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Endless Space Discord

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8 years ago
Sep 26, 2016, 6:03:32 PM

Hello. I have recently created a Discord Server to discuss Endless Space and Endless Space 2(Which as has been stated plenty of times but can't be overstated hopefully be coming soon). Discord for those who don't know is kinda like a combination of Skype and Teamspeak thing and is becoming rather popular.

The link to join the Server is here: https://discord.gg/ychb2mp

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8 years ago
Sep 27, 2016, 2:28:25 PM

Update: Due to demands for an Endless Legend Discord and the impracticality of having two seperate Discord servers given the big overlap, the server was updated to be a general server for Amplitude's games with channels for ES, EL and DotE.

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