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Endless Day 2017 Roundup

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8 years ago
Nov 28, 2016, 2:04:41 AM

So, I am planning on going to Endless Day in Jan 2017 when the dates are announced and confirmed but... big butt here. This would be my first time in France and my French is absolutely... forgotten.

This is a shout out to anyone active on the forums enough to see it: 

  • Are you going to go to Paris for Endless Day? 
  • Is your French better than mine? :')
  • Have you been before, to Paris or ED or Whatever? 
  • And are you open to the idea to buddy up or something, like staying in the same Hotel and walking round Paris n' that?

Just poking around to see what the interest is in advance.

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8 years ago
Jan 6, 2017, 11:32:18 AM
Digitalhawk96 wrote:
  • Are you going to go to Paris for Endless Day? 


  • Is your French better than mine? :')

Nope ^^

  • Have you been before, to Paris or ED or Whatever? 


  • And are you open to the idea to buddy up or something, like staying in the same Hotel and walking round Paris n' that?

Maaaybe ^^

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8 years ago
Jan 9, 2017, 1:39:05 AM

Hah I forgot about this shout out. <w<

Alright just letting yall know that I'll not be able to make it for personal reasons ~ indeed how sad. Maybe next year though! Or not... or maybe! We will see how life goes.

Although by all means, you can use this thread for rounding up some folk if you are looking to find someone to get lost together in Paris with!

Oh and @icarus: Thanks for replying m8. Enjoy yourself on ED!

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