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How many people played Master of Orion and what were your thoughts?

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12 years ago
Dec 6, 2012, 5:07:16 PM
Master of Orion was the 1st 4X game that I ever played and I still have all of them(somewhere). From what I have been told, this was the first good 4X game to be made. The sequels were good and all, but I still gravitate towards the 1st one. I have also heard stories of some studio trying to pick up the IP and create a new one.

Would you like to see a Master of Orion reboot?
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12 years ago
Dec 6, 2012, 6:51:11 PM
MoO1 had style, personality, and most of all simplicity. MoO1 didn't try to do everything that a modern 4X game would do, but almost everything it did, it did well. My main complaint is that all those sliders were annoying, and tiny, difficult to get just right, adjustments could be important.

Giving MoO1 a face-lift, a modern interface and graphics could make a really good game. It might even work on tablets.

If somebody is just going to "re-imagine" or "reboot" MoO, well good for them, but that's how more or less every other space 4X game came to be. I don't think actually owning the MoO1 name would give much advantage in making a new good 4X, except a marketing advantage. In short, i wouldn't be excited about a game because it has the MoO name on it. As MoO3 demonstrated (at least in my opinion) official MoO sequels can be lousy.
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12 years ago
Dec 6, 2012, 6:55:58 PM
I really hope that who ever wants to do this doesn't "re-imagine" it because that would take away from the whole point of remaking it and the studio that does it will get a hurricane of community backlash.

Also, "reboot" was a poor word choice on my part.
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 4:28:59 AM
I'm a fan - played all three and still have them all, with MoO2 currently installed. The only other 4x games I liked as much were Imperium Galactica II and BotF (each for their own reasons), and MoO2 was the last really decent 4x space game in my book. GalCiv, Sins, armada, star ruler, all have fallen short of the mark to the point of boring me into quitting after one or two replays. MoO3 might have been a good game if the original designer had been allowed to finish the game, but it was released so hacked that even amateurs could scan the contents to find myriad features and systems that were arbitrarily disabled in order to release.

I'd enjoy a MoO1 or 2 release with a facelift, or one designed for Iphones, especially with mutliplayer options. I appreciated the galactic back story for all three games, so I'd probably enjoy a MoO4 set in the same galaxy - just have to see if the always redesigned game-play would be sufficient to keep me playing after a couple replays.
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12 years ago
Dec 28, 2012, 12:41:11 AM
Late to this party, but I absolutely LOVE the Master of Orion series. Have the first and third sitting in a cabinet in my front room. Sadly, I don't think I've ever played MoO2.
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12 years ago
Dec 28, 2012, 10:52:42 PM
Mr.Spartan126 wrote:

Would you like to see a Master of Orion reboot?

If you're interested, there is a work in progress game out trying to recapture MoO, called Beyond Beyann. Haven't tried it personally, but it's worth looking into at least.
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12 years ago
Jan 5, 2013, 3:53:43 PM
I never played Moo1, but I did play Moo2 for a while. A great game, even if it had its own flaws and if the combat felt like it had the tendency to get locked into certain required/significantly better setups so that you pretty much only had a couple ways to feasible build up. Still fun though.
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