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Connecticut shooting...

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12 years ago
Dec 17, 2012, 3:18:57 AM
It's so sad that this happens over and over again.

I guess it's too early to talk about gun controls, but man, every few months we have to face these massacres.

With all due respect, I still want to ask, do you think guns should be banned or at least improve legislature to make it harder to obtain guns?
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12 years ago
Dec 17, 2012, 3:59:22 AM
It isn't an issue about guns. That's what people will be shouting about for the next few months (and video games--I've already read some people blaming Mass Effect 3), but it's more than that. Simply creating stricter gun laws won't do a thing. Someone who plans out these kinds of atrocities will find their way to get their hands on a gun--be it getting it illegally, or stealing it from someone who purchased them legally. The real issues are these:

1. Schools are not secure. Money is being spent on updating school to make them more tech savvy, or to upgrade sports facilities, to upgrade this or that, but other simply things are getting left out. There should be NO one in the building during the school day except for staff, students and police. A room can be dedicated near the entrance to deal with visitors and parents, and should they need to go into the school proper, they can have an escort. The fact that people can just get into schools so easily with weapons is inexcusable.

2. We need more help for those suffering from mental issues. This shooter is thought to have been mentally disturbed, the Colorado theatre shooter is mentally disturbed, the Columbine kids (I think, I may be wrong) were mentally disturbed...Seeing a pattern here? I have my own opinions on this issue, but over all, I don't know enough to make any true comments. Be it better safety nets to catch these people and get them help, or...something...This needs looked at.

Targeting guns will just meet a legislative dead end. Left and right will just butt heads, lobbyists will rally, and nothing will get done. But it's the "easy" solution, for politicians to make it look like they're getting something done, without getting anything done.
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12 years ago
Dec 17, 2012, 11:45:00 PM
I think we should just let God sort the issue out. smiley: sarcastic
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12 years ago
Dec 19, 2012, 11:29:53 AM
InFlamesWeTrust wrote:
I think we should just let God sort the issue out. smiley: sarcastic

I guess, some of the partents will ask where god is, "allowing" their kids to die..

- I'm not sure if it's a good idea do discuss this theme, but I hope that new laws for weapons help - although I think the weapon-lobby is too strong.
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12 years ago
Dec 19, 2012, 11:41:44 AM
Well, the problem of us europeans with american armament is simply, that we have a monopoly of force of the state, while the US have an oligopoly of force of the people and the state.

I won't elaborate how this affects statistics of gunfire wounds, etc. Just let me say that this is very akin to opening Pandora's Box, in my opinion.

In the US it has been opened, as it has been in any country with a civil war around the world, it cannot be closed anymore and the weapons are, due to popular opinion and inertia of armament, basically untouchable. So I have to agree with Strigon, that the root why people go lunatic has to be attacked. This is problematic, of course, since basic solutions always seem to do nothing, until the statisticians say: "We've got less, yay!", but I don't think it's tangible to go any other way in the US.

What is unreasonable, though, is to make any school into a prison with 10m-walls. Otherwise you will certainly not be able to enforce a service that escorts each and every visitor, necessary finances for this endeavour aside. And just having "one room" to search people is already a problem, since one bomb on the bottom of a fully packed bag, one quick go to the toilet and then you'd have free entry to a school with only one exit. If I can think of that as a bad idea, someone with a deathwish will certainly think of that, too. -.- (Also problems with escape routes in case of fire etc.)
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12 years ago
Dec 25, 2012, 12:50:23 AM
It's not about the weapons (although I don't get it why military grade assault weaponry should be available to civilians) but rather about the people. I could have dozens of weapons at home and so could my family and friends and it would mean a thing, nothing would happen and no one would go mental.

The key is combatting the reasons for why people go on rampages, such as unemployment, poverty, lack of education, lacking healthcare etc.

But one thing's a given: you can restrict access to weapons (and that, IMO would probably be a wise move) but someone intent on creating a massacre will always, literally always no doubt about it, find ways to see his/her plans through. You could go ballistic armed with just an axe or shovel, so yes, please do more for social welfare!
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