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Favorite ChildHood Game Thread

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8 years ago
Jan 27, 2017, 4:12:53 PM

List of Questions to Answer!

Favorite ChildHood game?

Would you recommend to me or a stranger?

Would you revisit that game sometime in the feature and complete is all over again?

Did it somehow change who you are right now? (As in changed your point of view or emotionally touched you to pursuit something in real life)

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8 years ago
Jan 27, 2017, 4:16:19 PM

Mine is:

Favorite ChildHood game?

Disciples Sacred Lands Gold

Would you recommend to me or a stranger?



Would you revisit that game sometime in the feature and complete is all over again?

To player with a friend multiplayer

Did it somehow change who you are right now? (As in changed your point of view or emotionally touched you to pursuit something in real life)

Strategy games ROLL my world

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 30, 2017, 10:45:06 AM

Mine was an action boardgame called "Crossbow and catapults". I played this with my brother a lot and that was super cool when I was 8-10. After a few years playing this and some extentions (I think I had all these), I made a dungeon crawler boardgame with the components + some Legos (I was the bad dudes and my little brother was the hero), then I was a rolist. :)

This game was re-implemented in 2007 by "Battleground: Crossbow & Catapult".

Do I recommend it ?

I'm not sure it was "the best child game ever" by today's standards, but it was really fun for me. So I'd recommend it for two children (not for one parent and one child, because the parent may not want to play it for hours whereas the children could do this).

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 30, 2017, 4:43:45 PM

Heroes of Might and Magic 2!

I absolutely recommend the whole HOMM series up to and including HOMM5.

HOMM6 was nice IMO, but with way too many bugs (some of which are still not fixed).

After reading all the user reviews about HOMM7, I didn't bother checking it out personally...

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8 years ago
Feb 1, 2017, 8:33:38 PM
GrishaPro wrote:

I actually played that game too! 

Specifically a lot of Might and Magic 3!

HOMM3 is widely regarded as the best in the series. Period.

I tend to share that feeling, although personally, I didn't mind the radical changes in HOMM4 or HOMM6.

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8 years ago
Feb 5, 2017, 12:22:39 AM

The sly cooper series was the Shazz for me growing up. I consider Sly cooper 2: Band Thieves was my personal favorite. great mechanics, atmosphere, story, artsyle , and music.

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8 years ago
Feb 5, 2017, 9:14:01 AM

Apart from Heroes of Might and Magic III (these days including free HD fan patch and "Horn of the Abyss" mod) Sid Meiers "Pirates" comes into my mind...

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8 years ago
Feb 17, 2017, 8:35:44 AM

Sierra City-Building series. As a kid I once got Pharaoh from a relative, and oh boy, I still remember how we tried to keep the CD going after years of use.

I've bought myself Pharaoh, Zeus and Emperor on GoG now, and honestly, the games are still as good as I remember. That is one genre I'd love to see a proper reboot of. Neither Cities: Skylines nor Banished have the same kind of scale.

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8 years ago
Feb 17, 2017, 8:53:33 AM

Some more games from C 64 days came into my mind: 

1) "Heart of Africa"

2) "Seven cities of Gold"

3) "Spy vs Spy I+II" (multiplayer)

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