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XBOX 720 to ban use of used games

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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 6:42:47 AM
I just came across this article talking about how the upcoming "Xbox 720" will have always-on DRM protection and may block used games via one-time-use activations codes. How would you all feel about this?

Personally, with the patent filing of how the Kinect can block the use of "unlicensed people" watching a rented or purchased movie, I think I'm going to go ahead and get a Playstation 4 now. Microsoft is going in the wrong direction (on various products), and the Xbox was the only one I was happy with. Welp, I have rid my life of Windows, and soon the Xbox.
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 6:50:46 AM
I thought PS4 was doing this..? Maybe both or I just misheard and it was Xbox 720. I wouldn't really recommend PS4 since I think they said it will only play PS4 games and none of its previous varients. Just wait and see the reviews when it comes out, people have been having a lot of second thoughts on PS4 because of what Sony's CEO has been saying (and that they haven't showed a single picture of what it looks like)
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 7:58:48 AM
i really hate drm. what if a peron buys a new xbox or something or wants to trade in the game. i think the studios should listen to us when we say we hate drm who the hell even likes it
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 9:02:13 AM
o.O? i was thinking too that PS4 is going to do this

iam pretty sure about that.

now Xbox is doing the same shit? realy are u sure?

how stupid someone can be the PS players would now buy all Xbox720 but if they both do this shit the win no new customers.
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12 years ago
Mar 14, 2013, 3:49:28 PM
This is an inevitable outcome given widespread acceptance of digital distribution of games, for Xbox PS and PC.

I believe this will have a much greater negative effect on the console market. With the exception of new releases, console games generally cost more. This is essentially because console developers make more money from game sales than PC game distribution services do, the cost of creating games on PS & Xbox architecture is overall more cost-intensive than PC game development, and there is less competition in console game pricing.

I accept that in the future I won't be able to buy used games. I do not accept paying over half of the original retail price for a 2+ year old game. People will flock to the PC gaming market because prices drop quicker (as it costs them less to develop, they make a profit quicker) and there is more competition in pricing. PC pricing still beats consoles' 'Greatest Hits' releases at $30 for a 2 year old games, and keeping a 5+ year old game at a $30 bargain price is just unacceptable. There are great games for PC <2 years old that typically go on sale for ~$5 (e.g. Deus Ex HR). You simply can't find console games at these low prices: http://www.steamgamesales.com/

Console games need to reconcile their pricing with their PC competitors.

tldr - It all comes down to $. PC > consoles because of lower costs.
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12 years ago
Mar 14, 2013, 11:16:48 PM
Mansen wrote:
I'm pretty sure the rumors are false in the case of both consoles. :l

I'm not sure yet, but I had the similar thought.

Let's wait n see.
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12 years ago
Mar 17, 2013, 12:29:19 AM
Mansen wrote:
I'm pretty sure the rumors are false in the case of both consoles. :l


murph wrote:
This is an inevitable outcome given widespread acceptance of digital distribution of games, for Xbox PS and PC.

Clipping the majority of your post, but in short: everything you say is true, but you're a decade ahead of your time. Console manufacturers would love to have DRM and to ban used games the way PC games have, but the problem is, the audience for console games is the audience that demands the right to used games. If they suddenly released a new system right now that completely prevented used games, I can guarantee they will not profit from their investment. The next generation is going to ease into the idea that used games are becoming obsolete, but it won't be another generation - perhaps even two - before used games become something we'll tell our grandkids to remind them just how old we are.
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