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ES:D Stream tonight

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8 years ago
Sep 10, 2016, 2:27:13 PM

Hello everybody,

a little bit of shameless self-promotion here:

In anticipation of Endless Space coming into Early Access Soon(TM), I have decided to start streaming a game of Endless Space: Disharmony, most likely using the Hectic Combat mod.

The first session will be tonight at 9pm CEST at http://www.twitch.tv/fablescroll 

I'd love for this stream to involve the community, be it in the form of ship and system names or voting on the bigger decisions.

In fact, a vote on which faction to play is available here: http://www.strawpoll.me/11194361

Hopefully, I will see at least a few of you even on such short notice.

P.S. As soon as either ES2 or Tempest come out, the stream content will of course shift to the relevant game.

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8 years ago
Sep 16, 2016, 9:04:41 AM

Reminder: I will continue the stream tomorrow at 9pm CEST

Summary so far:

The Sowers, finding themselves trapped in an abysmally tiny constellation, quickly developed the technology to traverse wormholes, only to run into the automatons. Seeing kindred spirits, a peace treaty was signed, only to be broken by the Automatons over a desire for more space to live. After a thorough beating, they conceded most of their territory to the Sowers, for the glory of the Virtuals, while the terraformers are till embroiled in war against the despicable neutr... Harmony.

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