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12 years ago
Feb 4, 2013, 3:52:37 PM
Anyone play it? Just started playing it in January and love it so much that I bought a subscription.

Anyone else played it? Thoughts?
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12 years ago
Feb 5, 2013, 4:19:05 PM
I play Rift, and a few of the guildies and other online friends went to try it out.

Turns out, they all thought it was shit compared to Rift, so they all came back.

Haven't tried it myself, but the general consensus is that it's bad. Well, everything except the voice acting.
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12 years ago
Feb 5, 2013, 7:31:44 PM
I haven't tried it yet, but I'm not tempted to give it a try.. maybe because I heard that it's bad.

Knights of the Old Republic smiley: approval
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