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[Current] Space X Falcon 9 launch

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11 years ago
Nov 25, 2013, 10:30:51 PM
At the time I'm writing this the clock is stopped at T-minus 13 minutes (13 minutes to launch), while they work on an issue with a valve.

There is a 66 minute window (which including the on-hold is over 70 minutes) to launch the rockets and get a satellite in orbit.

Livestream: http://new.livestream.com/spacex/SES8
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11 years ago
Nov 25, 2013, 10:44:51 PM
I'm going to record the launch anyway, for those who missed it. smiley: smile

All systems have been confirmed to work. T-minus 10, computers are taking over.
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11 years ago
Nov 25, 2013, 10:46:30 PM
assortedbits wrote:
I'm going to record the launch anyway, for those who missed it. smiley: smile

All systems have been confirmed to work. T-minus 10, computers are taking over.

Yes, I'm watching it currently too smiley: biggrin
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11 years ago
Nov 25, 2013, 11:16:03 PM
I'll update this post from now on.

23:07 UTC:

Sheesh, I have no stakes in this operation and I'm feeling funny.

At T-minus 6m11s they terminated the terminal count¹ (Liquid Oxigen Tank anomaly detected) and now it's reset to T- 13m00s (standard procedure).

They're currently recalculating a new launch-time within the time-frame they still have and recheck everything.

23:11 UTC: Recycle (change everything to their status at T-minus 13m) completed, launch scheduled for 23:30 UTC.

23:13 UTC: Countdown started again, now at T- 16m**s

23:17 UTC: T- 13m. All 14 operators gave their "Go", terminal count initiated.

23:20 UTC: T- 10m

23:25 UTC: Support tower retracts

23:27 UTC: countdown halted at T- 3m40s

23:35 UTC: Launch aborted, rescheduled for thursday at 22:38 UTC


¹ Both the ground and flight computer start their preparations for launch at T-minus 10m00s and take control. The only things the humans can do is cancel the countdown if they notice anomalies.
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11 years ago
Nov 28, 2013, 10:46:52 PM
That's a first... It successfully counted down to T- 0, then the board computer did a check on the engines, said "I can't let you do that, Dave" and aborted the lift-off on T+ 2sec.

(This is an intended safety-measure by the way. On a successful countdown, the rocket is held for a couple of seconds while last checks are done.)

Second abort at T- 48sec

CEOElonMusk wrote:
"If launch aborts, we will bring the rocket down for engine inspection, so probably a few days before next attempt"

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11 years ago
Nov 29, 2013, 1:16:44 AM
I suppose private companies have never really had the success government supported agencies do. Space flight is so intricate its not even funny anymore lol
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11 years ago
Dec 4, 2013, 5:46:17 AM
The European Space Agency uses commercial rockets IIRC. Besides that, SpaceX' philosophy is that they rather abort a launch if there's any doubt, no matter how small, than launch it (which could cost them millions if the satellite they're supposed to lift gets destroyed.

Anyway, the damn thing stopped mocking us and was sent into orbit about seven hours ago. After about 30 to 40 minutes the client who commissioned this launch (SES) noted that they had control over their satellite with no damages and thanked SpaceX.

Here's a link to the recorded webcast by Megneous, you'll start just before the final 10 seconds before launch. Note how the rocket stays for a couple of seconds after the launch time, this is one of those security measures (the T0 is between 17:40:58 & 17:40:59, actual lift-off is 17:41:01). The first attempt last Thursday was terminated because the (flight-)computer found an anomaly in those last seconds when a check of all systems was performed. Last Thursday this was because oxygen was found in essential ignition-chemicals which don't contain oxygen-atoms on their own.
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