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Software and a Bug

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8 years ago
Mar 7, 2017, 12:13:15 PM


Really like this design and movability of this forum just have a bug i found and just want to inform you guys i do not know if this is a issue just on my side or everywhere else also. When i go the ideas section and click on Greenlit or any of the other topics it just loads even if i go back and refresh and click again on a status it does not open... unless i have clicked on browse all first i have tested this a few times and i think the error in the image is related.


Also i read you use Rest Api's for this system so something i started using is GraphQL and it is amazing, go check it out saves me so much time.

Keep up the good work.


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8 years ago
Mar 7, 2017, 12:16:00 PM

or this one , it pops up now every time i click on a status topic, and when i clicked on browse all and went back and click on a status it worked.

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