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Will Amplitude buy some IP from THQ?

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12 years ago
Jan 12, 2013, 2:53:08 PM
We all know THQ will be split in pieces and have everything sold to the highest bidder.

Would it be realistic if amplitude issued a bid on one of THQ's IP (intellectual property) to use for its next game? smiley: sarcastic

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12 years ago
Jan 13, 2013, 8:22:20 AM
THQ as a whole is worth an estimated 60 million; that is workforce and office included (+ studios and everything.)

So I was thinking buying a single IP should be to expensive (of course the big, well known, ones are worth very much).

Or am I completely wrong?
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12 years ago
Jan 13, 2013, 8:34:34 AM
As I understand it THQ currently wants to sell as a complete package, unless they receive some serious offers.

I still maintain that if they had stuck to their guns with the Summoner series they could have made some serious franchise profit there smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Jan 16, 2013, 1:00:34 AM
Now if EA would all do us all a favor and do the same as THQ.
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12 years ago
Jan 16, 2013, 5:25:28 AM
Not going to happen, you see in game industry, same as in real world and any DC or Marvel comics, there must be a bad guy. Otherwise the story doesn't make sense smiley: smile

EA is the bad guy who tears and rips off companies that had good titles, ideas, and respect for customers, and come up with the most evil inventive ways to rip everyone off and suck every penny they can before killing franchises (sad but true, am looking at you BioWare and the shame of last releases).
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12 years ago
Jan 16, 2013, 7:09:25 AM
Anelyn wrote:
Not going to happen, you see in game industry, same as in real world and any DC or Marvel comics, there must be a bad guy. Otherwise the story doesn't make sense smiley: smile

EA is the bad guy who tears and rips off companies that had good titles, ideas, and respect for customers, and come up with the most evil inventive ways to rip everyone off and suck every penny they can before killing franchises (sad but true, am looking at you BioWare and the shame of last releases).

Strangely enough, I was thinking of BioWare as well when I wrote that, since I feel that EA is mostly to blame for what has happened with BioWare's releases lately. Does not mean that BioWare is completely blameless, but that they do not deserve about 90 to 95 percent of it.

Too bad the game industry is not an exception to having bad guys.
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