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The Endless Series - Future Games?

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8 years ago
Feb 17, 2017, 3:23:12 PM

As you all might know, the Endless series has incredible potential to set off a huge line of games, quality games that would blow most of the new ones created by AAA studios and publishers out of the water. So far all of them have been amazing and fun strategy 4X games (with the exception of Dungeon of the Endless, but still a strategy game nonetheless. It's still fun and challenging however! Perhaps a bit too challenging, I've never been able to beat it once, but I still had fun with it, specially with friends.), but I think that the setting in which these games are set on and the way it is presented can allow for games of other genre to be set in the Endless universe.

I've constantly thought about the devteam coming up with an open world (open universe?) RPG-styled game with highly customizable character creation and development that would set you in any of the known Eras of the universe, say, during the development of the Endless before they left their homeplanet and evolved into the Endless, or perhaps during the time of their collapse and the wars between the Concrete and Virtual endless, and how the Cravers were developed. Maybe even an RPG game set in the Endless Legend era, playing as a character from any of the races and working to find out the secrets of Auriga.

But in short, I'd like to discuss about what kinds of games may spawn from this lore and series masterfully created by Amplitude Studios, and how high-quality they might come out to be since they're a mostly independant group.

It's great to think how awesome it would be to play as a Craver striving to survive in the desolate world of Husk, seeing the immense craters left behind by the Endless's orbital bombardment, or working as an Imperial Agent rooting out Pilgrims and their sympathizers in Raia, or perhaps playing as a Duelist Hissho in a gladiatorial arena for the entertainment of the Endless.

What kinds of games would you like to see the devteam develop in the future, once they're done with Endless Space 2?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 18, 2017, 10:59:43 AM

Imagine another Endless Legend but with an inheritance feature of sorts. Like as you finish games all of your actions from the last time will show up the next time maybe. or something similar. Wouldn't even have to be the Endless legend game exclusively either,

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8 years ago
Feb 18, 2017, 11:38:26 AM
Enoingt wrote:

Imagine another Endless Legend but with an inheritance feature of sorts. Like as you finish games all of your actions from the last time will show up the next time maybe. or something similar. Wouldn't even have to be the Endless legend game exclusively either,

Another rogue-like, metroidvania style \o/

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 19, 2017, 3:34:01 AM
BG123 wrote:

I think we all can agree an RPG would be perfect for the series, but why not a horror game? Imagine playing a lowly Sophon trying to make its way out of a Craver-boarded ship, having to rely on superior wits and knowledge of his environment.

That's a pretty nifty idea. With the Sophon's superior intelligence, it could rely on the ship's systems itself to make traps or avoid the Cravers searching for him. Kind of like in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic you could slice/hack computers and terminals, overcharge them and blow them up to kill the people in the room to avoid a direct confrontation with them.

There's plenty of room for innovative gameplay mechanics in games like these with the setting of the series.

Just picture it, crawling through vents and setting off alarms in other rooms to distract the cravers or opening airlocks and spacing enemies running after you. It's awesome.

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8 years ago
Feb 19, 2017, 3:38:22 AM
Kweel_Nakashyn wrote:

Another rogue-like, metroidvania style \o/

Now that's something I can get behind. A classic-style game. It'd be awesome to run around as a runaway Hissho gladiator beating enemies up in a platformer with a bit of lore and story behind it.

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