undergone a drastic transformation. Cracks had appeared in the walls and ceiling, the various window frames were cracked or filling with static, and several of the dark forms had wormed their way in and were circling the four avatars below. Frame was positioned in front of a doorway encircled by light, arms outstretched and head down, bent over from the exertion of holding the doorway open. Zeroes was standing over Automatons kneeling form, shaking it to its feet. And Guide was rushing toward the gateway carrying armfuls of documents, shouting back as it barreled through the gateway.

+The Captain's given the word to extract Auto! Grab and Dash!+

Guide disappeared into the gate way with a "Zorp" as Automaton straightened and put a hand on Zeroes back, pushing it lightly towards the gateway, eye narrowing as looked past Zeroes towards the gateway Frame had moved to the centre of.

{Go...Automaton said, reaching to grab a file marked "Rem---- Aïnt-------".

Zeroes gave a brief look at  Automaton eye widening.

[You're not planning to!?...]

{GO!Automaton barked again, causing Zeroes to turn and dash toward to doorway, where it ducked under Frames extended arm to slide through the doorway.

Automaton stayed just long enough to grab a second nearby folder, before turning and running towards the gateway, diving and knocking Frame through the aperture just as one of the shades swooped down towards it. As Automaton just barely pushed Frame into the exit gate as it felt a chill hand grasp its ankle, rending the foot off at the joint. A silent howl erupted down the data stream as the aspects of 0000 cascaded into the waiting shell in the physical world. Upon re-amalgamating, 0000's hand flew off of the console with a loud "Pop", accompanied by a violent shudder as Frame dropped to the floor, hacking out a smokey cough.

"I got something.Zeros forced out, sending the most pertinent, intact data directly to Valorum before rising shakily to its feet.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 18, 2017, 10:49:54 PM

The only open port Zeroes finds with Valorum's data signature on it is the datapad in his briefcase. It's then that Zeroes realizes that, even though he is a synthetic being, the Captain has no wireless receiver, unlike Automatons, Sowers, and most other synthetic life forms. Virtually speaking (no pun intended), he cannot be wirelessly networked with.

The captain himself stumbles away as the door panel sparks, sputters, and dies. He barely keeps his balance, staring at the fried mess of electronics before seeing his datapad pop up from of his briefcase, with a flashing light indicating it has received a new file. Looking down at Zeroes as it tries to get to its feet, Valorum offers his hand to help, asking:

"And are you okay, Brother?"

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7 years ago
Aug 20, 2017, 12:17:52 AM

As the field vanishes, 7-4-1-N-7-3-D feels the urge to rush in and inspect the structure which lays inside and to simulate scenarios to see how it could be repurposed into a base.But it holds itself back, reminding the captain's reaction to its last dash forward.

"Has this Unit permission to explore?"

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7 years ago
Aug 20, 2017, 5:20:08 PM

Frame shakily rose to its feet on its own, Automaton rejecting the extended hand.

<We have sustained minor damage to the Dust stream in our right foot.>

+We'll likely have a slight limp for a while, it shouldn't be noticeable if we attempt to conceal it, I suggest we seek repairs soon.+

{Good, let's try to keep it under wraps for now.}

"Aye, Captain, exertion is the worst of it. I'm going to drop back and take a short rest for now."

Frame cascaded down into spherical mode, to better conceal its injury, then rolled toward Laudmas.

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7 years ago
Aug 22, 2017, 5:39:12 AM

Valorum watches as Zeroes rolls away and looks back at his hand, pondering whether his subordinate's refusal of kindness had been from humility, pride, or fear. That's when he notices that his still outstretched hand trembling ever so slightly. Grabbing his wrist, Valorum flexes his hand to rid it of the unwanted tick before returning to the group, looking into the darkened doorway. Short of entering it, however, Valorum replies to 7-1-4:

"Almost. There is one final order of business."


Rather than fuss about with the panel controls like the Automaton and the Vodyani were doing, Chidi had decided to be proactive. He had been carrying a crate that contained the team's primary radio beacon, and while everyone else fussed about with the door, he had been assembling it a short distance back. It wasn't easy, but he had done it enough times before that he was familiar. By now, the dish, console, stand, and 48-hour power-supply were all set up in working order, and as he turned it on, the machine sent out a radio ping that he picked up on his communicator. Satisfied, he straightened up and admired his work for a moment before he heard the captain call back:

"Private Tehik! I take it the beacon is online?"

Chidi called back in response:

"Aye, captain!"

And with that order of business concluded, Chidi slid his rifle off his shoulder and armed it as the captain addressed the entire team:

"Make any remaining preparations now, everyone! Once we're past the doorway, we need to be ready for anything!"

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7 years ago
Aug 24, 2017, 8:03:55 PM

Tainted had an incredible urge to explore the ruins in front of him as it was made for such tasks, the fear of such ruins which it's more emotional dust-infused thinking patterns were infusing into the sowers mood was blocked out by it for now.

It made some checks.
<Tools? Still grabbed by my claws.
   I don't need more antifreeze ...
   Equipped tool for the multi tool arm: Pneumatic hammer
   Sensors: On all EM-Frequencies
   I should do a quick scan for security systems before i activate my lights for the others.>

It also made sure that it can receive the radio beacon's signal.
7-4-1 puts most of its power on its graviton engine, sensors and its subroutines which are necessary for it reacting to any possible threat. It hovered into the half darkness that was the ruins.
Tainted ignored most details of the room and searched for threats , it directly noticed two turrets, one left and one right of the door , they weren't visible from looking through the entrance , they don't look like build into the building but quickly installed there ,Tainted tried to stop before it reached what it estimated as their aiming zone, but failed.

“Alert! Security systems detected!”

 They weren't shooting.

<Maybe they haven't detected me, or I am no recognizable hostile for them ?>
It inspects the turrets more.
After some serious amount of time, it responded, clarifying that it was alive :
“The Security Measurements were poorly installed, they used a secondary energy supply, which has drained.” The both turrets were pointing into the ruin and were connected to one large battery, which probably drained out eons ago “This Unit confirms that it is safe to enter, although it would like to go slightly ahead to reduce the chance of whole team damage.”
It turns around, looking into the ruin, a long hallway in front of it filled with debris, knowing that a shaft is at the end of it, maybe an elevator or stairs or a Pitt.

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7 years ago
Aug 26, 2017, 9:09:01 PM

After seeing his subordinate load up and prime his rifle, Rolak checks the clip on his gun, arms it, and smiles a sharp-toothed smile, calling out:

"Ready for action, Captain!"

Valorum nods, seeing his team ready, and turns just in time to see 7-1-4 rush into the open entrance, against his command.

"7-1-4! Wait!"

He ran towards the entrance, and upon hearing the Sower cry out its warning, his hand went to Stormbreaker's handle as he ran in, seeing the inside of the ruin for the first time. It was definitely Endless, judging from the heptagonal shape of the hallway, as well as the scrawled writing and faded leylines on the walls and the vaulted ceiling. The hallway itself was a ramp which sloped down gradually into the bowels of the planet, and the ruins proper no doubt. The two turrets that 7-1-4 were examining were 8 metres from the doorway, but before Valorum could begin to reprimand the recklessness of his subordinate, he noticed one innocuous detail about the turrets.

They're facing...the inside?

After a long, almost deathly silence, Valorum called back:

"Laudmas! Can you carry the box of radio beacons and my briefcase for me?"

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