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English vs. Verification Email

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7 years ago
May 19, 2017, 9:44:24 PM

I signed up for the forum today to report a bug, but almost didn't when this interesting piece of poetry was sent to me

This set off a bunch of red flags for me (since broken English is generally a tell-tale sign of phishing) but I eventually decided that it was genuine and (hopefully) did not receive any viruses.
I hope Amplitude fixes it up soon, because it could scare people off, or give them a heart-attack if they didn't notice the Engrish until after clicking the link.

Was everyone's email like this? If not, I hope this was good for a laugh.
Does anyone know why this happened? I'm not sure if someone got a little tipsy while writing it, if it was a bad French-to-English translation, or if ENFER is just trying to screw with us.

I just pray to the Virtuals that I don't need a new computer. 

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7 years ago
Jun 5, 2017, 1:26:13 PM

Oh you're right, this isn't pretty and shoul be fixed. We'll be looking into this. Thanks!

Updated 7 years ago.
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